CCWRO Budget Alerts

Document 2014-#16 CCWRO Bill Tracker

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” CCWRO Public Benefits California Legislative Bill Action Tracker #2014-16 August 15, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Legislative Calendar for 201 2 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 2 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 3 Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose [bookmark: _GoBack]Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills. Final Recess begins upon adjournment What’s New? Summary of 2014-2015 State Budget Actions Affecting CalWORKs $1.1 billion was stolen from CalWORKs babies, children and families and used as CalWORKs INVOLUNTARY contribution to the state general fund while grants remain at the 1988 level. CalWORKs Funding Federal Funds $3.7 billion State Match $3 billion TOTAL CalWORKs Funding $6.7 billion CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the second trimester of pregnancy. Passed the Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. NEXT- Senate Floor. AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Passed the Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. NEXT- Senate Floor. AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Passed the Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. NEXT- Senate Floor. AB 2252 John Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. To Engrossing and Enrolling. Waiting for Governor Action. AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. Killed in Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school-attendance penalty for children under 16 as there is already a truancy penalty in the California Education Code. Passed the Senate Appropriations on 8-14-14. NEXT- Senate Floor. AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Passed the Assembly Approps. on 8-14-14. NEXT- Assembly Floor. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Ordered to Senate Inactive File SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SR 54- Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This resolution declares that on the 20th anniversary of the passage of the bill enacting the MFG rule, that this law should be repealed as soon as legislatively possible. To be heard on the Senate Floor SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Cris Forsyth cris\/[email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 5035 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Elizabeth Watson [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (R) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines (R) Senator Jerry Hill (D), Senator Ricardo Lara (D) Senator Alex Padilla (D) Senator Darrell Steinberg (D) Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 [image: ] [image: ] Know Your Legislators [image: ] Assembly Members’ Addresses [image: ] Senators’ Addresses Organization of the Legislature [image: ] Assembly Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Calendar [image: ] Rules of the Legislature Legislative Process Information [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (GIF) [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (TEXT) [image: ] Glossary of Legislative Terms [image: ] [image: ] [image: ] Stolen CW 1.1 5.6 Home Page Feedback Help angst 15,2014 CCWRO Pee eet coe at eects ore Legislative Calendar for 201, Whalk’s New? ‘Summary of 2014-2015 State Budget Actions ‘Affecting CalWORKs [$37 billon, [$3 billion [TOTAL CalWORKs Funding 136.7 billion 51.1 bition stolen rom {cou Phone 90748001 Email eva slanecwra. ony ”

Document 2014-#15 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3326 downloads

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” CCWRO Public Benefits California Legislative Bill Action Tracker #2014-15 July 15, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Legislative Calendar for 2014 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 3 Aug. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess Aug. 15 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills. Final Recess begins upon adjournment What’s New? Summary of 2014-2015 State Budget Actions Affecting CalWORKs $1.1 billion was stolen from CalWORKs babies, children and families and used as CalWORKs INVOLUNTARY contribution to the state general fund while grants remain at the 1988 level. CalWORKs Funding Federal Funds $3.7 billion State Match $3 billion TOTAL CalWORKs Funding $6.7 billion CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] [bookmark: _GoBack]ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. NEXT STEP: Senate Approps. Suspense File 8-14-14, 10:00 am Room 4203 AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. NEXT STEP: Senate Approps. Suspense File 8-14-14, 10:00 am Room 4203 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the second trimester of pregnancy. NEXT STEP: Senate Approps. Suspense File 8-14-14, 10:00 am Room 4203 AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 30, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 2252 John Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. To Engrossing and Enrolling. Waiting for Governor Action. AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school-attendance penalty for children under 16 as there is already a truancy penalty in the California Education Code. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. August 4, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. NEXT STOP Assembly Approps. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Ordered to Senate Inactive File SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SR 54- Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This resolution declares that on the 20th anniversary of the passage of the bill enacting the MFG rule, that this law should be repealed as soon as legislatively possible. To be heard on the Senate Floor SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Cris Forsyth cris\/[email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 5035 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Elizabeth Watson [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (R) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines (R) Senator Jerry Hill (D), Senator Ricardo Lara (D) Senator Alex Padilla (D) Senator Darrell Steinberg (D) Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 [image: ] [image: ] Know Your Legislators [image: ] Assembly Members’ Addresses [image: ] Senators’ Addresses Organization of the Legislature [image: ] Assembly Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Calendar [image: ] Rules of the Legislature Legislative Process Information [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (GIF) [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (TEXT) [image: ] Glossary of Legislative Terms [image: ] [image: ] [image: ] Stolen CW 1.1 5.6 Home Page Feedback Help sy 15,2006 CCWRO Pee eee cone at Pent ore) Lesisative Calondar for 2014 Whak’s New? ‘Summary of 2014-2015 State Budget Actions aT [Federal Funds $3.7 bilion, State Match $3. [TOTAL CalWORKs Funding [$6.7 billion 51.1 billon stole trom Co Phone 96.715 0081- Email ava slanecwra. ong ”

Document 2014-#14 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker FINAL

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3450 downloads

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“CCWRO Public Benefits California Legislative Bill Action Tracker #2014-14 June 25, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Legislative Calendar for 2014 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 July 3 \u2014Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed July 4 \u2014Independence Day. Aug. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess Aug. 15 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills. Final Recess begins upon adjournment What’s New? The budget has passed. No more Budget News. Now it is bills and budget implementation. CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. NEXT STEP: Senate Approps. Suspense File 8-14-14, 10:00 am Room 4203 [bookmark: _GoBack]AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 30, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the second trimester of pregnancy. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 30, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 30, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 30, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Passed Senate Human Services Committee NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school-attendance penalty for children under 16 as there is already a truancy penalty in the California Education Code. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. NEXT STOP Assembly Approps. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Ordered to Senate Inactive File SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Cris Forsyth cris\/[email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 5035 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Elizabeth Watson [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (R) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 [image: ] [image: ] Know Your Legislators [image: ] Assembly Members’ Addresses [image: ] Senators’ Addresses Organization of the Legislature [image: ] Assembly Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Committee Membership [image: ] Senate Calendar [image: ] Rules of the Legislature Legislative Process Information [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (GIF) [image: ] How a Bill Becomes Law (TEXT) [image: ] Glossary of Legislative Terms [image: ] [image: ] [image: ] Home Page Feedback Help sume 25,2016 CCWRO Public Benefits California Legislative Pn ores Legislative Calndar for 2044 Senha. What’s New? The budget has passed. No more Budget News, Now ik ts bills and budget implementation, CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 = Email: [email protected]

Document 2014-#13 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

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“June 12, 2014 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin AslanianCCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-13 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] Legislative Calendar for 2014 12 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 12 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 13 June 15 \u2014Budget Bill must be passed by midnight June 27 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills July 3 \u2014Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed July 4 \u2014Independence Day. Aug. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess Aug. 15 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills ( 61(b)(17)). Final Recess begins upon adjournment Happening This Week TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014 1:30 p.m. – Room 3191 Senate Human Services Committee, Jim Beall, Chair A.B. No. 1516 Gonzalez. Public social services: diapers. A.B. No. 1653 Garcia. CalWORKs: victims of domestic violence A.B. No. 2311 Bradford. CalWORKs: General Assistance Thank You For Your Services Act of 2014. A.B. No. 2382 Bradford. CalWORKs: eligibility: truancy. What’s New? 2014-2015 State Budget Trailer Bills & Budget Bill SB 852- 2014-2015 State Budget Bill SB 855 Human Services – Sections 1, 68,69, 70, 71,72, 74, 75, 77,78, 79, 80, SB 860 Education CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 8 through 14 AB 1468 Public Safety Repeal of Ban CalWORKs and CalFresh recipients with past drug-related felonies, – Section 45 through 50. ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM Room 4203 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee 6-24-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM Room 4203 AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system NEXT STOP Senate Approps. June 23, 10 AM [bookmark: _GoBack]Room 4203 AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee 6-24-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Passed Senate Human Services Committee NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. NEXT STOP Senate Approps. AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee. 6-24-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school-attendance penalty for children under 16 as there is already a truancy penalty in the California Education Code. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee. 6-24-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Failed Passage In Assembly Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Passed Assembly Health Committee NEXT STOP Assembly Approps. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Ordered to Senate Inactive File SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Cris Forsyth cris\/[email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 5035 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Elizabeth Watson [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Subcommittee # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Julie Souliere, Republican Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2637 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 6027 [email protected] SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Subcommittee # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] All budget issues will be decided in the 2014-2015 Budget Conference Committee. Conference Committee Members Staff Staff Nancy Skinner (D), Chair Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 Nicole Vasquez [email protected] Mark Leno, Vice Chair Phone 651-0011 Fax 651-4911 Room 5100 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senator Lonnie Hancock Phone 651-4009 Fax 651-4909 Room 2082 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Ricardo Lara Phone 651-4033 Fax 651-4933 Room 5050 Megan Baier [email protected] Senator Jim Nielsen Phone 651-4004 Fax 651-4904 Room 4062 Chris Nordes [email protected] Assembly Member Richard Bloom Phone: 319-2050 Fax: 319-2150 Rm. #: 2173 Sean MacNeil [email protected] Assembly Member Shirley Webber Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Assembly Member Jeff Gorell Phone: 319-2044 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 6031 Julie Souliere [email protected] 2014-2015 State Budget Bill THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.00. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Budget Act of 2014. SB 855 Budget Trailer Bill for Human Services SECTION 1. Section 17415 of the Family Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT – CHILD SUPPORT This Section would repeal the automatic assignment of Child Support to the State of California for safety net and child only cases. The child support received by the family would be deducted from their meager grant of about 200,000 cases. It is estimated that 10 to 20% will receive sporadic child support payments. Also see Section 75 that is related to this issue. This change can have a negative impact on families in that counties will anticipate the receipt of child support that is not actually received by the family. This can result in homelessness and distress to families already living in deep poverty. 17415. (a) It shall be the duty of the county welfare department to refer all cases in which a parent is absent from the home, or in which the parents are unmarried and parentage has not been established by the completion and filing of a voluntary declaration of paternity pursuant to Section 7573 or a court of competent jurisdiction, to the local child support agency immediately at the time the application for public assistance, including Medi-Cal benefits, or certificate of eligibility, is signed by the applicant or recipient, except as provided in Section 17552 of this code and Section Sections 11477 and 11477.04 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. If an applicant is found to be ineligible, the applicant shall be notified in writing that the referral of the case to the local child support agency may be terminated at the applicant’s request. The county welfare department shall cooperate with the local child support agency and shall make available all pertinent information as provided in pursuant to Section 17505. (b) Upon referral from the county welfare department, the local child support agency shall investigate the question of nonsupport or paternity and shall take all steps necessary to obtain child support for the needy child, enforce spousal support as part of the state plan under Section 17604, and determine paternity in the case of a child born out of wedlock. Upon the advice of the county welfare department that a child is being considered for adoption, the local child support agency shall delay the investigation and other actions with respect to the case until advised that the adoption is no longer under consideration. The granting of public assistance or Medi-Cal benefits to an applicant shall not be delayed or contingent upon investigation by the local child support agency. 2014-2015 State Budget Bill (c) In cases where Medi-Cal benefits are the only assistance provided, the local child support agency shall provide child and spousal support services unless the recipient of the services notifies the local child support agency that only services related to securing health insurance benefits are requested. (d) Where Whenever a court order has been obtained, any contractual agreement for support between the local child support agency or the county welfare department and the noncustodial parent shall be deemed null and void to the extent that it is not consistent with the court order. (e) Whenever a family which that has been receiving public assistance, including Medi-Cal, ceases to receive assistance, including Medi-Cal, the local child support agency shall, to the extent required by federal regulations, continue to enforce support payments from the noncustodial parent until the individual on whose behalf the enforcement efforts are made sends written notice to the local child support agency requesting that enforcement services be discontinued. (f) The local child support agency shall, where when appropriate, utilize reciprocal arrangements adopted with other states in securing support from an absent parent. In individual cases where utilization of reciprocal arrangements has proven ineffective, the local child support agency may forward to the Attorney General a request to utilize federal courts in order to obtain or enforce orders for child or spousal support. If reasonable efforts to collect amounts assigned pursuant to Section 11477 of the Welfare and Institutions Code have failed, the local child support agency may request that the case be forwarded to the United States Treasury Department for collection in accordance with federal regulations. The Attorney General, where when appropriate, shall forward these requests to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or a designated representative. SEC. 67. Section 11320.32 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT – None. This section would keep the temporary assistance program in place until 2016. 11320.32. (a) The department shall administer a voluntary Temporary Assistance Program (TAP) for current and future CalWORKs recipients who meet the exemption criteria for work participation activities set forth in Section 11320.3, and are not single parents who have a child under the age of one year. Temporary Assistance Program recipients shall be entitled to the same assistance payments and other benefits as recipients under the CalWORKs program. The purpose of this program is to provide cash assistance and other benefits to eligible families without any federal restrictions or requirements and without any adverse impact on recipients. The Temporary Assistance Program shall commence no later than October 1, 2014. 2016. (b) CalWORKs recipients who meet the exemption criteria for work participation activities set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 11320.3, and are not single parents with a child under the age of one year, shall have the option of receiving grant payments, child care, and transportation services from the Temporary Assistance Program. The department shall notify all CalWORKs recipients and applicants meeting the exemption criteria specified in subdivision (b) of Section 11320.3, except for single parents with a child under the age of one year, of their option to receive benefits under the Temporary Assistance Program. Absent written indication that these recipients or applicants choose not to receive assistance from the Temporary Assistance Program, the department shall enroll CalWORKs recipients and applicants into the program. However, exempt volunteers shall remain in the CalWORKs program unless they affirmatively indicate, in writing, their interest in enrolling in the Temporary Assistance Program. A Temporary Assistance Program recipient who no longer meets the exemption criteria set forth in Section 11320.3 shall be enrolled in the CalWORKs program. (c) Funding for grant payments, child care, transportation, and eligibility determination activities for families receiving benefits under the Temporary Assistance Program shall be funded with General Fund resources that do not count toward the state’s maintenance of effort requirements under clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of Section 609 of Title 42 of the United States Code, up to the caseload level equivalent to the amount of funding provided for this purpose in the annual Budget Act. (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that recipients shall have and maintain access to the hardship exemption and the services necessary to begin and increase participation in welfare-to-work activities, regardless of their county of origin, and that the number of recipients exempt under subdivision (b) of Section 11320.3 not significantly increase due to factors other than changes in caseload characteristics. All relevant state law applicable to CalWORKs recipients shall also apply to families funded under this section. Nothing in this This section modifies does not modify the criteria for exemption in Section 11320.3. (e) To the extent that this section is inconsistent with federal regulations regarding implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the department may amend the funding structure for exempt families to ensure consistency with these regulations, not later than 30 days after providing written notification to the chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature. SEC. 68. Section 11322.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This will align state statute relative to hours of participation to the federal regulations that provide weekly hours requirement to be a weekly average within a month and not a fixed number of hours for each week. See CFR 45, 261.31. It will have no impact on beneficiaries. 11322.8. (a) For a recipient required to participate in accordance with paragraph (1) of 11322.8. (a) For a recipient required to participate in accordance with paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 11322.85, unless the recipient is otherwise exempt, the following shall apply: (1) (A) An adult recipient in a one-parent assistance unit that does not include a child under six years of age shall participate in welfare-to-work activities for an average of at least 30 hours each week. per week during the month. (B) An adult recipient in a one-parent assistance unit that includes a child under six years of age shall participate in welfare-to-work activities for an average of at least 20 hours each week. per week during the month. (2) An adult recipient who is an unemployed parent, as defined in Section 11201, shall participate in for an average of at least 35 hours of welfare-to-work activities each week. per week during the month. However, both parents in a two-parent assistance unit may contribute to the 35 hours. (b) For a recipient required to participate in accordance with paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 11322.85, the following shall apply: (1) Unless otherwise exempt, an adult recipient in a one-parent assistance unit shall participate in welfare-to-work activities for an average of at least 30 hours per week, week during the month, subject to the special rules and limitations described in Section 607(c)(1)(A) of Title 42 of the United States Code as of the operative date of this section, as provided in subdivision (c). January 1, 2013. (2) Unless otherwise exempt, an adult recipient in a one-parent assistance unit that includes a child under six years of age shall participate in welfare-to-work activities for an average of at least 20 hours each week, per week during the month, as described in Section 607(c)(2)(B) of Title 42 of the United States Code as of the operative date of this section, as provided in subdivision (c).January 1, 2013. (3) Unless otherwise exempt, an adult recipient who is an unemployed parent, as defined in Section 11201, shall participate in welfare-to-work activities for an average of at least 35 hours per week, week during the month, subject to the special rules and limitations described in Section 607(c)(1)(B) of Title 42 of the United States Code as of the operative date of this section, as provided in subdivision (c). January 1, 2013. (c)This section shall become operative on January 1, 2013. SEC. 69. Section 11325.24 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This will clarify that the Legislator never intended to use the Family Stabilization Component of the WtW program to impose WtW sanctions upon impoverished families of California that results in their living at 19% of the supplemental poverty level. This would repeal a current ACL that would allow counties to impose WtW sanctions for participants who are referred to the Family Stabilization Program and are fail to participate therein due to the severe distress that such families find themselves in. 11325.24. (a) If, in the course of appraisal pursuant to Section 11325.2 or at any point during an individual’s participation in welfare-to-work activities in accordance with paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 11322.85, it is determined that a recipient meets the criteria described in subdivision (b), the recipient shall be eligible to participate in family stabilization. (b) (1) A recipient shall be eligible to participate in family stabilization if the county determines that his or her family is experiencing an identified situation or crisis that is destabilizing the family and would interfere with participation in welfare-to-work activities and services. (2) A situation or a crisis that is destabilizing the family in accordance with paragraph (1) may include, but shall not be limited to: (A) Homelessness or imminent risk of homelessness. (B) A lack of safety due to domestic violence. (C) Untreated or undertreated behavioral needs, including mental health or substance abuse-related needs. (c) Family stabilization shall include intensive case management and services designed to support the family in overcoming the situation or crisis, which may include, but are not limited to, welfare-to-work activities. (d) Funds allocated for family stabilization in accordance with this section shall be in addition to, and independent of, the county allocations made pursuant to Section 15204.2. (e) Funds allocated for family stabilization in accordance with this section, or the county allocations made pursuant to Section 15204.2, may be used to provide housing and other needed services to a family during any month that a family is participating in family stabilization. (e) (f) Each county shall submit to the department a plan, as defined by the department, regarding how it intends to implement the provisions of this section and shall report information to the department, including, but not limited to, the number of recipients served pursuant to this section, information regarding the services provided, outcomes for the families served, and any lack of availability of services. The department shall provide an update regarding this information to the Legislature during the 2014 15 budget process. (f)This section shall become operative on January 1, 2014. (g) It is the intent of the Legislature that family stabilization is a voluntary component intended to provide needed services and constructive interventions for parents and to assist in barrier removal for families facing very difficult needs. Participants in family stabilization are encouraged to participate, but the Legislature does not intend that parents be sanctioned as part of their experience in this program component. The Legislature further intends that recipients refusing or unable to follow their family stabilization plans without good cause be returned to the traditional welfare-to-work program. SEC. 70. Article 3.3 (commencing with Section 11330) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This article would create a housing program that is not an entitlement, but a county option to assist the homeless CalWORKs families. This section has the potential help many homeless families. Article 3.3. CalWORKs Housing Support 11330. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) Stable housing is a fundamental component of self-sufficiency and child well-being. (b) According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, residential stability is a necessary precursor to effectively addressing barriers that inhibit self-sufficiency, and research is clear that children who lack safe and stable housing demonstrate worse academic and social outcomes. (c) Housing support in the CalWORKs program is minimal and families struggle to find and retain safe, affordable, and stable housing. (d) Expanding homeless and housing support in the CalWORKs program would help meet a critical need for families working to achieve self-sufficiency. 11330.5. (a) A recipient shall be eligible to receive CalWORKs housing supports if the county determines that his or her family is experiencing homelessness or housing instability that would be a barrier to self-sufficiency or child well-being. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), this section does not create an entitlement to housing supports, which are intended to be a service to CalWORKs families and not a form of assistance, to be provided to families at the discretion of the county. (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that housing supports provided pursuant to this article utilize evidence-based models, including those established in the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. Supports provided may include, but shall not be limited to, all of the following: (1) Financial assistance, including rental assistance, security deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and motel and hotel vouchers. (2) Housing stabilization and relocation, including outreach and engagement, landlord recruitment, case management, housing search and placement, legal services, and credit repair. (d) The asset limit threshold specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11450 shall not be used to determine a family’s eligibility for receipt of housing supports provided pursuant to this article. (e) Funds appropriated for purposes of this article shall be allocated to participating counties by the State Department of Social Services according to an allocation methodology developed by the department in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association. (f) The department, in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association and other stakeholders, shall develop each of the following: (1) The criteria by which counties may opt to participate in providing housing supports to eligible CalWORKs recipients pursuant to this article. (2) The proportion of funding to be expended on reasonable and appropriate administrative activities to minimize overhead and maximize services. (3) Tracking and reporting procedures. (g) The department, in consultation with appropriate legislative staff and the County Welfare Directors Association, shall determine, in a manner that reflects the legislative intent for the use of these funds and that is most beneficial to the overall CalWORKs program, whether housing supports provided with this funding are considered to be assistance or nonassistance payments. SEC. 72. Section 11450.025 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would increase CalWORKs benefits effective April 1, 2015 as follows: Family Size 2014 Grant Level for Region 1 5% Increase Grant Levels Effective April 1, 2015 for Region 1 2014 Grant Level for Region 2 5% Increase Grant Levels Effective April 1, 2015 for Region 2 1 $333 $350 $315 $331 2 $542 $569 $515 $541 3 $670 $704 $638 $670 4 $800 $840 $761 $799 5 $909 $954 $866 $909 6 $1,021 $1,072 $972 $1,021 7 $1,122 $1,178 $1,067 $1,120 8 $1,222 $1,283 $1,164 $1,222 9 $1,321 $1,387 $1,258 $1,321 10 $1,419 $1,490 $1,350 $1,418 11450.025. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other law, effective on March 1, 2014, the maximum aid payments in effect on July 1, 2012, as specified in subdivision (b) of Section 11450.02, shall be increased by 5 percent. (2) Effective April 1, 2015, the maximum aid payments in effect on July 1, 2014, as specified in paragraph (1), shall be increased by 5 percent. (b) Commencing in 2014 and annually thereafter, on or before January 10 and on or before May 14, the Director of Finance shall do all of the following: (1) Estimate the amount of growth revenues pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 17606.10 that will be deposited in the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount of the Local Revenue Fund for the current fiscal year and the following fiscal year and the amounts in the subaccount carried over from prior fiscal years. (2) For the current fiscal year and the following fiscal year, determine the total cost of providing the increase increases described in subdivision (a), as well as any other increase in the maximum aid payments subsequently provided only under this section, after adjusting for updated projections of CalWORKs costs associated with caseload changes, as reflected in the local assistance subvention estimates prepared by the State Department of Social Services and released with the annual Governor’s Budget and subsequent May Revision update. (3) If the amount estimated in paragraph (1) plus the amount projected to be deposited for the current fiscal year into the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount pursuant to subparagraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 17600.15 is greater than the amount determined in paragraph (2), the difference shall be used to calculate the percentage increase to the CalWORKs maximum aid payment standards that could be fully funded on an ongoing basis beginning the following fiscal year. (4) If the amount estimated in paragraph (1) plus the amount projected to be deposited for the current fiscal year into the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount pursuant to subparagraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 17600.15 is equal to or less than the amount determined in paragraph (2), no additional increase to the CalWORKs maximum aid payment standards shall be provided in the following fiscal year in accordance with this section. (5) (A) Commencing with the 2014 15 fiscal year and for all fiscal years thereafter, if changes to the estimated amounts determined in paragraphs (1) or (2), or both, as of the May Revision, are enacted as part of the final budget, the Director of Finance shall repeat, using the same methodology used in the May Revision, the calculations described in paragraphs (3) and (4) using the revenue projections and grant costs assumed in the enacted budget. (B) If a calculation is required pursuant to subparagraph (A), the Department of Finance shall report the result of this calculation to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature upon enactment of the Budget Act. (c) An increase in maximum aid payments calculated pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b), or pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) if applicable, shall become effective on October 1 of the following fiscal year. (d) (1) An increase in maximum aid payments provided in accordance with this section shall be funded with growth revenues from the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount in accordance with paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 17600.15 and subdivision (f) of Section 17606.10, to the extent funds are available in that subaccount. (2) If funds received by the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount in a particular fiscal year are insufficient to fully fund any increases to maximum aid payments made pursuant to this section, the remaining cost for that fiscal year will be addressed through existing provisional authority included in the annual Budget Act. Additional grant increases shall not be provided until and unless the ongoing cumulative costs of all prior grant increases provided pursuant to this section are fully funded by the Child Poverty and Family Supplemental Support Subaccount. (e) Notwithstanding Section 15200, counties shall not be required to contribute a share of cost the costs to cover the costs ofincreases to maximum aid payments made pursuant to this section. SEC. 75. Section 11477 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would not require safety net families and child only cases living on an average grant that is equal to 19% of the supplemental poverty level to assign their child support to the state. As a consequence this would result in these families receiving child support directly and being subject to the current income anticipation rule that often assumes the family would receive income when it often does not. This results in immense suffering of families and children and often sentences these families in deep poverty to long-term homelessness. The language that is the intent of the Legislature that the regular receipt of child support in the preceding reporting period be considered in determining reasonably anticipated income for the following reporting period would not prevent the harm that this new policy would do to these families. The county would always argue that they considered regular receipt and even though there was no evidence of regular receipt they still would anticipate income that would never be coming. Of course this section that would harm families is effective IMMEDIATELY and can be implemented through an All County Letter. 11477. As a condition of eligibility for aid paid under this chapter, each applicant or recipient shall do all of the following: (a) (1) Do either of the following: (i) For applications received before October 1, 2009, assign to the county any rights to support from any other person the applicant or recipient may have on his or her own behalf or on behalf of any other family member for whom the applicant or recipient is applying for or receiving aid, not exceeding the total amount of cash assistance provided to the family under this chapter. Receipt of public assistance under this chapter shall operate as an assignment by operation of law. An assignment of support rights to the county shall also constitute an assignment to the state. If support rights are assigned pursuant to this subdivision, the assignee may become an assignee of record by the local child support agency or other public official filing with the court clerk an affidavit showing that an assignment has been made or that there has been an assignment by operation of law. This procedure does not limit any other means by which the assignee may become an assignee of record. (ii) For applications received on or after October 1, 2009, assign to the county any rights to support from any other person the applicant or recipient may have on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of any other family member for whom the applicant or recipient is applying for or receiving aid. The assignment shall apply only to support that accrues during the period of time that the applicant is receiving assistance under this chapter, and shall not exceed the total amount of cash assistance provided to the family under this chapter. Receipt of public assistance under this chapter shall operate as an assignment by operation of law. An assignment of support rights to the county shall also constitute an assignment to the state. If support rights are assigned pursuant to this subdivision, the assignee may become an assignee of record by the local child support agency or other public official filing with the court clerk an affidavit showing that an assignment has been made or that there has been an assignment by operation of law. This procedure does not limit any other means by which the assignee may become an assignee of record. (2) Support that has been assigned pursuant to paragraph (1) and that accrues while the family is receiving aid under this chapter shall be permanently assigned until the entire amount of aid paid has been reimbursed. (3) If the federal government does not permit states to adopt the same order of distribution for preassistance and postassistance child support arrears that are assigned on or after October 1, 1998, support arrears that accrue before the family receives aid under this chapter that are assigned pursuant to this subdivision shall be assigned as follows: (A) Child support assigned prior to January 1, 1998, shall be permanently assigned until aid is no longer received and the entire amount of aid has been reimbursed. (B) Child support assigned on or after January 1, 1998, but prior to October 1, 2000, shall be temporarily assigned until aid under this chapter is no longer received and the entire amount of aid paid has been reimbursed or until October 1, 2000, whichever comes first. (C) On or after October 1, 2000, support assigned pursuant to this subdivision that was not otherwise permanently assigned shall be temporarily assigned to the county until aid is no longer received. (D) On or after October 1, 2000, support that was temporarily assigned pursuant to this subdivision shall, when a payment is received from the federal tax intercept program, be temporarily assigned until the entire amount of aid paid has been reimbursed. (4) If the federal government permits states to adopt the same order of distribution for preassistance and postassistance child support arrears, child support arrears shall be assigned, as follows: (A) Child support assigned pursuant to this subdivision prior to October 1, 1998, shall be assigned until aid under this chapter is no longer received and the entire amount has been reimbursed. (B) On or after October 1, 1998, child support assigned pursuant to this subdivision that accrued before the family receives aid under this chapter and that was not otherwise permanently assigned, shall be temporarily assigned until aid under this chapter is no longer received. (C) On or after October 1, 1998, support that was temporarily assigned pursuant to this subdivision shall, when a payment is received from the federal tax intercept program, be temporarily assigned until the entire amount of aid paid has been reimbursed. (b) (1) Cooperate with the county welfare department and local child support agency in establishing the paternity of a child of the applicant or recipient born out of wedlock with respect to whom aid is claimed, and in establishing, modifying, or enforcing a support order with respect to a child of the individual for whom aid is requested or obtained, unless the applicant or recipient qualifies for a good cause exception as provided in pursuant to Section 11477.04. The granting of aid shall not be delayed or denied if the applicant is otherwise eligible, if the applicant completes the necessary forms and agrees to cooperate with the local child support agency in securing support and determining paternity, where if applicable. The local child support agency shall have staff available, in person or by telephone, at all county welfare offices and shall conduct an interview with each applicant to obtain information necessary to establish paternity and establish, modify, or enforce a support order at the time of the initial interview with the welfare office. The local child support agency shall make the determination of cooperation. If the applicant or recipient attests under penalty of perjury that he or she cannot provide the information required by this subdivision, the local child support agency shall make a finding regarding whether the individual could reasonably be expected to provide the information, information before the local child support agency determines whether the individual is cooperating. In making the finding, the local child support agency shall consider all of the following: (A) The age of the child for whom support is sought. (B) The circumstances surrounding the conception of the child. (C) The age or mental capacity of the parent or caretaker of the child for whom aid is being sought. (D) The time that has elapsed since the parent or caretaker last had contact with the alleged father or obligor. (2) Cooperation includes all of the following: (A) Providing the name of the alleged parent or obligor and other information about that person if known to the applicant or recipient, such as address, social security number, telephone number, place of employment or school, and the names and addresses of relatives or associates. (B) Appearing at interviews, hearings, and legal proceedings provided the applicant or recipient is provided with reasonable advance notice of the interview, hearing, or legal proceeding and does not have good cause not to appear. (C) If paternity is at issue, submitting to genetic tests, including genetic testing of the child, if necessary. (D) Providing any additional information known to or reasonably obtainable by the applicant or recipient necessary to establish paternity or to establish, modify, or enforce a child support order. (3) A recipient or applicant shall not be required to sign a voluntary declaration of paternity, as set forth in Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 7570) of Part 2 of Division 12 of the Family Code, as a condition of cooperation. (c) This section shall not apply if all of the adults are excluded from the assistance unit pursuant to Section 11251.3, 11454, or 11486.5. (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that the regular receipt of child support in the preceding reporting period be considered in determining reasonably anticipated income for the following reporting period. SEC. 76. Section 12300.4 is added to the Welfare and Institutions Code, to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section addresses IHSS maximum hours that a provider can work in any given month. These provisions would have very negative impact on the beneficiaries of the IHSS program by limiting their ability to hire caregivers to keep them out of nursing homes just to save $180 million from a $5 billion program. 12300.4. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, including, but not limited to, Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 3500) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code and Title 23 (commencing with Section 110000) of the Government Code, a recipient who is authorized to receive in-home supportive services pursuant to this article, or Section 14132.95, 14132.952, or 14132.956, administered by the State Department of Social Services, or waiver personal care services pursuant to Section 14132.97, administered by the State Department of Health Care Services, or any combination of these services, shall direct these authorized services, and the authorized services shall be performed by a provider or providers within a workweek and in a manner that complies with the requirements of this section. (b) (1) A workweek is defined as beginning at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday and includes the next consecutive 168 hours, terminating at 11:59 p.m. the following Saturday. (2) A provider of services specified in subdivision (a) shall not work a total number of hours within a workweek that exceeds 66, as reduced by the net percentage defined by Sections 12301.02 and 12301.03, as applicable, and in accordance with subdivision (d). The total number of hours worked within a workweek by a provider is defined as the sum of the following: (A) All hours worked providing authorized services specified in subdivision (a). (B) Travel time as defined in subdivision (f), only if federal financial participation is not available to compensate for that travel time. If federal financial participation is available for travel time as defined in subdivision (f), the travel time shall not be included in the calculation of the total weekly authorized hours of services. (3) (A) If the authorized in-home supportive services of a recipient cannot be provided by a single provider as a result of the limitation specified in paragraph (2), it is the responsibility of the recipient to employ an additional provider or providers, as needed, to ensure his or her authorized services are provided within his or her total weekly authorized hours of services established pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 12301.1. (B) If the provider of authorized waiver personal care services cannot provide those services to a recipient as a result of the limitation specified in paragraph (2), the State Department of Health Care Services shall work with the recipient to engage additional providers, as necessary. It is the intent of the Legislature that this section shall not result in reduced services authorized to recipients of waiver personal care services defined in subdivision (a). (4) (A) A provider shall inform each of his or her recipients of the number of hours that the provider is available to work for that recipient, in accordance with this section. (B) A recipient, his or her authorized representative, or any other entity, including any person or entity providing services pursuant to Section 14186.35, shall not authorize any provider to work hours that exceed the applicable limitation or limitations of this section. (C) A recipient may authorize a provider to work hours in excess of the recipient’s weekly authorized hours established pursuant to Section 12301.1 without notification of the county welfare department, in accordance with both of the following: (i) The authorization does not result in more than 40 hours of authorized services per week being provided. (ii) The authorization does not exceed the recipient’s authorized hours of monthly services pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 12301.1. (5) For providers of in-home supportive services, the State Department of Social Services or a county may terminate the provider from providing services under the IHSS program if a provider continues to violate the limitations of this section on multiple occasions. (c) Notwithstanding any other law, only federal law and regulations regarding overtime compensation apply to providers of services defined in subdivision (a). (d) A provider of services defined in subdivision (a) is subject to all of the following, as applicable to his or her situation: (1) A provider who works for an individual recipient of those services shall not work a total number of hours within a workweek that exceeds 66 hours, as reduced by the net percentage defined by Sections 12301.02 and 12301.03, as applicable. In no circumstance shall the provision of these services by that provider to the individual recipient exceed the total weekly hours of the services authorized to that recipient, except as additionally authorized pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (b). If multiple providers serve the same recipient, it shall continue to be the responsibility of that recipient or his or her authorized representative to schedule the work of his or her providers to ensure the authorized services of the recipient are provided in accordance with this section. (2) A provider of in-home supportive services described in subdivision (a) who serves multiple recipients is not authorized to, and shall not, work more than 66 total hours in a workweek, as reduced by the net percentage defined by Sections 12301.02 and 12301.03, as applicable, regardless of the number of recipients for whom the provider provides services authorized by subdivision (a). Providers are subject to the limits of each recipient’s total authorized weekly hours of in-home supportive services described in subdivision (a), except as additionally authorized pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (b). (e) Recipients and providers shall be informed of the limitations and requirements contained in this section, through notices at intervals and on forms as determined by the State Department of Social Services or the State Department of Health Care Services, as applicable, following consultation with stakeholders. (f) (1) A provider of services described in subdivision (a) shall not engage in travel time in excess of seven hours per week. For the purposes of this subdivision, travel time means time spent traveling directly from a location where authorized services specified in subdivision (a) are provided to one recipient, to another location where authorized services are to be provided to another recipient. A provider shall coordinate hours of work with his or her recipient or recipients to comply with this section. (2) The hourly wage to compensate a provider for travel time described in this subdivision when the travel is between two counties shall be the hourly wage of the destination county. (3) Travel time, and compensation for that travel time, between a recipient of authorized in-home supportive services specified in subdivision (a) and a recipient of authorized waiver personal care services specified in subdivision (a), shall be attributed to the program authorizing services for the recipient to whom the provider is traveling. (4) Hours spent by a provider while engaged in travel time shall not be deducted from the authorized hours of service of any recipient of services specified in subdivision (a). (5) The State Department of Social Services and the State Department of Health Care Services shall issue guidance and processes for travel time between recipients that will assist the provider and recipient to comply with this subdivision. Each county shall provide technical assistance to providers and recipients, as necessary, to implement this subdivision. (g) A provider of authorized in-home supportive services specified in subdivision (a) shall timely submit, deliver, or mail, verified by postmark or request for delivery, a signed payroll timesheet within two weeks after the end of each bimonthly payroll period. Notwithstanding any other law, a provider who submits an untimely payroll timesheet for providing authorized in-home supportive services specified in subdivision (a) shall be paid by the state within 30 days of the receipt of the signed payroll timesheet. (h) This section does not apply to a contract entered into pursuant to Section 12302 or 12302.6 for authorized in-home supportive services. Contract rates negotiated pursuant to Section 12302 or 12302.6 shall be based on costs consistent with a 40 hour workweek. (i) The state and counties are immune from any liability resulting from implementation of this section. (j) Any action authorized under this section that is implemented in a program authorized pursuant to Section 14132.95, 14132.97, 14132.952, or 14132.956 shall be compliant with federal Medicaid requirements, as determined by the State Department of Health Care Services. (k) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the State Department of Social Services and the State Department of Health Care Services may implement, interpret, or make specific this section by means of all-county letters or similar instructions, without taking any regulatory action. (l) (1) This section shall become operative only when the regulatory amendments made by RIN 1235-AA05 to Part 552 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations are deemed effective, either on the date specified in RIN 1235-AA05 or at a later date specified by the Federal Department of Labor, whichever is later. (2) If the regulatory amendments described in paragraph (1) become only partially effective by the date specified in paragraph (1), this section shall become operative only for those persons for whom federal financial participation is available as of that date. SEC. 77. Section 12300.41 is added to the Welfare and Institutions Code, to read SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would allow providers to be paid in excess of the hour limitation embodied in Section 76 above for three (3) months. 12300.41. (a) For three months following the effective date specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (l) of Section 12300.4, timesheets submitted by providers may be paid in excess of the limitations specified in Section 12300.4, so long as the number of hours worked by the provider within a month do not exceed the authorized hours of the recipient or recipients served by that provider. (b) The State Department of Social Services, in consultation with stakeholders, shall oversee a study of the implementation of Section 12300.4, Section 12301.1, and this section. This study shall cover the 24-month period subsequent to the three-month period specified in subdivision (a). Information collected for the study shall periodically be made available to stakeholders, including but not limited to representatives of recipients and providers, counties, and the legislative staff. Upon completion of the study, a report shall be submitted to the Legislature. (c) Using the study described in (b), it is the intent of the Legislature to evaluate implementation of the federal regulations described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (l) of Section 12300.4 and make any adjustments determined appropriate or necessary through subsequent legislation. SEC. 78. Section 12301.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section addresses changes in the IHSS program. 12301.1. (a) The department shall adopt regulations establishing a uniform range of services available to all eligible recipients based upon individual needs. The availability of services under these regulations is subject to the provisions of Section 12301 and county plans developed pursuant to Section 12302. (b) (1) The county welfare department shall assess each recipient’s continuing monthly need for in-home supportive services at varying intervals as necessary, but at least once every 12 months. The results of this assessment of monthly need for hours of in-home supportive services shall be divided by 4.33, to establish a recipient’s weekly authorized number of hours of in-home supportive services, subject to any of the following, as applicable: (A) Within the limit of the assessed monthly need for hours of in-home supportive services, a county welfare department may adjust the authorized weekly hours of a recipient for any particular week for known recurring or periodic needs of the recipient. (B) Within the limit of the assessed monthly need for hours of in-home supportive services, a county welfare department may temporarily adjust the authorized weekly hours of a recipient at the request of the recipient, to accommodate unexpected extraordinary circumstances. (C) In addition to the flexibility provided to a recipient pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 12300.4, a recipient may request the county welfare department to adjust his or her weekly authorized hours of services to exceed 40 hours of weekly authorized hours of services per week, within his or her total monthly authorized hours of services. A request for adjustment may be made retrospective to the hours actually worked. The county welfare department shall not unreasonably withhold approval of a recipient request made pursuant to this subparagraph. (2) For purposes of subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1), and prior to its implementation, the State Department of Social Services shall develop a process for requests pursuant to that subparagraph. The process shall include all of the following: (A) The procedure, standards, and timeline for making a request to adjust the authorized weekly hours of service for a recipient defined in this section. (B) The language used for notices about the process. (C) Provisions for adjustments to authorization, and for authorization after services have been provided, when the criteria for approval have been met. (D) A requirement that the opportunity for a revision to the limitations of this section shall be discussed at each annual reassessment, and also may be authorized by the county welfare department outside of the reassessment process. (3) Recipients shall be timely informed of their total monthly and weekly authorized hours. (4) The weekly authorization of services defined in this section shall be used solely for the purposes of ensuring compliance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and its implementing regulations. (5) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the department may implement, interpret, or make specific this subdivision by means of all-county letters, or similar instructions, without taking any regulatory action. (c) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), at the county’s option, assessments may be extended, on a case-by-case basis, for up to six months beyond the regular 12-month period, provided that the county documents that all of the following conditions exist: (A) The recipient has had at least one reassessment since the initial program intake assessment. (B) The recipient’s living arrangement has not changed since the last annual reassessment and the recipient lives with others, or has regular meaningful contact with persons other than his or her service provider. (C) The recipient or, if the recipient is a minor, his or her parent or legal guardian, or if incompetent, his or her conservator, is able to satisfactorily direct the recipient’s care. (D) There has been no known change in the recipient’s supportive service needs within the previous 24 months. (E) No reports have been made to, and there has been no involvement of, an adult protective services agency or agencies since the county last assessed the recipient. (F) The recipient has not had a change in provider or providers for at least six months. (G) The recipient has not reported a change in his or her need for supportive services that requires a reassessment. (H) The recipient has not been hospitalized within the last three months. (2) If some, but not all, of the conditions specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) are met, the county may consider other factors in determining whether an extended assessment interval is appropriate, including, but not limited to, involvement in the recipient’s care of a social worker, case manager, or other similar representative from another human services agency, such as a regional center or county mental health program, or communications, or other instructions from a physician or other licensed health care professional that the recipient’s medical condition is unlikely to change. (3) A county may reassess a recipient’s need for services at a time interval of less than 12 months from a recipient’s initial intake or last assessment if the county social worker has information indicating that the recipient’s need for services is expected to decrease in less than 12 months. (d) A county shall assess a recipient’s need for supportive services any time that the recipient notifies the county of a need to adjust the supportive services hours authorized, or when there are other indications or expectations of a change in circumstances affecting the recipient’s need for supportive services. (e) (1) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, until emergency regulations are filed with the Secretary of State, the department may implement this section through all-county letters or similar instructions from the director. The department shall adopt emergency regulations implementing this section no later than September 30, 2005, unless notification of a delay is made to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee prior to that date. The notification shall include the reason for the delay, the current status of the emergency regulations, a date by which the emergency regulations shall be adopted, and a statement of need to continue use of all-county letters or similar instructions. Under no circumstances shall the adoption of emergency regulations be delayed, or the use of all-county letters or similar instructions be extended, beyond June 30, 2006. (2) The adoption of regulations implementing this section shall be deemed an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. The emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be exempt from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State and shall remain in effect for no more than 180 days by which time final regulations shall be adopted. The department shall seek input from the entities listed in Section 12305.72 when developing all-county letters or similar instructions and the regulations. SEC. 81. Section 18901.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is repealed and then added to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would require California to make the federally required LIHEAP payment for every CalFresh recipient to assure that all CalFresh households receive the Standard Utility Allowance. 18901.2. (a) There is hereby created the State Utility Assistance Subsidy (SUAS), a state-funded energy assistance program that shall provide energy assistance benefits to eligible CalFresh households so that the households may receive a standard utility allowance to be used to help meet its energy costs, receive information about energy efficiency, and so that some households may experience an increase in federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, as well as benefit from paperwork reduction. (b) To the extent required by federal law, the Department of Community Services and Development shall delegate authority to the State Department of Social Services to design, implement, and maintain SUAS as a program created exclusively for purposes of this section, similar to the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) (42 U.S.C. Sec. 8621 et seq.). (c) In designing, implementing, and maintaining the SUAS program, the State Department of Social Services shall do all of the following: (1) Provide households that do not currently qualify for, nor receive, a standard utility allowance, with a SUAS benefit in an amount and frequency sufficient to meet federal requirements specified in Section 2014(e)(6)(C)(iv) of Title 7 of the United States Code if the household meets either of the following requirements: (A) The household would become eligible for CalFresh benefits if the standard utility allowance was provided. (B) The household would receive increased benefits if the standard utility allowance was provided. (2) Provide the SUAS benefit without requiring the applicant or recipient to provide additional paperwork or verification. (3) Deliver the SUAS benefit using the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system. (4) Notwithstanding any other law, notification of a recipient’s impending EBT dormant account status shall not be required when the remaining balance in a recipient’s account at the time the account becomes inactive is equal to or less than the value of one year of SUAS benefits. (5) Ensure that receipt of the SUAS benefit pursuant to this section does not adversely affect a CalFresh recipient household’s eligibility, reduce a household’s CalFresh benefits, or disqualify the applicant or recipient of CalFresh benefits from receiving other public benefits, including other utility benefits, for which it may qualify. (d) (1) To the extent permitted by federal law, a CalFresh household that receives SUAS benefits in the month of application for new cases or in the previous 12 months for existing cases is entitled to use the full standard utility allowance for the purposes of calculating CalFresh benefits. A CalFresh household shall be entitled to use the full standard utility allowance regardless of whether the SUAS benefit actually is expended by the household. (2) If use of the full standard utility allowance, instead of the homeless shelter deduction, results in a lower amount of CalFresh benefits for a homeless household, the homeless household shall be entitled to use the homeless shelter deduction instead of the full standard utility allowance. (e) This section shall not be implemented until funds are appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act or related legislation. (f) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2014. SEC. 83. Section 18901.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is repealed and then added to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would make General Assistance (General Relief) recipients categorically eligible for CalFresh benefits. 18901.5. (a) The department shall establish a program of categorical eligibility for CalFresh in accordance with Section 5(a) of the federal Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. Sec. 2014(a)), and implementing regulations, to improve nutrition and promote the retention and development of assets and resources for needy households who meet all other federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility requirements. Categorical eligibility for CalFresh shall also apply to any individual who is a member of a household that will be receiving or is eligible to receive cash assistance under Part 5 (commencing with Section 17000), or eligible to receive food assistance under Chapter 10.1 (commencing with Section 18930). (b) The director shall implement the program established pursuant to this section only with the appropriate federal authorization and if implementation would not result in the loss of federal financial participation. (c) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2014. SEC. 84. Section 18906.55 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SEC. 86. Section 18906.55 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT None SEC. 86. Except as otherwise provided in this act, the Department of Community Services and Development shall receive and administer all state and federal funds that are allocated for programs to provide energy assistance to qualified low-income individuals, in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 16367.6 of the Government Code. SEC. 88. Section 18906.55 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section provides that provisions of the trailer bill that would benefit safety net beneficiaries will go into effect April 1, 2015 while other section that can harm this population, such as changes to child support and IHSS will take effect immediately. (a) Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the department may implement and administer the changes made by Sections 1, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, and 81 of this act through all-county letters or similar instructions until regulations are adopted. (b) The department shall adopt emergency regulations implementing these provisions no later than January 1, 2016. The department may readopt any emergency regulation authorized by this section that is the same as, or substantially equivalent to, any emergency regulation previously adopted pursuant to this section. The initial adoption of regulations pursuant to this section and one readoption of emergency regulations shall be deemed to be an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. Initial emergency regulations and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be exempt from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The initial emergency regulations and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State and each shall remain in effect for no more than 180 days, by which time final regulations shall be adopted. SEC. 89. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII\u2009B of the California Constitution for certain costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district because, in that regard, this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII\u2009B of the California Constitution. However, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains other costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code. AB 1468- Budget Trailer Bill for Public Safety SEC. 47. Section 11251.3 is repealed and then added to the Welfare and Institutions Code, to read SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would repeal the ban on providing CalWORKs to parents of needy children who were victims of the US punitive drug laws and victims of the failed drug war launched by the United States upon impoverished families and persons living in the United States. This is effective April 1, 2015. 11251.3. (a) Subject to the limitations of subdivision (b), pursuant to Section 115(d)(1)(A) of Public Law 104-193 (21 U.S.C. Sec. 862a(d)(1)(A)), California opts out of the provisions of Section 115(a)(1) of Public Law 104-193 (21 U.S.C. Sec. 862a(a)(1)). An individual convicted as an adult in state or federal court after December 31, 1997, including any plea of nolo contendere, of any offense classified as a felony that has as an element the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance, as defined in Section 102(6) of the federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 802(6)) or Division 10 (commencing with Section 11000) of the Health and Safety Code, shall be eligible to receive CalWORKs benefits under this section. (b) As a condition of eligibility for CalWORKs pursuant to subdivision (a), an applicant or recipient described in subdivision (a) who is on probation or parole shall comply with the terms of the probation or parole, including participation in a government-recognized drug treatment program, if required. If the county human services agency receives verification that the individual is ineligible pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 11486.5, the individual shall be ineligible for CalWORKs benefits under this section until he or she is no longer in violation of probation or parole or a fleeing felon. Verification shall be obtained using existing county human services agency protocols to determine eligibility. (c) This section shall become operative on April 1, 2015. SEC. 48. Section 11251.3 is repealed and then added to the Welfare and Institutions Code, to read SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would repeal the ban on providing General Assistance to persons who were victims of the US punitive drug laws and victims of the failed drug war launched by the United States upon impoverished families and persons living in the United States. This is effective April 1, 2015 17012.5. (a) An individual ineligible for aid under Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) of Part 3 pursuant to Section 11251.3, who is a member of an assistance unit receiving aid under that chapter, shall also be ineligible for non-health-care benefits under this part. (b) This section shall become inoperative on April 1, 2015, and, as of January 1, 2016, is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that becomes operative on or before January 1, 2016, deletes or extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is repealed. SEC. 50. Section 18901.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is repealed and amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section would repeal the ban on providing CalFresh benefits to persons who were victims of the US punitive drug laws and victims of the failed drug war launched by the United States upon impoverished families and persons living in the United States. This is effective April 1, 2015 18901.3. (a) Subject to the limitations of subdivision (b), pursuant to Section 115(d)(1)(A) of Public Law 104-193 (21 U.S.C. Sec. 862a(d)(1)(A)), California opts out of the provisions of Section 115(a)(2) of Public Law 104-193 (21 U.S.C. Sec. 862a(a)(2)). An individual convicted as an adult in state or federal court after December 31, 1997, including any plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of any offense classified as a felony that has as an element the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance, as defined in Section 102(6) of the federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 802(6)) or Division 10 (commencing with Section 11000) of the Health and Safety Code, shall be eligible to receive CalFresh benefits as provided for under this section. (b) As a condition of eligibility to receive CalFresh benefits pursuant to subdivision (a), an applicant or recipient described in subdivision (a) who is on probation or parole shall comply with the terms of the probation or parole, including participation in a government-recognized drug treatment program, if required. If the county human services agency receives verification that the individual is in violation of probation or parole or that the individual is a fleeing felon pursuant to federal law, the individual shall be ineligible for CalFresh benefits under this section until the person is no longer in violation of probation or parole or a fleeing felon pursuant to federal law. Verification shall be obtained using existing county human services agency protocols to determine eligibility. (c) This section shall become operative on April 1, 2015. SEC. 51. SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. SEC. 51. Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), until January 1, 2016, the department may implement and administer Sections 40 to 46, inclusive, of this act by all-county letters or similar instructions. The all-county letters or similar instructions shall be developed in consultation with the Chief Probation Officers of California, the County Welfare Directors Association of California, and client advocates. The department shall adopt regulations implementing Sections 40 to 46, inclusive, of this act by January 1, 2016. AB 860- Budget Trailer Bill for Higher Education SEC. 8. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79200 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79200. As (a) There is in the California Community Colleges the CalWORKs Recipients Education Program. (b) As used in this article, CalWORKs recipient means a recipient of aid under Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code or any successor program. SEC. 9. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79204 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79204. (a) In addition to the funding received pursuant to Section 79202, and to the extent that funding is provided in the annual Budget Act, a community college district shall receive funding for purposes of providing special services for CalWORKs recipients. (b) Special services for CalWORKs recipients shall assist CalWORKs recipient students and those students transitioning off of CalWORKs in achieving long-term self-sufficiency through coordinated student services offered at a community college. Special services may include any of the services funded in accordance with subdivision (e). (c) Services funded pursuant to this section shall be provided only to the following: (1) Current CalWORKs recipients until their initial educational objectives are met. (2) Former CalWORKs recipients for a period of not more than two years, subject to the conditions of Section 79208. (d) Funds received for purposes of this section shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, existing funds and services provided for CalWORKs recipients attending a community college. (e) The chancellor shall develop an equitable method for allocating these funds to all community college districts based on the relative number of CalWORKs recipients in attendance in each district and shall allocate funds for the following purposes: (1) Job placement. (2) Coordination with county welfare offices and other local agencies, including, but not limited to, local workforce investment boards. (3) Child care and workstudy. (4) Instruction. (5) Postemployment skills training and related skills training. (6) Campus-based case management, limited to on-campus assistance and services not provided by county caseworkers that do not supplant other counseling and academic support services funded through existing California Community Colleges categorical programs. SEC. 10. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79205 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79205. (a) Funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204 for the purposes of subsidized child care shall be utilized only for children of CalWORKs recipients through campus-based centers or parental choice vouchers subject to rules consistent with those applied to related programs operated by the State Department of Education, including those rules relating to eligibility, reimbursement rates, and parental contribution schedules. (b) Subsidized campus child care shall be provided to CalWORKs recipients only if they are engaged in welfare-to-work activities pursuant to Section 11320.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, through the completion of their initial education and training plan and for up to three months thereafter or until the end of the academic year, whichever period of time is greater. (c) Funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204 for workstudy shall be used for payments to those employers that currently participate in campus-based workstudy programs or are providing work experiences that are directly related to and in furtherance of student educational programs and work participation requirements. Those payments shall not exceed 75 percent of the wage for the workstudy positions, and the employers shall pay at least 25 percent of the wage for the workstudy positions. These funds may be expended on behalf of a CalWORKs recipient only if the recipient’s total hours of education, employment, and workstudy meet the recipient’s obligations as specified in Section 11322.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. SEC. 11. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79206 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79206. (a) Funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204 may be used to provide additional sections of credit or noncredit classes for CalWORKs recipient students if the chancellor determines that a community college district is otherwise unable to offer the additional instructional services to meet the demand for CalWORKs students. (b) The determination described in subdivision (a) shall be based on fall enrollment information and community college districts shall submit applications to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges by December 1 of each year. (c) If the chancellor approves the use of funds for direct instructional workload pursuant to subdivision (a), the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall submit a report to the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by February 15 of each year that includes at least all of the following information: (1) The enrollment of new CalWORKs recipient students. (2) An explanation of why additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of CalWORKs recipient students. (3) An expenditure plan for the balance of these funds. SEC. 12. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79207 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79207. (a) As a condition of continued receipt of the funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204, by the fourth week following the end of the semester or quarter term commencing in January of each year, community college districts and colleges shall submit to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges a report, in the format specified by the chancellor, in consultation with the State Department of Social Services, that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following information: (1) How the moneys received for the funded components of special services, as specified in subdivision (e) of Section 79204, were spent. (2) The number of hours of child care services provided. (3) The average monthly enrollment of CalWORKs recipient dependents served in child care. (4) The number of work study hours provided. (5) The hourly salaries and type of jobs in which CalWORKs recipients were placed. (6) The number of students receiving case management. (7) The student participation rates, and other outcome data. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that, to the extent practicable, reporting from colleges utilize data gathered for federal reporting requirements at the state and local level. (c) The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall compile the information received pursuant to subdivision (a) for annual reports to the Legislature, Governor, the Legislative Analyst, the Department of Finance, and the State Department of Social Services, notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, by February 15 of each year. (d) A report to the Legislature pursuant to subdivision (c) shall be submitted pursuant to Section 9795 of the Government Code. SEC. 13. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79208 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79208. (a) First priority for expenditures of any funds allocated in Section 79204 shall be for the support of current CalWORKs recipients. (b) If the needs of current CalWORKs recipients are insufficient to fully utilize all of the funding allocated pursuant to Section 79204 in a cost-effective way, the chancellor, in consultation with the State Department of Social Services, may allocate a portion of the funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204 for the purpose of providing postemployment services to former CalWORKs recipients. (c) Prior to an allocation of funds for postemployment services pursuant to subdivision (b), the chancellor shall secure the approval of the Department of Finance for the allocations, complete a cumulative report on the outcomes, activities, and cost-effectiveness of the program of funding specified in Section 79204 no later than February 15 of each year, and provide the rationale and justification for the proposed allocation of funds for postemployment services by community college districts for former CalWORKs recipients. (d) Funds allocated pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be used only for former CalWORKs recipients who have been off of cash assistance for not longer than two years to assist them in upgrading skills, job retention, and advancement, by means of one or more of the following: (1) Direct instruction that cannot be funded by other means. (2) Child care to support attendance in classes consistent with this article for periods commensurate with a student’s need for postemployment training within the two-year period. (3) Job development and placement services. (4) Career counseling and assessment activities that cannot be funded through other programs. SEC. 14. Article 5. CalWORKs Recipients Education Program – Section 79209 of the Education Code is amended to read: SAFETY NET BENEFICIARY IMPACT STATEMENT This section requires that the ACL or other policy issuances be developed in consultation with counties and client advocates. 79209. (a) If a community college district is unable to fully expend its share of funds allocated for child care pursuant to Section 79204, it may request that the chancellor approve a reallocation to other CalWORKs purposes authorized by this article, subject to all pertinent limitations and any district match required for those purposes. (b) Funds allocated pursuant to Section 79204 shall be budgeted to meet the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families maintenance of effort requirement pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193) and may not be expended in any way that would cause their disqualification as a federally allowable maintenance of effort expenditure. dune 12,2014 aera Cee ne ny Cre ec rce Eeey Lopieatve Calondar for 2044 Happening This Weele TUESDAY, JUNE 24,2014 Senate Human Services Committee, Jim Beall, Chait Whalk’s New? BO IE See BEA TBR BOGS re an nna nmanm ie bee ene eee eee eee ”

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“June 2, 2014 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin AslanianCCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-11 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] Legislative Calendar for 2014 4 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 4 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 3 May 30 \u2014 Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin June 2 \u2014 Committee meetings may resume June 15 \u2014Budget Bill must be passed by midnight June 27 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills July 3 \u2014Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed July 4 \u2014Independence Day. Aug. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess Aug. 15 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills ( 61(b)(17)). Final Recess begins upon adjournment Breaking News This Week 2014-2015 State Budget Conference Committee Members Nancy Skinner (D), Chair Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 Mark Leno, Vice Chair Phone 651-0011 Fax 651-4911 Room 5100 Senator Lonnie Hancock Phone 651-4009 Fax 651-4909 Room 2082 Senator Ricardo Lara Phone 651-4033 Fax 651-4933 Room 5050 Senator Jim Nielsen Phone 651-4004 Fax 651-4904 Room 4062 Assembly Member Richard Bloom Phone: 319-2044 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 2179 Assembly Member Shirley Weber Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Assembly Member Jeff Gorell Phone: 319-2044 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 6031 ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Human Services Committee 6-10-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Senate Human Services Committee 6-10-14 @ 1:30 Room 3191 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. NEXT STOP: Senate Human Services Committee AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school-attendance penalty for children under 16 as there is already a truancy penalty in the California Education Code. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Senate Floor. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Ordered to Senate Inactive File SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Mareva Brown [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Subcommittee # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Julie Souliere, Republican Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2637 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 6027 [email protected] SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Subcommittee # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] All budget issues will be decided in the 2014-2015 Budget Conference Committee. Conference Committee Members Staff Staff Nancy Skinner (D), Chair Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 Nicole Vasquez [email protected] Mark Leno, Vice Chair Phone 651-0011 Fax 651-4911 Room 5100 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senator Lonnie Hancock Phone 651-4009 Fax 651-4909 Room 2082 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Ricardo Lara Phone 651-4033 Fax 651-4933 Room 5050 Megan Baier [email protected] Senator Jim Nielsen Phone 651-4004 Fax 651-4904 Room 4062 Chris Nordes [email protected] Assembly Member Richard Bloom Phone: 319-2050 Fax: 319-2150 Rm. #: 2173 Sean MacNeil [email protected] Assembly Member Shirley Webber Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Assembly Member Jeff Gorell Phone: 319-2044 Fax: 319-2144 Rm. #: 6031 Julie Souliere [email protected] dune 2, 2014 ary Cee ee ey Cre Cuca Lopieatve Calondar for 2044 Breaking News This Week 2014-2015 State Budget Conference Committee ‘Members any SiC Sram ite 2S ote ann ‘ee ana Se eae ‘hme Sea -rar Sai ”

Document 2014-#11 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3614 downloads

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“May 23, 2014 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin AslanianCCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-11 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Cell Phone – 916-712-0061 Email: [email protected] Legislative Calendar for 2014 4 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 4 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 3 May 30 \u2014 Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin June 2 \u2014 Committee meetings may resume June 15 \u2014Budget Bill must be passed by midnight June 27 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills July 3 \u2014Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed July 4 \u2014Independence Day. Aug. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess Aug. 15 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor Aug. 18 31 \u2014Floor Session only. No committee may meet for any purpose Aug. 22 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor Aug. 31 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills ( 61(b)(17)). Final Recess begins upon adjournment Breaking News This Week New Chair for Senate Human Services Committee – Senator Jim Beall of Santa Clara County was appointed Chair of the Senate Human Services Committee. Senator Beall chaired the Assembly Human Services Committee when he was in the Assembly and has been an advocate for the poor. Senate and Assembly Suspense File Outcomes – Most of the welfare bills made it out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee as reflected below. On the other hand the Senate Appropriations Committee killed all CalWORKs bill originating from the Senate in 2014. ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Passed the Assembly. NEXT STOP. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $70 and have a COLA for the $75. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Passed Assembly Floor. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers under 2 years old. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. Passed Assembly Floor. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. NEXT STOP Senate Human Services Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO [bookmark: _GoBack]General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014 would exempt employable veterans of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. County may opt out. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Held in Suspense in Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 2382- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs. This bill would repeal the CalWORKs school attendance penalty as there is already a truancy sanction now in the Education Code. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Assembly Floor. AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Senate Floor. SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Got off suspense. NEXT STOP: Senate Floor. SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Held in Senate Appropriations. Committee. SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Jim Beall, Chair Phone: 651-4015 Fax: 651-4915 Room # 2068 Mareva Brown [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] All budget issues will be decided in the 2014-2015 Budget Conference Committee. aera Cee ne ny Cre eC cece eT Space Breaking News This Week New Chair for Senate Human Services Commitee – Senator Jim Beal of Santa Clara County was appoted Chai ofthe Senate oman Services Corsmitoe. Senator Beal chaired the Asser biy Human Services Commie when he was athe Assembly and has bon an advocate fo he poor Senate and Assembly Suspense File Outcomes – Most ofthe ‘walla ils made out of the Assembly Approprations Commitee ‘2 refeced Delow. On te other hand the Senate Appropriations Commit ited all CalWORKs bil onginang fom the Senate Sov ”

Document 2014-#10 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3526 downloads

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” CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian,CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-10 [bookmark: _GoBack]April 28, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] 916-712-0061 [email protected] Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014 Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)).Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014 Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014 Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up Next Two (2) Weeks 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Assembly Human Services Committee STONE, Chair 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 437 ( Listen to this hearing ) A.B. No. 1613 Stone. CalWORKs: benefits overpayment. A.B. No. 1653 Garcia. CalWORKs: victims of domestic violence. A.B. No. 1776 Nazarian. Public social services: hearings. A.B. No. 1930 Skinner. CalFresh: student eligibility. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 10:00 am Room 4203 S.B. No. 899 – Mitchell. Repeal of MFG Rule S.B. No. 1002 – De Le\u00f3n. Medi Cal: redetermination. S.B. No. 1029 – Hanckock. Repeal of denying CalWORKs & Food Stamp for drug felons. S.B. No. 1147 – DeSaulnier. Food Stamp Customer Services Standards Future Budget Hearing on page 7 & 8. ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Passed the Assembly. Next stop. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Floor. AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Passed the Senate Human Services Committee. SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Lonni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2082 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u2028, 3 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair, \u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, May 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs Child Welfare Services State Hearings Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: pea aera Cee ne ny Ce ec eer) 1780 entangear Leststatve Calondar for 201 Ae 10\u2014 Spring Re ep a en fh ay ae Coming Up Next Two (2) Weeks Hapmttatgetineas \u2014SRrioh orien soar aaa SET teaea ncaa Ame) stn. coNORKS Fear comes aig ”

Document 2014-#09 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3528 downloads

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” CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian,CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-09 April 18, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] 916-712-0061 [email protected] [bookmark: _GoBack]Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014 Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)).Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014 Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014 Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up Next Two (2) Weeks 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Assembly Human Services Committee STONE, Chair 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 437 ( Listen to this hearing ) A.B. No. 1613 Stone. CalWORKs: benefits overpayment. A.B. No. 1653 Garcia. CalWORKs: victims of domestic violence. A.B. No. 1776 Nazarian. Public social services: hearings. A.B. No. 1930 Skinner. CalFresh: student eligibility. WEDNESDAY, April 22, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. SENATE HUMAN COMMTTEE Room 3191 S.B. No. 999 – Lui. CalFresh Student Eligibility TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 10:00 am Room 4203 S.B. No. 899 – Mitchell. Repeal of MFG Rule S.B. No. 1002 – De Le\u00f3n. Medi Cal: redetermination. S.B. No. 1029 – Hanckock. Repeal of denying CalWORKs & Food Stamp for drug felons. S.B. No. 1147 – DeSaulnier. Food Stamp Customer Services Standards Future Budget Hearing on page 7 & 8. ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Passed the Assembly. Next stop. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Floor. AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations. AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Health & Human Services Committee 4-22-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Senate Appropriations. Committee 4-28-14 @ 10:00 Room #4203 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Lonni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2082 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u2028, 3 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair, \u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, May 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs Child Welfare Services State Hearings Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: pea aera Cee ne ny Cee ec cee 1780 entangear Leststatve Calondar for 201 Ae 10\u2014 Spring Re ep a en fh ay ae Coming Up Next Two (2) Weeks set ran ce \”Snag cantne opmteGgeines? SNe al a Set \”Tasca ay tue nn Grea amon: ae Tovnam msec GRA ett pent ”

Document 2014-#08 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3633 downloads

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” CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian,CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-08 April 5, 2014 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] 916-712-0061 [email protected] [bookmark: _GoBack]Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014 Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)).Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014 Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014 Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014 Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014 Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up Next Two (2) Weeks 2 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 2 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014 Assembly Human Services Committee STONE, Chair 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 437 ( Listen to this hearing ) A.B. No. 1502 Mullin. CalWORKs: Family Unity Act of 2015. A.B. No. 1516 Gonzales. CalWORKs Diapers A.B. No. 1614 Stone. Electronic benefits transfer cards. A.B. No. 1882 Cooley. CalWORKs: relative caregivers. A.B. No. 2252 John A. P\u00e9rez. Child support payments: electronic fund transfer: qualifying accounts. A.B. No. 2345 Gonzalez. Public social services: eligibility: noncitizens. A.J.R. No. 40 Mullin. Federal poverty level measurement. Breaking News Senate Human Services has a new chair, Senator Carol Lui. Senator Lonni Hancock is a new member on the Committee. WEDNESDAY, April 8, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. SENATE HUMAN COMMTTEE Room 3191 S.B. No. 899 – Mitchell. Repeal of MFG Rule S.B. No. 1002 – De Le\u00f3n. Medi Cal: redetermination. S.B. No. 1029 – Hanckock. Repeal of denying CalWORKs & Food Stamp for drug felons. S.B. No. 1147 – DeSaulnier. Food Stamp Customer Services Standards WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 3 P.M Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 Joint Senate Budget & Fiscal Subcommittee No. 2 and 3 Block and Corbett, Chair Department of Social Services – CalWORKs Child Care ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Passed the Assembly. Next stop. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of verification of pregnancy. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1653- Garcia Room # 5164 – 319-2058 Staff: Elena Lee [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs DV Waivers – This bill would provide for a process to determine eligibility for DV waivers and limit retroactive waivers to 12 months. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Passed Human Services. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Referred to Assembly Human Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Human Services on 4-29-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Human Services on 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 2354- Conway Room # 4130 – 319-2026 Staff: Maddy Stelsmiller [email protected] Conway CalWORKs – This bill would require that EBT cards have a photograph of the EBT cardholder. Referred to Assembly Human Committee AB 2435- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-4130 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Referred to Assembly Human Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Senate Health Committee 3-26-14 @ 1:30 Room # 4202 SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Lonni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2082 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, May 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs Child Welfare Services State Hearings Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services, 9:30 am or upon adjournment Room 4203 OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: SeaREee aera Cee ne ny reco} neat aslandetar Legislative Calondar for 201 Ae 10\u2014 Spring Re ep ed of hays on J. SUA 2 resehange naveieteemmer mee cae i, ENE emai eracwon ‘ain Roan ae Sue | oo ”

Document 2014-#07 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

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“[bookmark: _GoBack] CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-07 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] WHAT’S NEW? Jennifer Swenson is now the Assembly Appropriations Committee’s Principal Consultant for Human Services Rebecca Nieto, Chief of Staff for Senator Corbett is doing Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee Sub. # 3 March 21, 2014 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMTTEE Room 437 A.B. No. 1452 Stone. CalWORKs: temporary homeless assistance. A.B. No. 1579 Stone. CalWORKs: pregnant mothers. A.B. No. 1614 Stone. Electronic benefits transfer cards. A.B. No. 1654 Bonilla. CalWORKs: assignment of child support. Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: WEDNESDAY, April 8, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. SENATE HEALTH COMMTTEE Room 4203 S.B. No. 899 – Mitchell. Repeal of MFG Rule S.B. No. 1002 De Le\u00f3n. Medi Cal: redetermination. S.B. No. 1029 – Hanckock. Repeal of Denying CalWORKs & Food Stamp to convicted drug felons. S.B. No. 1147 – DeSaulnier. Food Stamp Customer Services Standards THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 9:30 or upon adjournment of floor session Room 4203 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Office of Systems Integration County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Andrea Perry [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 24835- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-2055 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Senate Health Committee 3-26-14 @ 1:30 Room # 4202 SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Tempestt Edward [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Appropriations Committee meets every Monday at 10:00 A.M. in Room 4203 Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Rebecca Nieto [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT rarer Tons es Peed aan Ee ShipemmemrtiRAO Coming Up This Week SEES senate zagemcee: keene SSE aca mean guest \”A. 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Document 2014-#06 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3457 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]March 15, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-06 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 5 TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMTTEE Room 437 A.B. No. 1452 Stone. CalWORKs: temporary homeless assistance. A.B. No. 1579 Stone. CalWORKs: pregnant mothers. A.B. No. 1614 Stone. Electronic benefits transfer cards. A.B. No. 1654 Bonilla. CalWORKs: assignment of child support. Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 – 1:30 p.m. SENATE HEALTH COMMTTEE Room 4203 S.B. No. 1002 De Le\u00f3n. Medi Cal: redetermination. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 9:30 or upon adjournment of floor session Room 4203 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Office of Systems Integration County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 24835- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-2055 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 5061 916-651-4022 Claire Conlon [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Senate Health Committee 3-26-14 @ 1:30 Room # 4202 SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SB 1147 – DeSaulnier Room # 5035 916-651-4007 Tempestt Edward [email protected] California Food Policy Advocates CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would require the department, in collaboration with key stakeholders, to establish statewide customer service standards and performance goals with regard to CalFresh. Health & Human Services Committee 4-8-14 @ 1:30 Room #3191 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Mark DeSaulnier Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Jennifer Swenson [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT array Reece Eireann ceed Legislative Calendar for 2014 Soe eee, Coming Up This Week a a2 SEE SSpmerof non eit ”

Document 2014-#05 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3531 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]March 10, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & [bookmark: _GoBack]Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-05 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Joint Oversight Hearing Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services And Budget Subcommittee No.2 On Education Finance MURATSUCHI, WEBER, Chairs 9 a.m. – State Capitol, Room 4202 ( Listen to this hearing ) Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services, Budget, Education OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Joint Hearing on Child Care Department of Social Services & Department of Education THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II, SSI Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Human Services AB 1452 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 2163 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1614 – Stone Room # 5155 – 319-2029 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would make improvements in the delivery of benefits through the EBT system Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: Ivan Carrillo [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Human Services on 3-25-14 @ 1:30 Room #437 AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2252 Speaker Perez Room # 219 – 319-2053 Staff: Gail Gronert [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This bill would provide protections for persons receiving child support payments in a form other than a check. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 5136 – 319-2062 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans This bill is the General Assistance Thanks You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2345- Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2080 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CIPC CP LCHC CalWORKs – This bill would provide CalWORKs benefits to noncitizens lawfully living in the United States of America. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 24835- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-2055 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] ASSEMBLY POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Assembly Human Services Committee, Mark Stone, Chair March 18, 2014 TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: Room 437 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Noreen Evans Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4085 Sofia Andrade [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Roderick D. Wright Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] SENATE POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Senate Human Services Committee, Senator Yee, Chair March 25, – Room 3191 TIME: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Jennifer Swenson [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II, SSI THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Office of Systems Integration – County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT arch 10,2014 array Reece ERR ee eae ee ed Legislative Calendar for 2014 SE at py emerald Felten reer er Coming Up This Week SScuncatiimtcns ‘ox catia ”

Document 2014-#04 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3649 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] February 28, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-04 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health & Human Services WEBER, Chair DATE: Wednesday, March 5, TIME: 2014 1:30 p.m. PLACE State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Department of Social Services Office of Systems Integration In-Home Supportive Services SSI\/SSP Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1452 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 3098 – 916-319-2077 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2077 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: WCLP CalWORKs Child Support – This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Assembly Rules Committee AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO State Hearings – This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO Food Stamps – The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified as permitted by federal law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO General Assistance Veterans – This bill is the General Assistance Thank You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs -This bill would delete the imposition of financial penalties upon CalWORKs families whose child under 16 is not attending school as they are subject to other truancy penalties. Assembly Rules Committee AB 24835- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-2055 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] Hagman CalWORKs – This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] ASSEMBLY POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Assembly Human Services Committee, Mark Stone, Chair March 18, 2014 TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: Room 437 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill State Budget Bill – This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Food Stamps – Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP Food Stamps and Medi-Cal – This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP CalWORKs & Food Stamps – This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Noreen Evans Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4085 Sofia Andrade [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Roderick D. Wright Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] SENATE POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Senate Human Services Committee, Senator Yee, Chair March 25, – Room 3191 TIME: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 6 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Secretary for California Health and Human Services – Office of Systems Integration – In-Home Supportive Services – Supplemental Security Income\/State Supplemental Payment WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028 Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Jennifer Swenson [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II, SSI THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Office of Systems Integration – County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT array Reece ERR re nae ace ed Legislative Calendar for 2014 SE at py emerald Felten reer er Coming Up This Week xref cel Serie Oe of es ion nto Spe ”

Document 2014-#03 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3644 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] February 24, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-03 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Feb. 17 \u2014President’s Day. Feb. 21 \u2014Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(b)(4)), (J.R. 54(a)). Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health & Human Services WEBER, Chair 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services Department of Social Services – Poverty in California California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 -916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1452 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 3098 – 916-319-2077 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 – 319-2077 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 3098 – 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 – 319-2014 Staff: WCLP This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Assembly Rules Committee AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee AB1930- Skinner Room # 4015 – 319-2015 Staff: Tony Bui [email protected] WCLP CCWRO The bill require that students who participate in the EOPS program be considered exempt from the student work requirement as specified, unless prohibited by federal law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2311- Bradford Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] CCWRO This bill is the General Assistance Thank You For Your Service Act of 2014. This bill would exempt employable veterans, who were honorably discharged from the armed forces, of limiting general assistance benefits to 3 months every 12 months as provided in current law. Assembly Rules Committee AB 2382- Bradford Room # 4015 – 319-2046 Staff: Erasmo Viveros [email protected] WCLP This bill would delete the imposition of financial penalties upon CalWORKs families whose child under 16 is not attending school as they are subject to other truancy penalties. Assembly Rules Committee AB 24835- Hagman Room # 4130 – 319-2055 Staff: Ian Adams [email protected] [bookmark: _GoBack]Author This bill would deny CalWORKs benefits to a person who has been convicted of a sex crime against a person living with the CalWORKs family with certain exceptions. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] ASSEMBLY POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Assembly Human Services Committee, Mark Stone, Chair March 18, 2014 TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: Room 437 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 WCLP Reforming the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1002 – DeLoen Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP This bill would align Medi-Cal redeterminations with the food stamp recertifications that would not disadvantage the beneficiary. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Noreen Evans Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4085 Sofia Andrade [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Roderick D. Wright Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] SENATE POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Senate Human Services Committee, Senator Yee, Chair March 25, – Room 3191 TIME: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 Travis Allen (R)Tim Donnelly(R) Eric Linder(R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D) Chris R. Holden(D) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Shirley N. Weber (D) Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services Department of Social Services – Poverty in California – California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Secretary for California Health and Human Services – Office of Systems Integration – In-Home Supportive Services – Supplemental Security Income\/State Supplemental Payment WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Jennifer Swenson [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II SSI THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Office of Systems Integration – County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresh (Food Stamps) CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENT array Reece Eire enone na ce Legislative Calendar for 2014 cme Coming Up This Week eames Ne ea anc, pronto Sac Seis Par i Calf tos Wek Opry an epost Ris CANORK) ”

Document 2014-#02 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3753 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] February 15, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-02 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Feb. 17 \u2014President’s Day. Feb. 21 \u2014Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(b)(4)), (J.R. 54(a)). Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). Coming Up This Week Check for bills relative to public benefits in assembly and senate index. The deadline for bill to be introduced is February 21, 2014. That is the best time to look for public benefits related bills in the assembly and senate bill index. Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1452 – Stone Room # 3098 319-2077 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1502 – Mullin Room # 3098 916-319-2077 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 319-2077 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1579 – Stone Room # 3098 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee AB1613 – Stone Room # 3098 319-2077 Staff: Arianna Smith [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would implement OMB Circular 87 that provides States must not spend more money collecting an overpayment compared to the value of the overpayment to be collected. Assembly Human Services Committee AB 1654 – Bonilla Room # 4140 319-2014 Staff: WCLP This would increase child support disregard from $50 a month to $100 a month for a family with one child and $200 or more, if allowed by federal law, for families with more than 1 child. Assembly Rules Committee AB1776 – Nazarian Room # 4015 319-2046 Staff: Elissa K. Ouchida [email protected] CCWRO This would make certain changes in the state hearing process to make the system more efficient without disadvantaging recipients of public social services. Assembly Rules Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] ASSEMBLY POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Assembly Human Services Committee, Mark Stone, Chair COMING SOON TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: Room 437 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Tam Ma [email protected] Committee Bill This is the 2014-2015 State Budget Bill Referred to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee SB 899 – Mitchell Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 999 – Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Spot bill for food stamps Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 1029 – Hancock Room # 2082 916-651-4009 Marla Cowan [email protected] WCLP This bill would repeal the current probation of CalWORKs and Food Stamp benefits for convicted drug felons and would provide for a pre-release application for food stamp benefits for persons being released from custody. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Noreen Evans Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4085 Sofia Andrade [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Roderick D. Wright Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] SENATE POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Senate Human Services Committee, Senator Yee, Chair COMING SOON – TIME: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Tim Donnelly(R) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Isadore Hall, III(D) Chris R. Holden(D) Eric Linder(R) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Donald P. Wagner(R) Shirley N. Weber Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 8 CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER CCWRO PUBLIC BENEFITS BILL AND BUDGET ACTION TRACKER 7 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services Department of Social Services – Poverty in California – California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – ment – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Secretary for California Health and Human Services – Office of Systems Integration – In-Home Supportive Services – Supplemental Security Income\/State Supplemental Payment WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Tam Ma [email protected] Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II SSI THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Office of Systems Integration – County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresg CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENTS February 15,2014 array Reece Eire nae eee Legislative Calendar for 2014 cme Coming Up This Week Check rts abe uti beets nase and sent index ‘Te cenin lo tito be ated Ferny 21,2014. Tate bea re ‘Dhetto pai bert aise ser nd Soe ae ”

Document 2014-#01 Bill & Budget Action tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 4303 downloads

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] February 5, 2014 CCWRO 2014 California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker #2014-01 Legislative Calendar for 2014 Feb. 17 \u2014President’s Day. Feb. 21 \u2014Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(b)(4)), (J.R. 54(a)). Apr. 10 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(b)(1)). Apr. 21 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(b)(1)). May 2 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(5)). May 9 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(6)). May 16 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(7)). May 23 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(b)(8)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 2 (J.R. 61(b)(9)). May 27 May 30\u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(b)(10)). May 30 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(b)(11)). June 2 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(b)(12)). [bookmark: _GoBack]Coming Up This Week Check for bills relative to public benefits in assembly and senate index. The deadline for bill to be introduced is February 21, 2014. That is the best time to look for public benefits related bills in the assembly and senate bill index. Contact Person: Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Phone: (916) 736-0616 Fax (916) 736-2645 — Cell (916) 712-0071 Email: [email protected] Webpage: ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps AB 264 – Maienschein Room # 3098 916-319-2077 Staff: Erin Donnette [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee 1452 – Stone Room # 3098 319-2077 Staff: Kim Angulo [email protected] CCWRO This bill would increase the daily rate payments for temporary homeless assistance from $65 to $75 and have a COLA for the $75. Assembly Human Services Committee 1502 – Mullin Room # 3098 916-319-2077 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This is the Family Unity Act of 2014. This bill would repeal the 100-hour rule for CalWORKs applicants and exempt relative caretakers other than the natural or adopted parent from mandatory participation in the welfare-to-work program. Assembly Human Services Committee 1516 – Gonzalez Room # 5155 319-2077 Staff: Bridget Kolakosky [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would provide diapers for toddlers. Assembly Human Services Committee 1579 – Stone Room # 3098 319-2077 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP This bill would allow pregnant women without any children to receive aid from the date of application and verification of pregnancy. Assembly Human Services Committee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson ([email protected]) and Chris Reefe ([email protected]) Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 319-2089 Fax: (916) 319-2189 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 124 Republican Consultant Mary Belamy Email: [email protected] Phone: (916) 319-3900 Fax: (916) 319-3902 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 400 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2029 Fax: 916-319-2129 Room # 4146 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tom Ammiano Phone: 916-319-2017 Fax: 916-319-2117 Room # 3146 Wendy Hill [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Cristina Garcia Phone: 916-319-2058 Fax: 916-319-2158 Room # 5164 Elena Lee [email protected] Shannon Grove Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2134 Room # 4208 Kristina Brown [email protected] Isadore Hall, III Phone: 916-319-2064 Fax: 916-319-2164 Room # 3123 Brian Duke [email protected] ASSEMBLY POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Assembly Human Services Committee, Mark Stone, Chair COMING SOON TIME: 1:30 P.M. PLACE: Room 437 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 851 Leno Committee Bill This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee SB 899 Mitchell EBCL and WCLP This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Next Steps SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff:Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] and Tepring Piquado (Tepring [email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916)651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 23 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Leland Yee (Chair) Phone: 651-4008 Fax: 651-4908 Room # 4074 Alicia Lewis – [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Brent Finkel [email protected] Senator Noreen Evans Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4085 Sofia Andrade [email protected] Senator Carol Liu Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Roderick D. Wright Phone: 651-4035 Fax: 651-4935 Room # 2032 Emily Rice [email protected] Senator Mark Wyland Phone: 651-4038 Fax: 651-4838 Room # 4048 Mark Reeder [email protected] SENATE POLICY COMMITTEE HEARINGS Senate Human Services Committee, Senator Yee, Chair COMING SOON TIME: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Mike Gatto (Chair)(D) Diane L. Harkey (Vice Chair) (D) Franklin E. Bigelow (R) Raul Bocanegra (D) Steven Bradford(D) Ian C. Calderon(D) Nora Campos(D) Tim Donnelly(R) Susan Talamantes Eggman(D) Jimmy Gomez(D) Isadore Hall, III(D) Chris R. Holden(D) Eric Linder(R) Richard Pan(D) Bill Quirk(D) Donald P. Wagner(R) Shirley N. Weber Joel Tashjian, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Senator Kevin de Le\u00f3n (Chair) Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair) Senator Ted Gaines Senator Jerry Hill Senator Ricardo Lara Senator Alex Padilla Senator Darrell Steinberg Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Faxv 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 2013-2014 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Shirley Webber (Chair) (D) Phone: 319-2079 Fax: 319-2179 Rm. #: 3126 Jazmin Hicks [email protected] Wesley Chesbro (D) Phone: 319-2002 Fax: 319-2102 Rm. #: 2141 Shantel Johnson [email protected] Roger Dickinson (D) Phone: 319-2007 Fax: 319-2107 Rm. #: 2013 Dawn Isbell [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Allan R. Mansoor (R) Phone: 319-2074 Fax: 319-2174 Rm. #: 4177 Eric Dietz [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone: 319-2099 Fax: 319-2199 Rm. #: 6029 [email protected] Assembly Budget hearings Schedule 8 CCWRO California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker 8 [Type the document title] CCWRO California Public Benefits Bill & Budget Hearings Action Tracker 7 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services Department of Social Services – Poverty in California – California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20281:30 p.m. – ment – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Secretary for California Health and Human Services – Office of Systems Integration – In-Home Supportive Services – Supplemental Security Income\/State Supplemental Payment WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Aging – Department of Community Services and Development – Department of Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services – Community Care Licensing – State Hearings WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 Department of Social Services CalFresh – Child Welfare Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20283 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES – APRIL LETTERS MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services WEBER, Chair\u20284 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 ( Listen to this hearing )\u2028Committees: Budget, Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services\u2028 ALL DEPARTMENTS – OPEN ISSUES SENATE BUDGET & FISCAL EVIEW COMMITTEE Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Senator Ellen Corbett Phone: 651-4010 Fax: 651-4910 Room #: 313 Tam Ma Senator Mimi Walters Phone: 651-4037 Fax: 651-4937 Room #: 3086 Hanna Marrs Senator Bill Monning Phone: Phone: 651-4007 Fax: 651-4907 Room #: 4085 Indira McDonald [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 50 Samantha Lui [email protected] Senate Budget hearings Schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Department of Social Services IHSS and CMISP II SSI THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Corbett, Chair, Chair\u2028- 9:30 am or upon adjournment of floor session, whichever is earlier. – State Capitol, Room 4203 Office of Systems Integration – County Expense Claim Reporting Information System (CECRIS) Department of Child Support THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services CalFresg CalWORKs State Hearings THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services Department of Child Support THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 3 On Health And Human Services OPEN ISSUES ALL DEPARTMENTS February 82014 ors yao Pier aar ee Rs ee Legistative Calendar for 2014 Sai Coming Up This Week Cech rt abe puticbeets nase an senate nde Te cenine ltt be netic Ferny 21,2014. 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pdf 2011-2012 CCWRO State Budget Alert

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” CCWRO State Budget ALERT No. 2012-01 January 20, 2012 State Budget 2012 Hearings Schedule as of January 20, 2012 For more information contact Kevin Aslanian at: CCWRO 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Tel. 916-736-0616 Cell Anytime 916-712-0071 Web Page: http:\/\/ Email: [email protected] DATE: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 WHO: Assembly Budget Committee – Committee web page: http:\/\/\/sub1healthandhumanservices TIME: 10:00 AM . WHERE: State Capitol – Room 4202 WHAT: General Overview of Governor’s Pro- posed 2012-2013 State Budget (by Governor’s Department of Finance and Legislative Analyst Office) TELEVISED: Yes – on CalChannel (also streamed live via ) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: NONE DATE: Thursday, February 23, 2012 WHO: Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Commit- tee – Committee web page: http:\/\/\/ TIME: 09:30 AM or upon adjournment of State Senate floor session (which ever is later) WHERE: State Capitol – Room 4203 WHAT: Informational hearing on Governor’s Long Term Care and Medi-Cal Managed Care proposals including impact to In-Home Sup- portive Services and the Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP). TELEVISED: Yes – on CalChannel (also streamed live via ) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Yes (and public can also send in written comments) DATE: Thursday, March 1, WHO: Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Commit- tee – TIME: 09:30 AM or upon adjournment of State Senate floor session (which ever is later) WHERE: State Capitol – Room 4203 WHAT: Informational hearing on Governor’s CalWORKS and Child Care proposals (including proposal to redesign both programs) TELEVISED: Yes – on CalChannel (also streamed live via ) PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Yes (and public can also send in written comments) SENATEASSEMBLY ”

pdf 2010-2011 CCWRO State Budget Update #2

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” COALITION OF CALIFORNIA WELFARE RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS, INC. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Office (916) 736-0616 Cell (916) 712-0071 Fax (916) 736-2645 January 20, 2010 The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) has been providing advocacy in public benefits since the early 1980’s. CCWRO is a statewide nonprofit organization providing back-up services to qualified legal service field programs and representing welfare recipients. 15.7% CalWORKs Grant Reduction Proposal JOB KILLER The proposed CalWORKs 15.7% grant cuts will mean a loss of $590 million for impoverished families in California for 2010-2011. The cuts re- sult in General Fund savings of $130 million, assuming that the federal ARRA program is extended. What would $130 million General Fund savings cost California? The loss of $472 million enhanced federal ARRA funds; The economic stimulus of $1.03 bil- lion, based on the assumption that for every dollar not received by a Cal- WORKs family, California loses 1.7 dollars of economic activity in that community; The loss of 180,000 jobs in Califor- nia. This is based on the fact that in 2008, the average wage in California was $56,000. Most welfare recipient jobs would pay less than the average. CCWRO State Budget Update – #2 Assembly Budget Hearings On 1\/12\/10 the Assembly Budget Committee held the first hearing on the 2010-2011 State Budget. The chair of the committee, Noreen Evans opened the hearing by saying that the proposed budget was disap- pointing. She said that the budget tries to pass the buck to the federal gov- ernment and asks for sacrifices from those in our society with the least. Evans also said that this year the budget would be open and transpar- ent. She said the budget will be built in the sunshine and not by The Big Five. Ms. Evans said, Ordinary peo- ple will be heard in the process and the budget will have a body count if enacted as proposed. Republican Jim Nielson suggested that people should come to the Com- mittee with suggestions of savings that can be used to save the programs they support. Several Republican members of the Committee said that they support no new revenues and urged that the bud- get be balanced with budget cuts. Todd Jerue, Chief Deputy Direc- tor for Budgets from the Department of Finance, presented the Governor’s budget and laid out all of the pro- gram reductions that were termed by Assemblyman Sandre Swanson as mean spirited and unrealistic. Mr. Jerue said that California’s budget deficit amounts to $19 billion. Under questioning Mr. Jerue did not deny that even if the Legislature rubber- stamped and enacted all of the cuts proposed by the Governor, the bud- get will still be out of balance by several billion dollars. Mac Taylor, the Legislative Analyst, later said that even if all of the Governor’s proposals were enacted, the budget will continue to have a $5-6 billion deficit. Mr. Jerue was asked if he could identify some waste in state gov- ernment. He suggested cutting state employee salaries by 5%. The Governor reintroduced pro- posed IHSS program cuts that were stopped by the federal court last session. However, this time the cuts would eliminate 87% of the case- load. The Legislative Analyst stated that the proposed IHSS cuts would result in many people ending up in nursing homes, that would cost more than the IHSS budget cuts. Nick Buchen, Department of Fi- nance, testified that there were not enough nursing home beds in Cali- fornia to take in all of the people being proposed for termination, but Department of Finance assumes that the families would not place the IHSS recipients in nursing homes and will continue to provide care without pay. Assemblyman William Monning asked the Administration if they knew how many jobs the reduction or termination of CalWORKs and IHSS would cause. The Adminis- tration admitted that they had not done a jobs impact analysis of these cuts. What is the cost of saving $130 million in the General Fund by Cutting CalWORKs grants by 15.7%? Federal Fund Loss $472 million Loss to California’s Ecomony $1 billion California Jobs Killed 180,000 jobs CCWRO State Budget UPDATE #2 January 20, Page 2 Jim Beall Jr. of Santa Clara County urged the administration to work on enhancing food stamp participation and federal earned income tax cred- it participation. Persons eligible for these programs would stimulate the California economy. Senate Budget & Fis- cal Review Committee Budget Hearing On January 14, 2010, the Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Commit- tee held the first hearing on the Governor’s proposed budget. The hearing was opened by Chair of the Committee, Senator Duchaney, who said that the Committee would look at alternative savings propos- als. She said she was very skeptical of new spending proposals from the Administration in this budget. CCWRO State Budget Update Republican Senator Dutton said he was concerned that some of the cuts may affect jobs. He also said that he agreed with Mac Taylor of the LAO who said that the Governor’s as- sumption of getting $6.9 billion from the federal government was unrealistic. Senator Duchaney asked why the Administration brought back the IHSS proposal that was rejected by the court. Mr. Bucken of the Depart- ment of Finance, said the Adminis- tration assumes that the federal gov- ernment would approve a waiver that would permit the cuts to take effect. Senator Duchaney asked how much had the state paid for lawsuits that had been lost and for the three- year labor negotiations that had not been productive. Senator Duchaney pointed out that while the staff time for most departments and the legisla- ture has been flat or down, the Gov- ernor’s staff time has increased by 1,000 hours. Senator Wright of Los Ange- les asked how Governor Schwar- zanegger could ask for more federal funds when he insists on furloughs that include state work- ers paid 100% with federal funds. Senator Lowenthal asked that the Department of Finance tell the Legislature and Californians how the trigger cuts would impact the California’s economy and jobs. Senator Leno noted that the elimi- nation of the Healthy Family pro- gram would mean 825,000 chil- dren would no longer have health care services and would have go to the local emergency rooms for health care. He noted that this did not include the social impact, edu- cational impact and prison impact of no health care for children. Sen- ator Leno also pointed out that the elimination of the IHSS program would mean a loss of 500,000 jobs. The future budget hearings are set forth below. Jan 26, 2010 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SUBJECT: Medi-Cal, Healthy Families Jan 27, 2010 Assembly Bud- get Committee & Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee #3 (3rd IHSS Reforms Over- sight hearing) 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 4202 SUBJECT: In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Feb 2, 2010 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Committee 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SUBJECT: SSI\/SSP (Supplemental Security Income\/State Supplemen- tal Payment grant program), CAPI (Cash Assistance Program for Im- migrants), IHSS, CalWORKs Upcoming Budget Hearings ”

pdf 2010-2011 CCWRO State Budget Update #1

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” COALITION OF CALIFORNIA WELFARE RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS, INC. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816-7012 Office (916) 736-0616 Cell (916) 712-0071 Fax (916) 736-2645 January 11, 2010 The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) has been providing advocacy in public benefits since the early 1980s. CCWRO is a statewide nonprofit organization providing back-up services to qualified legal service field programs and representing welfare recipients. 15.7% CalWORKs Grant Reduction Proposal Effective June 1, 2010 Governor Schwarzenegger re- leased his budget that would institute a 15.7 reduction of CalWORKs benefits effective June 1, 2010. Chart #1 below reveals that if this is enacted by the Legisla- ture, the fixed incomes of Cali- fornia’s impoverished families would be below what they were in July, 1985. This would put CalWORKs grants at 37% of the poverty level. CCWRO State Budget Update – #1 1985-1986 AFDC Grant For a Family of 3 Levels * $288.00 $474.00 $587.00 $698.00 $796.00 $895.00 $982.00 $1,071.00 $1,156.00 $1,243.00 Statewide Average Grant Level For a Family of 3 6\/10-6\/11 $283.00 $461.00 $571.00 $681.00 $774.50 $870.00 $955.50 $1,041.00 $1,125.00 $1,208.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * SOURCE: http:\/\/\/research\/PG278.htm 2010-2011 Governor’s Bud- get Reverts to Fantasy The 2010-2011 proposed budget was de- scribed by Dan Walters, a conservative columnist for the Sacramento Bee, as the Governor reverting to fantasy. The budget protects education and launches an unprec- edented attack on human services programs serving the poor of California. The idea pits advocates for health and welfare programs against education advocates. The Governor’s budget assumes that the federal government gives California a wel- fare check of $6.9 billion. California has mismanaged it’s budget affairs by neglect- ing the reality of the need for revenues. The response from Washington came via Sena- tor Feinstein who said California’s budget crisis was created in Sacramento, not Wash- ington . Moreover, the federal government $539 $177 $272 $651 $107.3 $56.2 $22.5 $47 $13.7 Proposed Budget Cuts 2009-2010 2010-2011 (in millions) Reduction of CalWORKs grants by 15.7% Reduction of SSI benefits by $15 Reduce State Participation in IHSS Worker Wages Limit IHSS to FI Score of 4.00 and above Elimination of CAPI Elimination of CFAP Eliminate CalWORKs for Recent Noncitizens Entrants Program Who Gets More? Counties and automation projects are rewarded in this budget. In 2009-2010 counties received ……………$1,455,893,000 In 2010-2011 counties will receive ………..$1,550,724,000 This is a $100 million increase in funding for counties and their vari- ous computer systems will take right out of the mouths of impover- ished children of California. F a m i l y S i z e has denied funding for undocumented cor- rectional inmates that California has been trying to get for more than a decade. The budget provides that if the Governor does not get his $6.9 welfare check from the federal government he will propose to eliminate the CalWORKs program, the IHSS program and more. This means that the federal government would need to take over the TANF program in California. America cannot abandon chil- dren – that is child abuse. The Governor has called another special ses- sion to enact $6.6 billion which would in- clude eliminations of CAPI, CFAP, reduction of individual SSI benefits by $15, reduction of CalWORKs grant by 15.7%, decimation of the IHSS program and reduction of child care rates. Below is a chart showing the wel- fare budget cuts proposed by the Governor for 2010-2011. ”