” Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816 Telephone (916) 736-0616 Cell (916) 712-0071 Fax (916) 736-2645 CCWRO Welfare News CCWRO is an IOLTA funded support center serving IOLTA legal services programs in California. Types of Services Offered: Litigation, Co-Counseling, Fair Hearing, Representation, Consultation, Informational Services, Research Services, In-Depth Consultation and Welfare Training. Programs Covered: CalWORKs, Welfare to Work (WtW), Food Stamps, Media Cal, General Assistance & Refugee\/Immigrant Eligibility. Refugee\/Immigrant Eligibility. All Rights Reserved. Contributors:Kevin Aslanian, Grace Galligher, Stephen Goldberg and Diane Aslanian http:\/\/www\/ccwro.org County Client abuse on page 2 June 28, 2013 Issue #2013-12 For fiscal year 2012-2013 DSS allocated $432,203,000 to California’s 58 counties to pay for Welfare-to-Work (WtW) childcare. The third-quarter allocation-expendi- ture report reveals that only $207,964,462 has been given to Welfare-to-Work participants. Over 51% of the total 2012-2013 Child Care Allocation ($224,275,877) remains available to pay for childcare in the last fiscal quarter. Counties paid an average of $69,321,487 per quarter. Annualizing this number means that approximately $154,964,390 will be returned to DSS even though ap- proximately 50% of the WtW participants do not receive childcare according to the April 2013 CW115 reports. County 2012-2013 Child Care Al- location Amount Spent During 3 Quarters Unspent Amount for last quarter Percent- age of Unspent Amount for last quarter Alameda $21,701,221 16,185,955 5,515,266 25% Fresno 19,226,151 6,787,768 12,438,838 36% Kern 12,959,313 5,230,686 7,728,627 80% Los Angeles 133,557,273 52,117,699 81,439,574 46% San Joaquin 9,014,365 2,325,805 6,688,560 66% Solano 4,704,049 1,527,005 3,177,044 41% It is fascinating to look at the utilization of childcare from county to county. Riverside, Alameda and San Ber- nardino pay for childcare to over 80% of the unduplicated participants. On the other hand only 19 % of the undupli- cated participants received childcare in Sacramento, 22% in Stanislaus, 28% in Tulare, 29% in Contra Costa, 40% in San Diego, 43% in Orange and 46% in Los Angeles. See Chart #1. Why do 80% of the unduplicated participants in River- side, Kern and Alameda need and receive childcare while neighboring Los Angeles and San Diego County only provide 40% of the unduplicated participants childcare? It just does not add up. Could it be that in Los Angeles and San Diego 80% of the participants need childcare, but only 40% receive it? On June 19, 2013, the United State House of Representa- tives presented legislation cutting over $20 billion out of the SNAP program over a 10-year period. The ma- jor cuts included elimination of categorical eligibility and the eat and heat program. Speaker Boehner said the Farm Bill (HR 1947) is one of the priorities of the house. Majority Leader Cantor supported the legislation. Pennsylvania Republican Tom Marino proposed an amendment to HR 1947 to require that FNS estab- lish a Soviet style surveillance plan to snoop and de- termine what soldiers, veterans, underpaid workers and other families purchases with SNAP benefits. Another proposed amendment would limit farm welfare checks (also known as farm subsidies ) to recipients with less than $250,000. 15 members of Congress receive farm subsidies. Congressman Fincher of Tennessee, who between 1999-2013 received $3,483,823 dollars, said on the floor that if you don’t work, you can’t eat , repeat- ing what his comrade Vladimir Lenin said in 1920s. Republican Congressman Richard Hudson of North Carolina proposed that all SNAP recipients be drug test- ed, but forgot to mandate that the 15 members of Con- gress getting farm subsidies also be tested. He also did not require drug testing of the major corporations with income over $250,000 who get welfare checks from the Department of Agriculture under the Farm Bill. Even with a majority in the House, the Republicans could not get it passed. There were several California Democrats who voted for the Farm Bill including Ami Bera, Julie Brownley, Jim Costa, Sam Farr and John Garamendi. 62 Republicans, or 25% of the Republican caucus voted against HR 1947. This is a major embar- rassment for the Speaker and a major victory for the beneficiaries of the SNAP program. With time running out, it looks like there will be no Farm Bill in 2013 be- cause Congress will be working on budgets and immi- gration reform. The farm bill programs will continue through an instrument called continued resolution Chart #1 Counties Fail to Use the Child Care Allocation for CalWORKs Welfare- to-Work Counties Fail to Use the Child Care Allocation for CalWORKs Welfare- to-Work CCWRO Welfare News June 28, 2013 #2013-12 – Page 2 Con’t from Page 1 l Los Angeles DPSS Staff Hang Up on Custom- ers- Ms. B1NG224 conference called the Los Ange- les County DPSS office to talk to her worker with the advocate being on the second line. After ringing over 10 times, a clerk by the name of Vema picked up the phone and informed Ms. B1NG224 that her worker was not available to talk to her. When asked to be con- nected with the supervisor Vema rudely instructed Ms. telephone interview that was scheduled on June 4, 2013 @ 12:15p.m. Your letter to me is incorrect. I did not receive a phone call from you or anyone from the Chatsworth office on June 4, 2013 @ 12:15p.m. In fact, I waited until 1:00p.m. on June 4. You did not attempt to con- tact me otherwise! In fact, the number listed on the notice page (866-613-3777) along with other various corre- spondence, is a voice mailbox that is full during work- ing hours of 8-5 p.m. I have attempted to contact you via phone, mail and through other means of voice con- tact. Unfortunately, I have gotten no response from you! This is completely frustrating on my end. How can I reach a social worker, if their business voice mail- box is full? How is it that the Dept of Social Services allows you to have a voice mailbox that is full for sev- eral months? And how is it that you are employed with the State of California? I just don’t understand how you can get away with your unprofessional conduct! This re- ally needs to be brought to management’s attention. You should not be working with individuals that need assis- tance. You should not be work for the State of California! I am requesting that Dept of Social Services change my so- cial worker immediately to someone that can be contacted, has a working telephone number and someone who is pro- fessional. Again, it is impossible to contact you otherwise. With this said, I am requesting a hearing to the Ap- peals and State Hearing Section. I will also in- dicate that you are unprofessional, unreason- able and with a doubt, the worse social worker! A copy of this letter will be accompanied the Ap- peals & State Hearing Section, State Welfare Rights Organization and the Local Legal Aid Office. NOTE THAT YOU PURPOSELY HAVE NOT CORRECTED MY NAME ON EACH CORRE- SPONDENCE. YOU HAVE MY LAST NAME LISTED AS ITEEG . AGAIN, FOR THE 100TH TIME, MY LAST NAME IS STEEG . UP- DATE YOUR RECORDS ACCORDINGLY!!! l Contra Costa County Denies Emergency Food Stamps Wrogfully and More. Contra Costa County de- nied Ms. R.N 502017’s CalFresh expedited service on 12\/27\/12 without any reasons cited. That was ERROR # 1. On 1\/16\/13 the worker requested verification that Ms. R.N 502017 is no longer a student when the county already had this verification. ERROR # 2. Finally Contra Costa County denied the application by sending out a notice of action on 1\/28\/13, which is over 30 days. ERROR #3. COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT VICTIM REPORT B1NG224 that she cannot talk to the supervisor and hung up. How dare a DPSS customer want to talk to the supervisor. That must certainly be against DPSS policy of customer service. l Los Angeles DPSS Cancels Two Interviews and Cal- Fresh Applicant Gives up on Getting Food Stamps. Ms. R.N. 501016’s case record shows she applied for CalFresh on 12\/27\/12 and was given an appointment for 1\/7\/13. On 1-25-13 the application was denied based on reason code withdrawal at the client’s request. There was no signed withdrawal form on file. Ms. R.N. 501016 states that the 1-7-13 interview was canceled at the request of the DPSS worker. The interview was rescheduled, but that interview was also cancelled by the DPSS worker. Ms. R.N. 501016 stated that she was never given any notices regarding missed appointments, or the status of the application. Ms. R.N 501016 decided not to pursue the application after the second cancellation due to the inconvenience of having to take time off from her employment to attend a face-to-face interview that is cancelled by DPSS. Mission accomplished. One less CalFresh recipient. The DPSS corrective action plan was more training and telling caseworkers to document – docu- ment even if the documentation is a lie for the ultimate goal is to discourage applicants from receiving food stamp benefits. l Los Angeles DPSS Denies CalFresh for Failure to Pro- vide Verification that DPSS Already Had. Ms. R.N. 501019 applied for CalFresh in Los Angeles County on 12-26-12. The applicant was screened for expedited service, but the interview was scheduled for 1\/7\/13. On 1\/25\/13 the application was de- nied for failure to verify identity. DSS states that the appli- cant was already known to the system since she was receiving CalFresh benefits for several months until August, 2012, and had been J-verified in the MEDS system which lists her name, DOB and SSN as verified. Per ACIN-I-45-11 if identity has been verified via MEDs, then the verification of identity re- quirement in the CalFresh is considered to be met. DPSS’ corrective action plan was to continue to deny food stamp applications for failure to verify identity even if the county is able to verify the identity as provided in ACIN I-45-11. l Los Angeles DPSS Customer Disservice Exposed. B1BZC57 received a notice for a missed telephone in- terview. B1BZC57 wrote a letter to Los Angeles County I have received your letter indicating that I have missed the ”