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pdf Sacramento Loaves & Fishes v. Board of Supervisors – Food Stamp Application Consent Decree – 4-16-2010

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pdf Taylor v. Shalala, Allows SSI applicant with excess resources to get SSI.

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” …. .. .>.- 2 619 North Street ..- \”:’ \” < : \", O e . ali fornia 90017 67 \/ -. .;.,...,. t . NITED STATES DISTPICT CO T herself and all others similarly \"\"\" .' ;:': 'L[ STIPULATION FOR VS. 1 '.e '{ DOrA S ALA, Secrehary ,'.i. Y. ';\": & \";'v . \"' ' 15 H an\u00b0f theservices,Department o[ Health and ) \"'., . ,., :' . ,-: - s @ 18 The parties to the above-captioned action, by and through -' \"Y \": ...,.. .,,,. 19 their respec iv counsel, hereby agree and stipulate as follows: 20 1. By_ entering int this Stipulation, the degendan \"\" ::: 21 Secretary of Health and Human Services expressly does not concede \" ' \": \":\" 22 liability for any claims raised by the plaintiff or the plaintiff .'\"\" -\" C . .....:-; . 24 2. e\" f nal administrative decision o the Secretarg dated ; - 5 25 October 29, 1992, upholding the denial of plaintiff's May 1990 \" + } ' :' \" * 26 application for Supplemental Security Income benefits, shall be ' \"' \" '': 27 vacated. :( ' [' \": { : .:.\/ ... 2 Security Income benefits shall be granted. Retroactive. SSI \" \"\": . ' 3 benefits shall be awarded to -plaintiff pursuant to said '\" : - ::' : \"} 4 application, with an effective beginning date of Ja uar i, 1991. 5 Said retroactive benefits Shall be paid to plaintiff, as otherwise q.[ 6 eligible, for each and every month beginning January i, 1991 : ..< ,.: .-; :J 7 through and including October, 1992. Said payments shall be ,. - j 8 calcul ted without regard to the value of any \"excess real \/ [- : .,...:.: %. . i09 herei .pr\u00b0perty\" which was referenced in the administrative, proceedings \"< \": \"-, ii 4. The reli f set forth in Paragraphs 6 and 7 herein below -. .. 12 shall constitute a full and final settlement of all other claims 13 raised in this action. 14 5. This settlement agreement expressly reserves the right of 15 any person whose SSI benefits have been or will be denied, 16 terminated or reduced, as a result of an alleged failure of the 17 Secretary to provide prompt and adequate notice of.the conditional 18 benefits reimbursement agreement requirements to bri g 'ian 19 individual om laint seeking increased and\/or retroactive SSI 20 benefits, pursuant to the normal procedure for obtaining judicial 21 review of final administrative decisions of the Secretary, as 22 prescribed in 42 U.S.C. 405(g). 23 6. The Secretary shall issue a transmittal updating SSA's 24 Program Operations Manhal System (POMS) by the end of February 25 1994, with a revision of the \"SSI SPOTLIGHT ON GETTING SSI WHILE 26 YOU TRY TO SELL EXCESS RESOURCES,\" which will contain language that 27 covers the points set forth in the item issued under paragraph 7 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 La ' lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \"-. _-\/: :ii- i\". which describes said \"Spotlight\". Prior to final issuance of the Spotlight, the Secretary shall submit the draft revisions to plaintiffs' counsel for comment. An instruction will accompany the revised \"Spotlight\" indicating that SSA's Field personnel should photocopy the POMS version of the \"Spotlight\" and distribute it to all individuals who might be eligible for SSI benefits under the conditional payment provision. In addition, the revised \"SpotYight\" shall immediately replace the unrevised version of the \"Spotlight.\" The \"Spotlight\" subsequently shall be translated into Spanish ind all other languages for which the \"Spotlight\" series is madeavailable Copies of the revised \"Spotlight\"and the POMS t ansmittal shall be served on plaintiff's counsel wi h- a certification that this provision of this paragraph has been satisfied. 7. The Secretary shall, within 30 days of the date on which judgment in this case is entered, issue a notice to all Social Security field offices containing the language attached hereto in Exhibit A. A copy of his notice shall be served on plaintiff's counsel with.a ertification that the provisions of this paragraph have been satisfied. 8. Judgment pursuant to the terms of this Stipulation shall be entered in favor of the plaintiff, Gretchen Taylor, and against the Secretary and the matter remanded to the Secretary for implementation of the terms of the stipulation. LEGAL SERVICES OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. NATIONAL SENIOR CITIZENS LAW CENTER GARY F.' MITH !\" .A tor, 'eys for Plaintiffs\"' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .c . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DATED: \/\/\/\" DATED: I-I --q By: By: CHARLES J. STEVENS United States Attorney EDMUND F . BRENNKN Assistant U. S. Attorney ELIZABETH PRICE '\/ Special Assistant U. S. Attorney Attorneys for Defendant 1 ATTACHMENT A 2 REMINDER CONCERNING CONDITIONAL BENEFITS 3 4 AS a result of litigation filed in the Eastern District of California, we are issuing this reminder concerning the requirement 5 to explain conditional benefits to all individuals who may be eligible for them. The provision and its implications must be 6 explained to any individual whose: 7 * benefits are about to be denied or suspended due solely to excess nonliquid resources; and 8 liquid resources do not exceed 3 times the monthly feder l 9 benefit rate (FBR). benefits should also be explained to any Conditicnal individual whose liquid resources only exceed 3 times the FBR by a small ii amount or individuals who could benefit from the provision if aware of it including individuals who ask about conditional benefits but 12 have not filed an application. 13 POMS SI 01150.203B.I. requires that if an individual may be eligible if excess nonliquid resources were disposed-of, but 14 declines to take advantage of the conditional benefits provision when explained to him or her, the fact that the explanation was 15 given and the individual's refusal, must be documented in writing and signed by the individual before his benefit claim is denied due 16 to excess nonliquid resources. 17 When explaining the conditional benefits provision, be sure to explain the requirement to sign a written agreement (FORM SSA-8060- 18 U3) with SSA and that the conditional benefits period can only begin when SSA accepts the agreement. 19 We also are revlslng the \"SSI SPOTLIGHT ON GETTING SSI WHILE YOU 20 TRY TO SELL EXCESS RESOURCES\" in the near future by inserting language emphasizing to the individual that: 21 Conditional benefits cannot begin until you sign a written 22 \"conditional benefits agreement\" and Social Security accepts the agreement. 23 The agreement is available at your local social Security 24 office ask for more information. 25 Although claimants must be advised of the conditional benefits provisions prior to issuance of a denial notice, in addition any 26 claimants whose applications are denied based upon excess non- liquid resources must receive a notice in the form set forth at 27 POMS SI 01150.210.B.I, which again advises them of their right to 28 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 2O 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 sign and suDmi a conditional benefi%s agreements. Yhe curren automated motice used for denials d e o e\u00d7ce s resources contains this advice. Make sure you include i in any manual no ices you prepare. Re: Gretchen Taylor v. Shalala (E.D. CA No. CIV-S-93-0033 GEB :_. -.:... Dear Gary: :! i.'; Attached you will find copies of the notice that was sent to .,-.. 'c\" all Social Security field offices and the revised \"SSI Spotlight on GettingSSI-While You-Try to Sell Excess Resources.\" The \"Spot.l!g t' was issued in February.. The notice was sent out on May 25. The wording of the notice contains a few changes from that which you have seen previously. These changes are not substantive and were made primarily to attain editorial consistency with the previously-issued \"Spotlight.\" If you have any question , please feel free to contact me at (410) 965-3169. . behefits are about to be denied or. suspended due solely to' :.., '.>..:.’ excess nonliquid .resources an \” liquid resources do not exceed 3 times the monthly. Federal benefit rate (FBR). -\”.. Conditional b nefits should also be explained to any individual .. hose liquid resources only exceed 3 times the FBR by a small. amount or individuals who could benefit from the provision i aware of it includin& individuals who ask about conditional benefits but have not filed an application. POMS SI 01150.203B.I. requires that if an individual.may be., eligible if excess nonliquid resources were disposed of, but : \” ‘::\” \”‘\”\”- declines to take advantage of the conditional benefits provisien when explained to him\/her, the fact that the explanation was given and the individual’s refusal, must be documented in \u00a2riting and signed by the individualbefo\u00a3= his\/her benefit.i;C aimlis’ denied due to excess nonliquid resources. B. PROCEDURE When explaining the conditional benefits provision be sure to explain the requirement to sign a\” ritten agreement\”\”(FOP M SSA- 8060-U3) with SSA and that the condftional be6efits\”p ri0dcan only begin when SSA ccepts the agreement.. NOTE: You have received a revised \”SSI SPOTLIGHT ON GETTING SSI WHILE YOU TRY TO SELL EXCESS RESOURCES\” emphasizing to the individual that: Your benefits cannot begin until after you sign a \”conditional benefits agreement\” and Social Security accepts the agreement. The agreement form is available at your local Social Security office ask for more deCails. Bnd offic sk.for :.\”:: :\”-; .- The agreement form is available at your Io 1 Social S uri more What m happens after 11 real and\/or pe onal prope ? …,,.: ….. . You may continue to get SSI payments. See your Io 1 Social S uri office to find o if your :; .,,,. . SSI payments will continue after the s le. ., You will also have to y ba any SSI payments up to the value of the excess resource ich ., , ; ,, you r eived while t ing to sell e pro . … ,) .: : : THIS INFORMATION IS GENERAL; TO FIND OUT IF IT APPLIES TO YOU OR FOR MORE ‘.. ;.- ;. ., .;,. INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SOCIAL SECURI OFFICE. TO SELL EXCESS RESOURCES -.-.. Can get SSI If have e ess resourceS? To get SSI, your countable resources must not be worth morc than $2,000 for an individual (or $3,000 for a couple). Can get SSI if h ve more than that? …,.. -…;. Yes; you may, but you must sell some of your countable resources. While you try to sell them, you may be able to get SSI. What kinds of things can sell? You can sell the following types of things: Real property, such as land or a house that you don’t live in; or Personal property, such as jewelry or a stamp collection. How does this work? While you are trying to sell real property, you can receive SSI payments for up to 9 months. While you re trying to sell personal property, you can receive SSI for up to 3 months. And we may pay you even longer. ”

pdf Tesluck v. Swoap, A stipulation for home fair hearings

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pdf Turner v. Anderson, Federal Welfare Notice of Action Case

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pdf V.L. v. Wagner Order Granting Preliminary Injunction of IHSS 2009 Cuts

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” U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA V.L., et al., Plaintiffs, v. JOHN A. WAGNER, Director of the California Department of Social Services; DAVID MAXWELL-JOLLY, Director of the California Department of Health Care Services; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, Defendants. \/ No. C 09-04668 CW ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs are disabled and elderly Californians who need in- home assistance with one or more of the activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, toileting or taking medication, in order to live safely at home without risk of serious injury or harm. Plaintiffs seek to prevent the State from applying a change in the law to reduce or terminate these services to over 130,000 people who receive them from the state In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program, by changing the eligibility criteria of the program in a way that, the Court concludes, likely violates federal law. This change would reduce or terminate services to recipients based on numerical rankings and a complicated mathematical formula devised years ago, which was not designed, and has never been used, to Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page1 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 measure an individual’s need for care. Plaintiffs provide ample evidence that they and others like them will be irreparably harmed if they lose their in-home help. They will be unable to care for themselves, suffer injuries, and be relegated to emergency rooms, hospitals, and other institutions. Although the State counters that its budget crisis requires such cuts, and the Court weighs this in the balance, the increase in more expensive hospitalization and institutionalization of needy disabled and elderly people will likely outweigh the short-term savings. And in any event, the human suffering that will be caused by the change in the law justifies the Court’s preliminary injunction against the implementation of this change. BACKGROUND Under the 1965 federal Medicaid Act, the federal government financially assists participating states that provide medical services to eligible beneficiaries. California participates in Medicaid through the Medi-Cal Program. In 1973, California established In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) as part of its Medi- Cal program to provide assistance with the tasks of daily living to low-income elderly and disabled persons. IHSS is funded with a combination of state, county and federal Medicaid monies. Id. 12306. Over 360,000 IHSS caregivers serve over 440,000 individuals in California. Sixty percent of IHSS recipients are senior citizens. Those who qualify for IHSS are persons who are unable to perform the services themselves and who cannot safely remain in their homes or abodes of their own choosing unless these services are provided. Welf. & Inst. Code 12300(a). The California Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page2 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1The Court takes judicial notice of Plaintiffs’ Exhibits A through I to their request and the State Defendants’ Exhibits A and B to their request. These documents consist of publications by state officials and agencies which contain facts that are not subject to reasonable dispute in that they are capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot be reasonably questioned. 2It is not clear why, but these areas do not include many other tasks for which IHSS hours may be authorized, such as helping with self-administration of medications or transportation to doctors’ appointments. 3 Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) similarly directs that IHSS provides assistance to those eligible aged, blind and disabled individuals who are unable to remain safely in their own homes without this assistance. MPP 30-700.1.1 The MPP also states that a particular service will not be authorized unless the social worker evaluating the individual has determined that the recipient would not be able to remain safely in his\/her own home without IHSS and performance of the service by the recipient would constitute such a threat to his\/her health\/safety that he\/she would be unable to remain in his\/her own home. Id. 30-761.13-14. In 1988, fifteen years after the IHSS program was created, the State legislature passed a law requiring the CDSS to develop a uniform needs assessment tool to assure that in-home supportive services are delivered in all counties in a uniform manner. Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code 12309(a). The CDSS developed and implemented such a tool, calling it the Uniformity Assessment System. The System defined ranks of one to five for social workers to use in use in rating elderly or disabled individuals’ functional abilities in each of fourteen areas:2 housework; laundry; shopping and errands; meal preparation and Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page3 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 clean up; mobility inside the residence; bathing and grooming; dressing; bowel, bladder and menstrual; transfer from one position to another; eating; respiration; memory; orientation; and judgment. The ranks are defined as follows: Rank one. A recipient’s functioning shall be classified as rank one if his or her functioning is independent, and he or she is able to perform the function without human assistance, although the recipient may have difficulty in performing the function, but the completion of the function, with or without a device or mobility aid, poses no substantial risk to his or her safety. Rank two. A recipient’s functioning shall be classified as rank two if he or she is able to perform a function, but needs verbal assistance, such as reminding, guidance, or encouragement. Rank three. A recipient’s functioning shall be classified as rank three if he or she can perform the function with some human assistance, including, but not limited to, direct physical assistance from a provider. Rank four. A recipient’s functioning shall be classified as rank four if he or she can perform a function, but only with substantial human assistance. Rank five. A recipient’s functioning shall be classified as rank five if he or she cannot perform the function, with or without human assistance. Id. 12309(d). Social workers annually re-assess each recipient’s rank in the fourteen areas on an individualized basis. MPP 30-761.1. These social workers are specifically trained to determine a recipient’s level of functional ability. Since 2005, the State has spent $10 million providing eight days of training to over 16,000 social workers who conduct IHSS assessments. However, the ranks have never before been used to determine IHSS eligibility. Rather, as noted above, social workers were required to find a person eligible for services if he or she would not be able to remain safely in his\/her own home without IHSS. Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page4 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3The parties refer to these numerical ranks of functioning as functional ranks. 5 Id.; see also Welf. & Inst. Code 12300(a); MPP 30-700.1. By definition, an individual given a rank of two through five in any of the functions needs some IHSS assistance to remain safely in his or her own home. Rather, the purpose of the ranks was to help social workers determine with uniformity the number of hours of a particular service elderly and disabled individuals needed. In the MPP, time guidelines are provided for each rank for some tasks. As another part of the Uniformity Assessment System, the State created the Functional Index (FI) Score in 1988. Each recipient is given an overall Functional Index Score between 1.00 and 5.00, which is calculated based on a weighted average of eleven of the recipient’s fourteen ranks of functional ability.3 The mental tasks (i.e., memory, orientation and judgment) are not counted in this calculation. The State calculated the weights by using the following method: first, the State computed the county-wide average number of hours per week of IHHS provided for each task for the people who received help with that task; second, all the county- wide averages more than one standard deviation away from the mean were removed from the computation; third, the county-wide averages from each of the remaining counties were then averaged to get a state-wide average of hours per week for each task; fourth, the state-wide average of hours per week for each task were added together to get a state-wide number representing the average IHSS hours per week for all of the tasks; fifth, the state-wide average for each task was divided by the state-wide average for all of the Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page5 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 tasks together. The quotient was the weight used to calculate the FI Score. In effect, then, tasks that take more time are weighted more heavily. These weights were calculated in 1988 and have not been changed since. The weights are as follows: Function Weight Housework .038 Laundry .037 Shopping and Errands .040 Meal Preparation and Clean Up .222 Mobility Inside .079 Bathing and Grooming .095 Dressing .057 Bowel, Bladder and Menstrual .129 Transfer .094 Eating .127 Respiration .082 An individual’s FI Score is calculated using these weights as follows: A one is subtracted from his or her rank for each function. Each of those numbers is multiplied by the weight assigned to the respective functions. (As noted above, the mental functioning ranks are not counted.) These products are totaled and a one is added to the sum. The result is the FI Score. In a July 1, 1989 Report to the Legislature on IHSS Uniformity, the CDSS stated, Admittedly, the description of the application of the formula is difficult to conceptualize. Report to Legislature: IHSS Uniformity at 10. In effect, then, a person who needs help with a greater number of different tasks, especially tasks usually that take more time perform, will have a higher score than a person who needs help with a smaller number of different tasks, irrespective of the severity of their need for the help. Need for assistance with the mental functioning tasks of memory, orientation and judgment is not Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page6 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 Paramedical services include the administration of medications, puncturing the skin or inserting a medical device into a body orifice, activities requiring sterile procedures, or other activities requiring judgment based on training given by a licensed (continued…) 7 considered in the Score. FI Scores were intended to be used by social workers and county and state administrators to compare the FI Scores and FI Hours of clients on their caseload. All County Letter No. 88-118 at 5. For example, if the hours of IHSS approved by a social worker do not seem to correlate to the FI Score, the worker should be able to identify unique circumstances which account for the variance. Id. The FI Score was specifically not meant to be used as a tool to predict the number of hours an individual beneficiary needed. Id. at 4. More importantly, the FI Score was not created to be an eligibility criterion to determine whether an individual beneficiary needed services to live safely in his or her home. In response to California’s current budget crisis, the Legislature passed and on July 28, 2009, the Governor signed ABX4 4, which put numerical ranks and FI Scores to a new use. Specifically, ABX4 4 amended section 12309 and added section 12309.2 to the California Welfare and Institutions Code, to provide that IHSS recipients must have a numerical rank of at least four in a given category of domestic and related services (i.e. housework; laundry; shopping and errands; and meal preparation and clean up) to receive any services in that category, and must have an FI Score of at least 2.0 to receive any IHSS services at all. ABX4 4 exempts individuals authorized to receive either protective supervision or paramedical services.4 These Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page7 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4(…continued) health care professional. Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code 12300.1. 5In the three mental tasks (i.e., memory, orientation and judgment), recipients can be given ranks of only one, two or five. 8 beneficiaries will continue to receive all of their IHSS services regardless of their FI Scores and numerical ranks for domestic and related services. Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code 12309(e)(2) & 12309(a)(3). Defendants claim that if recipients rank at five in any one of the mental functioning categories they receive protective supervision services and are exempt from the ABX4 4 requirements.5 However, Plaintiffs dispute this point because protective supervision is available only if a need exists for twenty-four-hours-a-day of supervision in order for the recipient to remain at home safely, MPP 30-757.173, and it is not clear that everyone with a five in one of these categories requires twenty-four hour care. The new eligibility standards under ABX4 4 were to go into effect on November 1, 2009. CDSS estimates that 97,000 disabled and elderly individuals would lose domestic and related services and 36,000 would lose all IHSS services. CDSS planned to deliver Notices of Action to recipients whose IHSS benefits would be reduced or eliminated by ABX4 4. The notices were not sent because the Court issued a temporary restraining order. Defendants have submitted to the Court the notices they intended to send. If a recipient’s services would be terminated altogether because his or her FI Score is less than 2.0, the notice would state: AS OF 11\/01\/2009, THE IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES (IHSS) YOU HAVE BEEN GETTING WILL STOP. HERE’S WHY: A CHANGE IN Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page8 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 THE LAW SET A SPECIFIC NEED LEVEL NECESSARY TO GET IHSS THAT IS DETERMINED BY FUNCTIONAL INDEX SCORE. THE NEED FOR IHSS IS DETERMINED UTILIZING A UNIFORM NEEDS ASSESSMENT TOOL DESIGNED TO EVALUATE FUNCTIONING IN ADLS (ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING) AND IADLS (INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING) MPP 12309(C)(1). THE UNIFORM ASSESSMENT TOOL EVALUATES FUNCTIONAL ABILITY ON A DEFINED SCALE MADE UP OF 5 RANKS: 1 — INDEPENDENT; 2 — REQUIRES VERBAL ASSISTANCE; 3 — REQUIRES SOME HUMAN ASSISTANCE; 4 — REQUIRES SUBSTANTIAL HUMAN ASSISTANCE AND 5 — CANNOT PERFORM WITH OR WITHOUT HUMAN ASSISTANCE. RANKING IS DONE IN 11 AREAS OF PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING. THEN A FUNCTIONAL INDEX (FI) SCORE IS DETERMINED UTILIZING A WEIGHTED AVERAGE CALCULATION APPLIED TO THE RANKINGS IN THESE 11 AREAS. THE FUNCTIONAL INDEX SCORE PROVIDES A MEASUREMENT OF RELATIVE DEPENDENCE ON HUMAN ASSISTANCE FOR IHSS TASKS. INDIVIDUALS WITH A FUNCTIONAL INDEX SCORE BELOW 2.0 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE IHSS (W&IC 12309(F)(2)). Carroll Decl., Exh. C. The notice then lists the recipient’s Functional Index Score as well as his or her ranks in each of the eleven functions. A cursory and opaque one-page description of how the State calculates the Score would be enclosed. If some of a recipient’s services would be terminated because his or her rank in those functions is below four, the notice would state: AS OF 11\/01\/2009, THE HOURS OF SERVICE FOR DOMESTIC YOU HAVE BEEN GETTING WILL STOP. HERE’S WHY: A CHANGE IN THE LAW SET A SPECIFIC NEED LEVEL NECESSARY TO GET DOMESTIC OR RELATED SERVICES THAT IS DETERMINED BY FUNCTIONAL ABILITY IN THAT AREA. FUNCTIONAL ABILITY IS MEASURED ON A 5 RANK SCALE: 1 — INDEPENDENT; 2 — REQUIRES VERBAL ASSISTANCE; 3 — REQUIRES SOME HUMAN ASSISTANCE; 4 — REQUIRES SUBSTANTIAL HUMAN ASSISTANCE AND 5 — CANNOT PERFORM WITH OR WITHOUT HUMAN ASSISTANCE. INDIVIDUALS WITH A RANK BELOW 4.0 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO GET THE ASSOCIATED DOMESTIC OR RELATED SERVICE (W&IC 12309(E)(1)). YOUR FUNCTIONAL RANK FOR DOMESTIC IS [1, 2 OR 3]. THEREFORE, YOUR NEED DOES NOT MEET THE REQUIRED LEVEL TO GET HELP WITH DOMESTIC SERVICES. The notice would then repeat the same paragraph for each additional service eliminated. At the bottom of the page, both forms of notice state in Spanish, If you do not understand the information or notice, Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page9 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6Plaintiffs concurrently filed a motion for class certification. However, Defendants concede that there is no need for the Court to consider class certification at this time. Opposition at 31. District courts are empowered to grant preliminary injunctions ‘regardless of whether the class has been certified.’ Brantley v. Maxwell-Jolly, 2009 WL 2941519, at *14 n.14 (N.D. Cal.) (citing Schwarzer, Tashima and Wagstaffe, Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial, 10:773 at 10-116 (TRG 2008)). Thus, Plaintiffs can obtain class-wide injunctive relief before moving to certify a class and the Court denies Plaintiffs’ motion without prejudice to refiling at a later date. 10 contact the social worker in your county. The county should provide you with an interpretation service free of charge. The back of both forms of notice advises recipients that they have a right to a conference with representatives of CDSS to talk about this intended action. Recipients also have the right to receive a state hearing if they request it within ninety days of the mailing date of the notice. If the request is made before the effective date of the county’s proposed action . . . services may continue until the hearing. If a recipient looks back to the first page of the notice, he or she will learn that the date alluded to is November 1, 2009. On October 5, 2009, Plaintiffs filed this complaint and motion for a temporary restraining order and\/or preliminary injunction.6 Plaintiffs claim that amended sections 12309(e) and 12309.2 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code violate the Medicaid Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution. The Court granted Plaintiffs’ request to expedite the briefing and set a hearing on the motion for October 19, 2009 based on Plaintiffs’ understanding that the notices would be mailed on October 20. Defendants did not disabuse the Court of this Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page10 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7The Court has considered and hereby denies Defendants’ request for reconsideration of the temporary restraining order. 11 understanding. On October 14, Deputy Attorney General Gregory Brown notified Plaintiffs that it was his understanding that the Notices of Action will be going out to recipients on October 15, 2009. Surprised at State Defendants’ decision to move forward with the Notices of Action earlier than expected despite the pending motion, Plaintiffs promptly moved for an immediate temporary restraining order to enjoin State Defendants from issuing Notices of Action to IHSS recipients regarding the subject matter of this litigation any time prior to this Court’s ruling on the preliminary injunction motion. The Court granted the temporary restraining order.7 LEGAL STANDARD A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest. Winter v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., ___ U.S. ___, 129 S. Ct. 365, 374 (2008). In each case, courts ‘must balance the competing claims of injury and must consider the effect on each party of the granting or withholding of the requested relief.’ Id. at 376 (quoting Amoco Prod. Co. v. Vill. of Gambell, Alaska, 480 U.S. 531, 542 (1987)). DISCUSSION I. Likelihood of Success on the Merits A. Medicaid Act Claims As mentioned above, Congress established the Medicaid program Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page11 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 in 1965 to enable states to provide medical services to individuals with limited abilities to pay for health care. 42 U.S.C. 1396- 1396v. A state’s participation in Medicaid is voluntary, but when a state chooses to participate, it must comply with the Medicaid Act and its implementing regulations. 42 U.S.C. 1396. 1. Comparability Requirement The comparability requirement of the Medicaid Act mandates comparable services for individuals with comparable needs and is violated when some recipients are treated differently than others where each has the same level of need. 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(B); see also 42 C.F.R. 440.240; Jenkins v. Washington State Dep’t of Social & Health Servs., 157 P.3d 388, 392 (Wash. 2007); Sobky v. Smoley, 855 F. Supp. 1123, 1139 (E.D. Cal. 1994) (comparability requirement creates an equality principle for all medically needy individuals); Schott v. Olszewski, 401 F.3d 682, 688-89 (6th Cir. 2005); White v. Beal, 555 F.2d 1146, 1151-52 (3d Cir. 1977). The state may place appropriate limits on a service based on such criteria as medical necessity or on utilization control procedures. 42 C.F.R. 440.230(c)(2). However, the state may not arbitrarily deny or reduce the amount, duration, or scope of a required service . . . to an otherwise eligible recipient solely because of the diagnosis, type of illness, or condition. 42 C.F.R. 440.230(c)(1). The use of numerical ranks and FI Scores to determine eligibility for IHSS services likely violates the comparability requirement because neither reasonably measures the individual need of a disabled or elderly person for a particular service. Numerical ranks are particularly inaccurate measures of the Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page12 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8Each side has challenged the admissibility of the evidence (continued…) 13 needs of individuals with mental impairments, such as elders with Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals with cognitive and psychiatric disabilities frequently require verbal rather than physical assistance. Therefore, many of these individuals receive numerical ranks of two rather than three or four. Numerical ranks of two for recipients with mental disabilities reflect the nature of the assistance needed, not the severity of the need. Disabled and elderly individuals with numerical ranks of two have no less need for verbal assistance than individuals with severe physical impairments have for physical assistance. For example, elders may need reminders to eat on a regular basis, take medication or avoid eating foods contraindicated with certain medications. As one IHSS Program manager explains: Often all that someone with a cognitive or psychiatric disability needs in order to maintain a safe and independent living situation is someone who can come by every morning to encourage or remind them to get out of bed, bathe, get dressed, take medication, and have breakfast. . . . [W]ith no IHSS provider visiting regularly . . . [a] person’s environment and ability to live safely in the community can fall apart in a matter of days, potentially leading to an exacerbated medical condition, hospitalization, institutionalization, homelessness and\/or death. Nicco Decl. \u00b6 23. A 1996 Study by the Institute for Social Research at California State University Sacramento to assess the FI Score as a predictor of IHSS hours noted that whether provider assistance is verbal (rank 2) or physical (3) their presence during task performance is necessary and therefore the practical distinction between the two ranks is elusive. Kline Decl., Exh. D at 14.8 As Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page13 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8(…continued) submitted by the other side. However, on a motion for a preliminary injunction, the Court may consider inadmissible evidence, giving such evidence appropriate weight depending on the competence, personal knowledge, and credibility of the declarants. 11A Charles A. Wright, Arthur K. Miller & Mary K. Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure 2949 at 216-217 (2d ed. 1995); see also Flynt Distrib. Co. v. Harvey, 734 F.2d 1389, 1394 (9th Cir. 1984) ( The urgency of obtaining a preliminary injunction necessitates a prompt determination and makes it difficult to obtain affidavits from persons who would be competent to testify at trial. The trial court may give even inadmissible evidence some weight, when to do so serves the purpose of preventing irreparable harm. ) Therefore, the Court will exercise its discretion to consider the proffered evidence as appropriate. 14 noted above, all ranks, two through five, reflect a social worker’s determination that IHSS recipients are unable to perform the services themselves and cannot safely remain in their homes or abodes of their own choosing unless these services are provided. Welf. & Inst. Code 12300(a). Similarly, the Functional Index Score is not an accurate measure of need. It does not weigh the critical nature of the services recipients need and it systematically disadvantages certain groups of recipients. If a person with a particular type of disability does not need assistance with most activities, but critically needs substantial assistance with a few, he or she will likely receive a low FI Score, and will be deprived of all IHSS services. For instance, recipients with seizure disorders generally have an FI Score below 2.0 because they only need assistance with bathing and cooking; however, it would be dangerous for these individuals to perform these activities themselves. Blind recipients also generally have FI Scores below 2.0, but they critically need assistance traveling to medical appointments. Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page14 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15 Nor does the length of time a task normally takes necessarily equate with the importance of the task to an individual’s health and safety. But an elderly person who needs help with tasks which on average are less time-consuming, such as mobility inside the home, transfer from sitting to standing or respiration, is more likely to receive a lower FI Score and lose all her services, than is one who needs help with the kinds of tasks that tend to take more time, such as meal preparation. In sum, the FI Scoring system favors elderly and disabled people with many different needs, especially needs for help with tasks that are particularly time-intensive, over those with fewer different needs, and needs for help with tasks that are less time- intensive, even though the unmet needs of some of the latter recipients may be equally or more life-threatening than those of the former. The FI Score simply does not measure the severity of need. The FI Score is particularly inaccurate as a measure of the needs of children and adolescents, whose services will be terminated at disproportionately high rates. Collins Decl. \u00b6 7 (thirty-six percent of children in San Luis Obispo County will be terminated compared to twenty-five percent of adults); Nicco Decl. \u00b6\u00b6 8-9 (twenty-three percent of children in San Francisco County will be terminated compared to eight percent of adults). Because children, with or without disabilities, are not generally expected to perform such tasks as meal preparation and housecleaning, children with disabilities are automatically ranked at one on such tasks. This rank reflects, not the severity of their disabilities, but only the expectations of their age group. Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page15 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 16 To illustrate, a child or adolescent with a disability may have high numerical ranks in other tasks because of serious unmet needs such as mobility inside the home, transfer from one position to another, bathing, dressing, or toileting and menstruation. Nonetheless, his or her composite FI Score will be disproportionately lower than that of an adult with the same disability because the adult will likely have more tasks rated above a one. Children’s and adolescents’ critical needs, though fewer in number, will not be met, merely because they do not have as many unmet needs as adults with the same level of disability. FI Scores, like the numerical ranks, are also particularly inaccurate measures for individuals with mental impairments. As noted above, FI Scores do not count the numerical ranks assigned by social workers for memory, judgment and orientation. Therefore, mentally disabled individuals will generally have lower FI Scores than those with physical disabilities. Individuals with mental disabilities may need only a few critical services, such as medication management and assistance with domestic and related tasks. But, because they do not need help with a larger number of personal care functions such as bowel\/bladder, ambulation or respiration, their FI Scores will generally be below 2.0. Nicco Decl. \u00b6 26; Syropiatko Decl. \u00b6 6; Guerra Decl. \u00b6 12; Baran Decl. \u00b6 14; Oster Decl. \u00b6 11. Nevertheless, individuals with mental impairments are no less in need of IHSS services than those with physical impairments. Jenkins, a recent opinion from the Washington State Supreme Court, is instructive. In that case, the State had previously determined the number of hours of home health care services needed Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page16 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 by recipients, based on assessment of their ability to perform daily living activities. The State then adopted a shared living rule which reduced the level of household services to recipients who lived with someone else. The reduction was not based on an individual’s needs for service, that is, it did not consider whether a recipient lived with someone who actually would help. The court held that the State violated the comparability requirement because it reduce[d] a recipient’s benefits based on a consideration other than the recipient’s actual need. Jenkins, 157 P.3d at 390. Here, IHSS recipients have been assessed in an individualized process to determine the services they need to remain safely in their homes. With the passage of ABX4 4, the State has mechanically applied the numerical ranks and FI Score to a use for which they were not designed. The Score is not a meaningful measure of an individual’s degree of need for services. Because need is the only basis upon which distinctions between recipients can be made without violating the comparability requirement, Plaintiffs have made a strong showing of likelihood of success on the merits that ABX4 4 violates the comparability requirement of the Medicaid Act. 2. Reasonable Standards Requirement The Medicaid Act requires that all participating states use reasonable standards (which shall be comparable for all groups) . . . for determining eligibility for and the extent of medical assistance under the plan which . . . are consistent with the objectives of the program. 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(17). The primary objectives of the Medicaid program are to provide medical Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page17 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 assistance to individuals whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary medical services and to furnish rehabilitation and other services to help such . . . individuals attain and retain capability for independence or self care. 42 U.S.C. 1396-1. For the reasons discussed above, numerical ranks and FI Scores were not designed as a measure of eligibility or need for IHSS services and cannot reasonably be used for this purpose. In a manual produced by CDSS to help train social workers across the state about IHSS, the agency described the FI Score in response to the question, How does the state compute the Functional Index, as follows: that score has been tested and is not meaningful, so it is a moot point. Kline Decl., Ex. E at 8. A numerical rank of two or above for any particular task indicates that the recipient cannot live safely in his or her home without assistance for that task; however, under ABX4 4, domestic and related services will be terminated for all recipients with numerical ranks below four. Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that the law employs an unreasonable standard to determine the extent of medical assistance, in violation of 1396a(a)(17). Defendants also argue that Plaintiffs’ claims under the reasonable standards requirement must fail because these provisions are not privately enforceable using 42 U.S.C. 1983. Defendants rely on Watson v. Weeks, 436 F.3d 1152 (9th Cir. 2006). In that case, the Ninth Circuit held that Congress did not intend the reasonable standards requirement of Section 1396a(a)(17) to create a private right of action for individuals and organizations under Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page18 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 1983. However, Watson does not bar a request for injunctive relief under the Supremacy Clause for violations of the Medicaid Act. Independent Living Ctr. S. Cal. v. Shewry, 543 F.3d 1050, 1056-57 (9th Cir. 2009), cert. denied, 129 S. Ct. 2828 (2009). In Independent Living, the Ninth Circuit noted, The Supreme Court has repeatedly entertained claims for injunctive relief based on federal preemption, without requiring that the standards for bringing suit under 1983 be met . . . . Id. at 1055. The court continued that a plaintiff seeking injunctive relief under the Supremacy Clause on the basis of federal preemption need not assert a federally created ‘right,’ in the sense that term has been recently used in suits brought under 1983. Id. at 1058. Although Independent Living involved a different provision of the Medicaid Act, 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(30)(A), nothing about the facts or the court’s analysis in that case indicates that its holding would not apply to the statute at issue in the present case. See Lankford v. Sherman, 451 F.3d 496, 509-13 (8th Cir. 2006). Although Section 1396a(a)(17) is not enforceable under 1983, Plaintiffs’ claims for injunctive relief may be brought under the Supremacy Clause. 3. Sufficiency Requirement The regulations implementing the Medicaid Act contain a sufficiency requirement, which mandates, Each service must be sufficient in amount, duration, and scope to reasonably achieve its purpose. 42 C.F.R. 440.230(b). When a state commits to provide a Medicaid service, the sufficiency requirement ensures that it adequately fulfills that obligation. Defendants argue that ABX4 4 satisfies the sufficiency Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page19 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9Defendants assert that Plaintiffs’ sufficiency claim under 42 C.F.R. 440.230(b) fails because a federal regulation, by itself, does not create a privately enforceable right. See Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275, 286-87, 291 (2001). However, federal regulations may carry preemptive force, see, e.g., Geier v. American Honda Motor Co., 529 U.S. 861, 884-86 (2000), and, as (continued…) 20 requirement because the law will ensure that individuals with a moderate to high level of need will continue to receive all necessary services. Opposition at 22. However, Defendants fail to explain how the purposes of the program — to enable disabled and elderly people to remain in their homes safely – will still be fulfilled if domestic and related services for 97,000 needy recipients are eliminated. A 2009 report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research assessing the cuts to IHSS found that domestic services are in some respects the ‘glue’ that permits older people to stay in their homes. Shopping and meal preparation are especially essential, since they influence how much and how well older people eat. Benjamin Decl., Ex. B at 13. Weight loss in elders is often the reason that they end up being placed into nursing homes. These domestic and related services are vital. Id. at \u00b6 30. The services currently provided through IHSS have already been determined by social workers to be necessary to permit elderly and disabled individuals to remain safely in their homes. MPP 30-761.1. Thus, the elimination of these services will likely leave affected individuals without a level of service sufficient to achieve the purpose of the program. Accordingly, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on their sufficiency claim.9 Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page20 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9(…continued) such, they may provide a cause of action for injunctive relief under the Supremacy Clause. 21 B. Americans with Disabilities Act Claim The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act prohibit discrimination based on disability. 42 U.S.C. 12132; 29 U.S.C. 794(a). Unnecessary isolation is a form of discrimination against people with disabilities. As the Supreme Court has explained, [u]njustified isolation of the disabled amounts to discrimination because institutional placement perpetuates unwarranted assumptions that persons so isolated are incapable or unworthy of participating in community life and severely diminishes everyday life activities of individuals, including family relations, social contacts, work options, economic independence, educational advancement, and cultural enrichment. Olmstead v. L.C. ex rel. Zimring, 527 U.S. 581, 597, 60-61 (1999). Thus, both the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act contain an integration mandate which serves one of the principal purposes of Title II of the ADA: ending the isolation and segregation of disabled persons. Arc of Washington State v. Braddock, 427 F.3d 615, 618 (9th Cir. 2005). States are required to provide care in integrated environments for as many disabled persons as is reasonably feasible, so long as such an environment is appropriate to their health needs. Specifically, the ADA regulations provide: A public entity shall administer services, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified persons with disabilities. 28 C.F.R. 35.130(d). The ‘most integrated setting’ is defined as ‘a setting that Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page21 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 enables individuals with disabilities to interact with non-disabled persons to the fullest extent possible.’ Brantley, 2009 WL 2941519, at *6 (citing 28 C.F.R. pt. 35 app. A; Olmstead, 527 U.S. at 592). Plaintiffs allege that ABX4 4 violates the integration mandate of the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act by placing people in serious risk of being forced to move out of their homes to the less integrated setting of institutions. Although Olmstead addressed ongoing institutionalization, plaintiffs who currently reside in community settings may assert ADA integration claims to challenge state actions that give rise to a risk of unnecessary institutionalization. See Fisher v. Oklahoma Health Care Auth., 335 F.3d 1175, 1181-82 (10th Cir. 2003) (imposition of cap on prescription medications placed participants in community-based program at high risk for premature entry into nursing homes in violation of ADA); Ball v. Rogers, 2009 WL 1395423, at *5 (D. Ariz.) (failure to provide them with needed services threatened Plaintiffs with institutionalization, prevented them from leaving institutions, and in some instances forced them into institutions in order to receive their necessary care in violation of the ADA and Rehabilitation Act); Mental Disability Law Clinic v. Hogan, 2008 WL 4104460, at *15 (E.D.N.Y.) ( even the risk of unjustified segregation may be sufficient under Olmstead ). Plaintiffs have submitted substantial evidence from experts, county officials, caregivers and individual recipients showing that class members face a severe risk of institutionalization as a result of losing the services that ABX4 4 would eliminate. For instance, individuals with mental disabilities who lose IHSS Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page22 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 assistance to remind them to take medication, attend medical appointments and perform tasks essential to their continued health are at a severely increased risk for institutionalization. Elderly and disabled individuals with unmet in-home care needs will likely suffer falls which will lead to hospitalization and subsequent institutionalization. Elderly individuals who lose meal preparation services will decline in health and risk being placed in a nursing home. Defendants claim that Plaintiffs are not at risk of institutionalization because some may have family members who may be able to take over the care once provided by IHSS and some might find care through some other community-based service. However, Defendants bear the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the State’s compliance with federal disability law. Thus, to the extent that Defendants are claiming that alternative services satisfy their obligations under the integration mandate, Defendants certainly bear the burden of ensuring more than a ‘theoretical’ availability of such services. Brantley, 2009 WL 2941519, at *10. Moreover, the record demonstrates that alternative services are not available for a large portion of the class members who face the risk of institutionalization. Accordingly, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that Defendants violated the integration mandate. C. Due Process Claim Due process requires that the state must provide notice reasonably calculated, under all the circumstances, to apprise interested parties of the pendency of the action and afford them an opportunity to present their objections. Mullane v. Central Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page23 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 Hannover Bank & Trust Co., 339 U.S. 306, 314 (1950). IHSS recipients must receive timely and adequate notice detailing the reasons for termination and an effective opportunity to defend themselves. Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 268-69 (1970). To comport with due process, notice must be tailored to the capacities and circumstances of the recipients who must decide whether to request a hearing. Id. at 268. The government must consider unique information about an intended recipient regardless of whether a statutory scheme is reasonably calculated to provide notice in the ordinary case. Jones v. Flowers, 547 U.S. 220, 221 (2006). Here, the notices Defendants plan to mail to IHSS recipients likely do not comport with due process. Many class members, because of their disabilities or inability to read English or both, will be unable to understand and act upon the notice within ten days of receipt so that they can request a fair hearing and continue to receive IHSS services. For instance, fifteen percent of IHSS recipients speak only Spanish. There is one line at the bottom of the notices in Spanish that tells recipients to contact the social worker in your county if they do not understand the information. This phrase is misleading and confusing. The notice says that the county should provide free translation services but it does not tell recipients how to get this service nor has the State made a showing that each county actually will provide this service. Further, the notice does not warn Spanish-speaking recipients that this is an important notice regarding termination or reduction of benefits. Thirty-four percent of recipients are monolingual in a language other than English or Spanish. Thus, Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page24 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10Because the Court concludes that a preliminary injunction is warranted based on Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on their Medicaid Act, ADA integration mandate and due process claims, the Court need not determine the likelihood of Plaintiffs’ success on (continued…) 25 this notice will be entirely meaningless to them. It is not reasonable to expect these individuals to obtain translation of the notice in sufficient time to act upon it within ten days, to receive aid pending termination. The notice is also difficult to read. The print is small, single spaced and in all capital letters. It contains unexplained acronyms and the description of numerical ranks and FI Scores is virtually unintelligible. The elderly and disabled individuals reading these notices will have a difficult time understanding them, let alone taking the affirmative action required. Many IHSS recipients cannot easily leave their homes due to their disabilities; the notice does not inform them of their right to have a hearing at home to dispute the service cuts. CDSS has recognized that, before this notice, IHSS recipients have not previously been informed of their FI Ranks or FI Scores. . . . the NOA [Notice of Action] implementing this change in law will be the first time recipients have been informed of their FI Ranks or FI Scores. All County Letter No. 09-56, sent on October 1, 2009. The terse notice and one page description of how the FI Score is calculated do little to inform recipients of the reasons for termination or how they might be able to rebut the decision to terminate their IHSS services. Therefore, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that the notice violates due process.10 Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page25 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10(…continued) their other claims under the ADA. 26 II. Irreparable Harm, Balance of Hardships and the Public Interest Numerous federal courts have recognized that the reduction or elimination of public medical benefits irreparably harms the participants in the programs being cut. See Beltran v. Myers, 677 F.2d 1317, 1322 (9th Cir. 1982) (holding that possibility that plaintiffs would be denied Medicaid benefits sufficient to establish irreparable harm); Newton-Nations v. Rogers, 316 F. Supp. 2d 883, 888 (D. Ariz. 2004) (citing Beltran and finding irreparable harm shown where Medicaid recipients could be denied medical care as a result of their inability to pay increased co-payment to medical service providers); Edmonds v. Levine, 417 F. Supp. 2d 1323, 1342 (S.D. Fla. 2006) (finding that state Medicaid agency’s denial of coverage for off-label use of prescription pain medication would irreparably harm plaintiffs). In addition, Plaintiffs have presented ample evidence to support their claim that they will suffer immediate and irreparable harm unless the Court issues a preliminary injunction. Counselors who work with IHSS recipients predict a humanitarian disaster and premature deaths. Baran Decl. \u00b6 18; Goldberg Decl. \u00b6\u00b6 6-7. Some individuals who lose their IHSS may neglect to take vital medications or take them improperly. Others will be unable to leave their house to obtain food, medication and other necessities. Without an IHSS caregiver to transport recipients to doctor’s appointments, many will go without essential care. Some recipients will try to clean their home or cook food and injure themselves as a result. Other recipients, because of mental illness or lack of Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page26 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11State Defendants argue that Plaintiffs have not shown that any named plaintiffs are likely to suffer imminent, irreparable harm. Opposition at 28. However, Defendants do not point to any Ninth Circuit law that imposes the requirement that the Court should consider only the risk of institutionalization faced by the named Plaintiffs, and not by other class member declarants. Moreover, because Defendants have conceded that the instant injunction may apply to the entire class before such a class is certified, the Court can look beyond the named Plaintiffs when analyzing this aspect of the preliminary injunction motion. Further, even if Defendants’ argument is correct, the named Plaintiffs in this case are likely to face the risk of unnecessary institutionalization. 27 appetite, need assistance in order to eat at all. Entire families will be destabilized when a child or family member is deprived of IHSS because relatives serving as caregivers will be forced to seek other jobs without a way to care for their loved ones. See e.g., Hathaway Decl. \u00b6 5; Crockett Decl. \u00b6\u00b6 19-20; Kaljian Decl. \u00b6 18. Even a temporary interruption in services may result in damaging setbacks for the affected individual. Baran Decl. \u00b6 20. The Executive Director of the IHSS Consortium in San Francisco stated: Each one of the IHSS recipients affected by the cuts represents a person with a disability who has been stabilized at home, often through a painstaking process that takes months or even years, to find the right attendant, the right home or apartment, the right combination of services. All of this will be lost. And even if the cuts are restored later, it will be virtually impossible to rebuild the safe living situations people have now. Id. There is also a serious risk that individuals with mental or cognitive disabilities will become homeless if they lose IHSS services. Once homeless, mentally ill individuals decline rapidly and could end up anywhere from a psychiatric hospital to jail. As noted above, if ABX4 4 is implemented, class members will face a severe risk of unnecessary institutionalization.11 Institutionalizing individuals who can comfortably survive in their Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page27 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 home with the help of IHSS caregivers will cause Plaintiffs to suffer injury to their mental and physical health, including a shortened life, and even death for some Plaintiffs. Crabtree v. Goetz, 2008 WL 5330506, at *30 (M.D. Tenn.). The balance of hardships also weighs in Plaintiffs’ favor. If the preliminary injunction does not issue, the State Defendants’ sole injury will be the financial costs associated with continuing to provide services under the status quo. The Court weighs California’s budget crisis in the balance. However, [a] budget crisis does not excuse ongoing violations of federal law, particularly when there are no adequate remedies available other than an injunction. Independent Living Ctr., 572 F.3d at 659. If the State is of the view that some people are receiving IHSS services for their convenience or improved quality of life rather than need, individualized measures could be adopted to address this circumstance. Further, the Court notes that there is persuasive evidence that the IHSS cuts would actually cost the State tens of millions of additional dollars because in-home care is considerably less expensive than institutional care and IHHS caregivers reduce the need for expensive emergency room visits and hospitalization. Accordingly, the financial loss the State may suffer if ABX4 4 is not implemented does not outweigh the hardship Plaintiffs would suffer absent an injunction. Lastly, the public interest weighs heavily in favor of granting relief. It would be tragic, not only from the standpoint of the individuals involved but also from the standpoint of society, were poor, elderly, disabled people to be wrongfully deprived of essential benefits for any period of time. Lopez v. Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page28 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Heckler, 713 F.2d 1432, 1437 (9th Cir. 1983). III. Bond Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c) \”invests the district court ‘with discretion as to the amount of security required, if any.’ Jorgensen v. Cassiday, 320 F.3d 906, 919 (9th Cir. 2003) (emphasis in original; quoting Barahona-Gomez v. Reno, 167 F.3d 1228, 1237 (9th Cir. 1999)). A district court has the discretion to dispense with the security requirement where giving security would effectively deny access to judicial review. See Save Our Sonoran, Inc. v. Flowers, 408 F.3d 1113, 1126 (9th Cir. 2005) (citation omitted). Similarly, a district court may waive the bond requirement where the plaintiffs are indigent. See Walker v. Pierce, 665 F. Supp. 831, 844 (N.D. Cal. 1987). The Court waives the bond requirement for Plaintiffs because they are indigent and to ensure their ability to access the courts on behalf of themselves and other class members. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, the Court grants Plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction (Docket No. 16). Defendants and their successors, agents, officers, servants, employees, attorneys and representatives and all persons acting in concert or participating with them are enjoined from implementing the provisions of ABX4 4 that amended Sections 12309(e) and 12309.2 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code to terminate from eligibility for IHSS services those recipients with Functional Index Scores of less than 2.0 and to eliminate domestic and related services for recipients with functional ranks of less than 4 for those services. The Court further orders that, to the extent that Defendants Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page29 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 have already taken actions to eliminate eligibility for IHSS services for individuals with an FI Score under 2, or to eliminate eligibility for domestic and related services for individuals with functional ranks under 4, Defendants shall take all steps and commit all resources necessary to ensure that no otherwise eligible individual is denied eligibility for, or terminated from, IHSS, solely on the basis of an FI Score under 2.0, and that no otherwise eligible individual is denied eligibility for, or terminated from, receipt of domestic and related IHSS services, solely on the basis of a functional rank under 4. Defendants shall further ensure that there is no delay in paying IHSS providers for services rendered to individuals whom Defendants had planned to terminate or reduce IHSS eligibility on the basis of an FI score under 2.0 or a functional rank under 4. Defendants shall determine the method of implementing the preliminary injunction that will be the least expensive in the aggregate to the county and state taxpayers. Defendants may require the counties to re-enter manually the information about individual recipients whose IHSS services were scheduled to be terminated or reduced because their FI Scores were below 2.0 or their functional ranks for a particular domestic or related service were below 4 only if that is less expensive than doing it themselves. The State must reimburse the counties for their expenses. The State may instead restore the system back-up and re-enter the changes made in the interim. To ensure that all relevant parties are aware of the Court’s injunction, Defendants shall further rescind any directions or notices issued to any person or entity for the termination or reduction of IHSS benefits on the basis of an FI Score under 2 or Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page30 of 31 U ni te d St at es D is tr ic t C ou rt Fo r t he N or th er n D is tri ct o f C al ifo rn ia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 functional ranks under 4; and shall notify all persons and entities that have received such directions or notices that such IHSS benefits will not be terminated or reduced. Defendants shall mail a notice to all IHSS recipients informing them, in language agreed upon by the parties, that the previously announced terminations or reductions in IHSS service will not go into effect. Defendants must mail this notice by Tuesday, October 27. Defendants shall post a copy of this preliminary injunction with an explanation of its effect on IHSS services conspicuously on its website by the close of business on Monday, October 26, 2009. Defendants shall serve and file a declaration of compliance by Thursday, October 29, 2009. The Court denies Plaintiffs’ motion for class certification without prejudice to refiling (Docket No. 20) and denies Defendants’ motion for reconsideration of the temporary restraining order (Docket No. 169). The Court denies Defendants’ motion, made orally at the hearing, for a stay pending appeal. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: 10\/23\/09 CLAUDIA WILKEN United States District Judge Case4:09-cv-04668-CW Document198 Filed10\/23\/09 Page31 of 31 ”

Document Villegas v. Concannon, 742 F. Supp. 1083 (D. Or. 1990) – Notice of Action for Denial of Expedited Service

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“Villegas v. Concannon, 742 F. Supp. 1083 (D. Or. 1990) U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon – 742 F. Supp. 1083 (D. Or. 1990) July 18, 1990 742 F. Supp. 1083 (1990) Augustin VILLEGAS, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Kevin CONCANNON, et al., Defendants. CV No. 89-770-PA. United States District Court, D. Oregon. July 18, 1990. *1084 Lisa A. Linhart, Mark J. Wilk, Oregon Legal Services, Corp., Hillsboro, Or., Kent B. Thurber, Portland, Or., for plaintiffs. Dave Frohnmayer, Atty. Gen., Jack L. Landau, Stephanie L. Striffler, Asst. Attys. Gen., Dept. of Justice, Salem, Or., for defendants. OPINION PANNER, Chief Judge. Plaintiffs are migrant farm workers who applied for and were denied expedited food stamps by the Oregon Department of Human Resources (\”Department\”). They bring this action against officials of the Department, alleging that defendants unlawfully denied expedited food stamps and expedited hearings reviewing the denials. Plaintiffs claim that the Department’s denials of expedited food stamps violated the Food Stamp Act, and that the failure to provide expedited hearings to review those denials denied due process of law. Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief that defendants cease and desist these allegedly unlawful practices and policies. The parties agreed to a paper trial on stipulated facts, and final arguments were heard on May 7, 1990. I now grant plaintiffs the relief they seek. FACTS Plaintiffs are migrant workers who applied for expedited food stamps in Oregon, and were denied those stamps by the Department because they had been sent *1085 stamps or a card for stamps in another state during the same month. None of the plaintiffs actually received the other stamps, and eventually were able to prove that fact to the Department. They received the Oregon stamps much later. In each case, during its expedited eligibility determination, the Department discovered that the plaintiff had been issued stamps in another state, which had been mailed to plaintiff, and not returned. On the basis of this information the Department denied plaintiffs’ applications for expedited Oregon stamps because plaintiffs were deemed to be \”participating\” in the Food Stamp Program in another state. In each case, plaintiff stated that those stamps were not received by plaintiff, but the Department deemed the statement insufficient to establish eligibility given the information from the other state, and plaintiff ended up with no stamps until the following month. Stamps for the initial month were not issued until the Department verified that the stamps issued in the other state had been returned. Defendants did not provide plaintiffs with expedited administrative hearings to review the denial of expedited stamps. Each plaintiff had to wait more than a month for a hearing. VIOLATION OF THE FOOD STAMP ACT The Food Stamp Act, 7 U.S.C. 2011-2030 (\”Act\”), establishes a program administered by both the U.S. Department of Agriculture (\”U.S.D.A.\”) and the states. This joint federal-state effort provides qualified low income households with financial assistance in the form of food stamps. The stamps are used to purchase food from certain approved stores. Section 2011 of the Act, the \”Congressional declaration of policy,\” declares that the Food Stamp Program is designed to raise levels of nutrition among low-income households, where limited food purchasing power contributes to hunger and malnutrition. The program permits \”low-income households to obtain a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation.\” 7 U.S.C. 2011. The U.S.D.A. promulgates regulations, which state agencies such as the Department are subject to, for determining and verifying eligibility of an applicant household for food stamps. States are prohibited from imposing any additional eligibility standards. 7 U.S.C. 2014(b). Eligibility is based on several factors, including residency. No individual may participate in more than one area in any month. 7 C.F.R. 273.3. Destitute migrant farmworkers are entitled to receive food stamps in an expedited time frame. 7 U.S.C. 2020(e) (9) (A) (i) (I); 7 C.F.R. 273.2(i) (1) (i). An eligible farmworker is entitled to receive food stamps within five days of application. 7 U.S.C. 2020(e) (9); 7 C.F.R. 273.2(i). The expedited issuance of stamps must not be delayed pending verification of any eligibility standard other than the household’s identity. 7 C.F.R. 273.2(i) (4) (i). The Department contends that it did not improperly delay eligibility pending verification, but denied eligibility based upon timely verification that plaintiff was participating in the program in the other state. The Department defines \”participating\” as being sent stamps in another state that have not been returned. The only way the Department will reverse its determination of ineligibility is by a showing that the issued stamps have been returned. The Department will not accept a statement by the individual that the stamps were never received. The Department’s policy of defining participation by the issuance of stamps, and requiring verification of their return before finding eligibility is referred to as its residency eligibility requirement. The legality of that requirement is at issue in this case. Defendants present two basic arguments to support the residency eligibility requirement. First, they believe that their definition of \”participation\” is correct within the meaning of the statute. Defendants rely on the legal presumption that items put in *1086 the mail are received to explain why mailed stamps or coupons are treated as received unless proved otherwise. Second, they assert important policy considerations behind their actions, specifically that the substantial federal sanctions against states for over-issuance of stamps require the Department to consider prevention of multiple participation a fundamental duty.[1] The facts demonstrate how the defendants’ residency eligibility requirement conflicts with the expedited service provisions of the Act and the regulations. By definition, a destitute migrant farmworker household is likely to move from area to area, and to need food stamps in the new area immediately upon arrival. The Department’s residency eligibility requirement prevents a household from receiving expedited service if the timing of the move is such that stamps have already been issued in the prior area. The applicant is forced to prove a negative the non-receipt of stamps by a showing of the mail being returned, which cannot be made to defendants’ satisfaction in an expedited time frame.[2] These households are effectively denied expedited service by the requirement. I conclude that the requirement contravenes the expedited service provisions of the Act and the regulations. Defendants’ stated reasons for the requirement do not withstand scrutiny. The legal presumption that mail sent and not returned is received is irrelevant to this situation. The presumption itself is not conclusive, only assisting in establishing a fact. The Department chooses to conclude that a declaration by the applicant that the stamps were not received is insufficient to counter the presumption.[3] I do not reach the same conclusion. In this dispute the stipulated facts demonstrate that the conclusion was incorrect, for in fact, each plaintiff had not received the stamps. Defendants also argue that they risk substantial sanctions if they overissue stamps. But if they required applicants to sign a statement attesting to not receiving stamps in the prior area in that month, the onus for any duplicate participation would rest with the applicants, not the Department.[4] A requirement that allowed applicants to receive expedited service, at their own peril if duplicative, would not contravene the expedited service provisions of the Act and the regulations. By letter dated April 10, 1990, Janet Allen, Chief of Program Operations, Section I of the Food Stamp Program, Western Region, of the Food & Nutrition Service of the U.S.D.A., responded to a letter from Michael Buckley of the Department seeking written clarification of policy concerns relating to this litigation. Ms. Allen suggested that by adopting a requirement of the type I have just described, Oregon would not violate Food Stamp Program regulations \”provided that the household is otherwise eligible and signs a statement attesting to the fact that it did not participate in the State of prior residence.\” That language doubly supports plaintiffs’ position. It discredits defendants’ reliance on the threat of sanctions, but more importantly, the word \”participate\” is used inconsistently with defendants’ definition. It would be impossible for an applicant to attest to not participating in the prior area if participation meant being sent stamps that had not been returned. I conclude that \”participation\” is defined as actually *1087receiving food stamps or coupons, within the meaning of the Act.[5] I conclude that the defendants’ residency eligibility requirement violates the Food Stamp Act. The existing requirement is unlawful, and defendants must cease and desist this unlawful practice and policy. If an applicant household otherwise eligible for expedited service will sign a statement attesting to non-participation[6] in the prior area that month, the Department cannot deny expedited service because stamps or coupons were sent to the applicants in the prior area. DUE PROCESS Food stamp applicants have a right to a hearing if \”aggrieved by any action of the State agency which affects the participation of the household in the Program.\” 7 C.F.R. 273.15(a). The regulations, however, do not specify a right to an expedited hearing if aggrieved by action relating to the expedited service provisions. The fifth and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution protect against deprivation of liberty or property without due process of law. Plaintiffs argue that due process requires defendants to provide such a hearing. To establish a denial of due process, plaintiffs must prove governmental action and a deprivation of a constitutionally cognizable liberty or property interest. Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 332, 96 S. Ct. 893, 901, 47 L. Ed. 2d 18 (1976). The requisite governmental action is not disputed. Food stamps are a legal right and a statutory entitlement. Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 90 S. Ct. 1011, 25 L. Ed. 2d 287 (1974). Generally, entitlement to food stamps constitutes a property interest. Atkins v. Parker, 472 U.S. 115, 128, 105 S. Ct. 2520, 2528, 86 L. Ed. 2d 81 (1985). But two courts have held that no property interest was implicated by a failure of the state agency to provide a pre-deprivation hearing at the end of a period of certification. Holman v. Block, 823 F.2d 56 (4th Cir. 1987); Banks v. Block, 700 F.2d 292 (6th Cir. 1983). Those cases can be distinguished from this case by the fact that plaintiffs sought to protect a property interest in continued food stamp benefits after the close of a certification period. In this case plaintiffs seek an expedited hearing so that they may receive expedited benefits if they prevail. No benefits are sought until a determination of eligibility is made. The Ninth Circuit has not addressed this question. The expedited service provisions of the regulations specifically require expedited issuance of stamps without delay for verification of any eligibility standard other than the household’s identity. 7 C.F.R. 273.2(i) (4) (i). The regulations do not contemplate any other barriers to expedited service. I conclude that when a destitute migrant worker household has applied for stamps in a new area, and established the identity of the household, a constitutionally cognizable property interest is implicated. Having found a property interest that triggers due process analysis, I must evaluate how much process is due, through consideration of four factors: the private interest involved; the risk of erroneous deprivation; the value of additional safeguards; and the governmental interest. Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. at 332, 96 S. Ct. at 901. The private interest involved is the hunger and malnutrition of destitute migrant farmworker households. The risk of erroneous deprivation is great because a nonexpedited hearing completely prevents expedited service for households whose applications for expedited service are denied. The additional safeguard sought by plaintiffs would reduce the risk of destitute migrant farmworker households going hungry. Finally, the government interest in *1088 raising levels of nutrition among low-income households outweighs the government interest in avoiding duplicative participation, when an expedited hearing will not promote duplicate participation, but will only speed the participation of eligible households. All four factors weigh towards requiring an expedited hearing as process that is due. I conclude that applicants for expedited food stamp service are entitled to expedited hearings if aggrieved by any action of the Department which affects the expedited participation of the household in the Program. Requiring an expedited hearing will not change any of the requirements of the hearing itself, only the timing. The specifics are left to the Department, as long as the hearing is held, and a decision issued, within nine working days of an applicant’s request. CONCLUSION I declare defendants’ residency eligibility requirement unlawful. I enjoin defendants from denying expedited service to destitute migrant farmworker households that have established the identity of the household, on the basis of stamps or coupons having been mailed to applicants in a prior area, if the applicant household signs a statement attesting to non-participation in the prior area that month. Furthermore, due process of law entitles applicants for expedited food stamp service to expedited hearings if they are aggrieved by any action of the Department which affects the expedited participation of the applicant household. This opinion constitutes my findings of fact and conclusions of law pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 52(a). NOTES [1] 7 U.S.C. 2025(c) authorizes adjustments in the State agency’s federally funded share of administrative costs based on a \”payment error rate,\” as incentive to reduce error. [2] Given the time that the post office holds the mail before returning, and the time the State agency takes to record the return of stamps, it is virtually impossible for an applicant to demonstrate that the stamps have been returned within five days. [3] The presumption may not be applicable at all in this situation, where the stamps were sent by registered mail, and defendants offer no evidence of plaintiffs signing for the mail. Since I find the presumption irrelevant, I need not address this question. [4] Intentional program violations subject individuals to progressive disqualification from the Food Stamp Program six months for the first violation, one year for the second, and permanently for a third violation. 7 U.S.C. 2015(b) (1); 7 C.F.R. 273.16. [5] 7 U.S.C. 2012, the definitional section of the Act, does not define any form of the word \”participate.\” [6] The household members signing the statement need to be informed of the potential for disqualification for intentional Program violations, and that signing this statement if stamps for this month have been received in the prior area is an intentional Program violation. [bookmark: _GoBack] Villegas v. Concannon, 742 F. Supp. 1083 (D. Or. 1990) US bie Court forthe Distt of Oregon 742. Sup, 10890190) shay 18,1000 RFS. 1080 1990) ‘gost VLLEGAS tl, Plant, Kevin CONCANNON, ea, Defendants 18100, ‘Yom Les A. Ln, Mate ik Oregon Lage Seca, Cop, Mebr, Cr, Kant ‘Tur, Porta Or sant, Dave Frtarye ty Gen Jct L Landa, tpn, Site, ast Aye Gen ‘eo. 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” 1 \” ! ‘ l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JUL 1-S 1991 …. -; . -\”‘ By: ?. BEHNSTEtA, : tLll’!rl\”‘ 1, ….. …. , St?PElUOR COtm.!r OF CALZFORNll COtJ’NTY OF SAN DIEGO 10 WELFARE RIGHTS ORGANIZATION OF SAN DIEGO, INC., LORRAINE 11 JACKSON, and PAUL JACKSON by LORRAINE JACKSON, his guardian 12 ad li tem, individually and on on behalf of all others 13 similarly situated, ) ) ) ) ) } ) ) 14 Plaintiffs-Petitioners, ) 15 v. 16 LINDA S. McMAHON, Director of State Oepart\ufffdent of Social 1 7 Services ; and STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, Defendants-Respondents. ) . ) ) ) ________________ ) CASE NO. 531015 AMENDED JUDG\ufffdNT 18 19 20 The parties’ Joint Motion To Approve Action Amended 21 Judgments w\ufffds he\ufffdrd on July 19, 1991. Charles Wolfi\ufffdge\ufffd appeared 22 as counsel for plaintiffs\/pe\ufffditioners ( 0petitioners ). John H. 23 Sanders, Deputy Attorney General of the state of California, 24 appeared as counsel for defendants\/respondents (\”respondentsn ). 25 The court has considered the pleadings and papers on file 26 herein and the arg,.ments of counse1, and being fully advised in t.L\ufffde 27 premises, now therefore, 28 HEREBY ORDERS, ADJ\”UDGES AND DECREES: 1 1 I. T’\ufffdrr- PA?\ufffd:\ufffds – This judgment binds the fo1lowing parties: 2 A . . Petitione\ufffds \ufffdnd The Class – Petitioners Welfare Rights 3 organization of San Diego, Inc. and Lorraine and Paul Jackson, and 4 the class defined as Pall spousa\ufffd applicants for or recipients cf 5 In Home Supportive Services and their spousa1 providers, who have 6 been _since July l, 1983 or will be denied medical transporta\ufffdion or ? protective supervision services solely because the State Depar-..:.ent 8 of Social Services and its Director failed to comply with the 1983 9 spouse provide\ufffd legislation (Stats.198\ufffd, ch. 323, 116.7 (amending lO Welfare and !ns\ufffditutions Code 12301) recr\ufffdiring compensation ll beginning July 1, 1923 ( 151.Ji).\” 12 B. Resn\ufffd\ufffddents – Respondents state Department of Social 13 Se:-vices ( N Deoartment*) and its Director, Linda s. McMahon, he\ufffd 14. successors in offica, officers, employees, agents, representatives, 15 and all othc\ufffd persons acting in her behalf or subject to her 16 control or supervision, includin; her statutcry agents, the boa=: 17 of supervisors of each county of California and the d\ufffdrectors o: 18 each county welfare department. 19 20 I!. DECLAP\ufffdTO?Y JUDGMENT – This court makes the following 21 declaratio\ufffd of the parties’ rights pursuant to Code of Civil 22 Procedure (\”C.C.P.\”) 1060: 23 24 25 A. Duty To Implement Spouse P\ufffdovider Leaislation Retroactivelv l. The respondents pepartment and its Director have at all 26 times relevant herein had a mandatory duty to implement the 1983 27 amendment to Welfare and Institutions Code 12301 (Stats.1983, ch. 28 323, 116.7) (\”1983 spouse provider legislat\ufffdon\”l ret\ufffdoactively to 2 ‘\u00b7 l July l, 1983 through the Sa county welfare departJnents, as defined 2 in Welfare and Institutions Code 10058. 2. It is unnecessary to make a declaration on any 4 constitutional law claims since\u00b7the declaration en the state 5 statutory claims is sufficient to provide the relief. 6 B. Entitlement To Retroactive Benefits – The.individually 7 named petitioners Lorraine and Paul Jackson and .the class are 8 entitled to restoration of all IHSS compensation fer services 9 authorized by the 1983 spous\u00b7e provider legislation and provided by 10 the IHSS spouse from July l, 1983 to September 10, 1984. ll c. Entitlement To Underpawents – Class me-ml::)ers are entitled .J – . i __ :..:::..:r 12 to underpayments from October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1985 13 fon.\u00b7ard for county errors in failing to correctly pay for 14. protective supervision and\/or medical transportation. 15 Underpayments shall be issued in accordance with -Departmental 16 regulations found at MPP Section 30-768.4. 17 D. Entitlefflent To Prejudgment Interest – Those named 18 petitione\ufffds and the class members detennined eligible for 19 retroactive benefits are entitled to prejudgment interest at the 20 statutory rate on the amount of such benefits. The period of 21 entitlement begins en the date when the payment w\ufffds originally owed 22 if the 1983 spouse provider legislation had been implemented\u00b7 23 retroactively to July 1, 1983, and ends on the last date\u00b7of the 24 month following the \ufffdonth in which payment is authorized. 25 E. The Need For tmmediate Implementation Of The Judament – Any 26 delay in implem:enting the tenis cf this Judgment will: 27 1. deprive IHSS applicants and recipients of spouse 28 providers; 3 1 2. increase the risk of institutionalization of persons 2 otherwise able to remain in their hemes with a spouse provider 3 compensated under the IHSS program; and 4 3. impose substantial economic hardship on spouse 5 providers who have provided.and continue to provide uncompensated 6 services to eligible applicants and recipients. 7 8 III WRIT OF MANOATE FOR PF:OSPECTrvE ENFORcgMENT 9 Let the writ of mandate issue pursuant to c.c.P. 1085 en 10 behalf of petitioners and the class commanding respondents to: 11 A. Enforce The 1983 Spouse Provider Legislation – Enforce the 12 1983 spouse provider legislation to compensate all such providers 13 retroactively from July l, 1983 to September JO, 1984, and tc 14 reimburse providers for any underpayments that may have occurred 15 subsequent to September 30, 1984 \ufffds a result of the failure to 16 implement it on a timely basis. 17 B. Provide Claim Information – For a period of eight (8) 18 months following the effective date of the beginning of the claim 19 period as contained in the regulations described in paragraph V, 20 supply any person who inquires about the eligibility for benefits 21 under this ju.dg1D.ent, however described, a Claim Form, supplemental 22 Claim Ferm and Explanatory Flyer. 23 24 IV. WRIT OF MANDATE \ufffdOR IDENTiFYING AND NOTIFYING 25 CLASS ME;!’mERS OF THEU RrGHTs TO RtTROACTTVE RELILF .26 Let the writ of 1na.\ufffddate issue pursuant to c.c.F . . 1oas on 27 behalf of the named petitioners and the class commanding 28 respondents to: 4 …. , .2 3 4 5 6 7 \u00b71 ‘. A. Identifv All Individual Provider Class Members – Use the IHSS Payrolling System (CMIPS Contractor) from July l, 1983 to November 30, 1988 to identify all individual providers, who at any time lived at the same address with their spouse IHSS recipient. B. Notify All Class Members Of Their Right To Retroactive Relief l. For each class member identified under subparagraph 8 IV .A: g a. determine the current mailing address cy using 10 services provided by the Franchise Tax Board; and 11 b. by no later than the effective date of the 12 beginning of the\u00b7claim period as contained in the regulations 13 promulgated to implement this decree, send to the current address 14 \ufffdy first class mail a copy of the Explanatory Flyer :\ufffdnd Claim For:n 15 form set forth in subparagraphs IV.C.4 and 6 below. 16 2. Public Notices – Issue the Standard Claim Forms, 17 Explanatory Flyers, and posters in English and Spanish in the size 18 of 17\” x 22\” modeled axter the Explanatory Flyer, in sufficient 19 nmnbers to each of the following: 20 a. Each county welfare department with instructions to 21 display the posters in prominent locations in eve\ufffd office having 22 contact with the public for the eight (8) month period beginning 23 with the effective date of the :beginning of the claim per\u00b7iod as 24 contained in the reg\u00b5lations described in paragraph V. 25 b. All interested organizations and groups listed in 26 Appendix A with a request to display posters in a prominent 27 location and to distribute the Explanatory Flyer and standard Claim 28 5 1 Fenn on request for the eight (8} month period beginning with the 2 effective date of the regulations described in paragraph V. 3 c. Posters only will be sent to Federal Social 4 Security Administration offices with a request to display them in a 5 prominent location for the eight (8) month period beginning with 6 the effective date of the beginning of the c1aim period as 7 contained in the-regulations descril:>ed in paragraph v. 8 3. Standard Claim Form – The Standard Cl\ufffdim Form shall be 9 written in plain English and substantially conform to Attachment 1 10 hereto, except as amended in section V.E.2 below. A supply of 11 fonns translated into Spanish shall be kept on hand and disbursed 12 upon request. 13 4. Supplemental Claim Form – The Supplemental Claim Fonu 14. shall be written in plain English and substantially conform to 15 Attachment 2 hereto and include\u00b7 proof of age, blindness or . . . 16 disability and marriage. The Supplemental Claim Form shall be used 17 for claimants where the person requiring protective supervision 18 and\/or medical transportation was not previously authorized IHSS 19 benefits. A supply of forms translated into Spanish shall be kept 20 on hand and disbursed upon request. 21 5. Explanatory Flyer – The Explanatory Flyer shall be 22 written in plain English and Spanish in substantial confonnity to 23 Attachment 3 hereto. 24 c. Remai1ina Returned Notices – DSS will remail notices 25 returned as u:ndelivered from the initial mailing in HBQ as fellows: 26 l. Seek to ob\ufffdain approval of the plan from appropriate 27 State agencies (Department of Finance, Departlnent of General 28 services, Franchise Tax Board (FTB), Health and Welfare Agency, and 6 t others a\u00b7s required) , discuss any problems with plaintiffs’ counsel 2 and supply all docum\ufffdntation and contracts with him before 3 execution. 4 2. By CMIPS Contractor, make a list with provider name, 5 sequential CMIPS number, address and Social Security Account NumJ:,e: 6 (SSAN). 7 8 9 3. By FTB, \u00b7update OUPS contractor list from c.2. 4. By FTB, code each updated address by F.TB or IRS source. 5. By FTB, sort returned mail by CMIPS Contractor, FTB or \u00b7 10 nts Code returned as undeliverable within the first three months ll following the completion of mailing. 12 6& By FTB, develop a list of returned \ufffdail with name and 13 CMIPS number and either the FTB updated or CMIPS Contractor updated 14 address (none for IRS updated address) , and send weekly to CM!PS 15 Contractor. 16 7. By DSS or other organization to be detennined, develop 17 a list with na!Ile, address and SSAN, and send weekly to contracted 18 private credit reporting agency. 19 s. DSS will arrange \u00b7to remail all updated addresses from 20 private credit reporting agency and give a minimwn of two months 21 from the date of the last remailings for.persons to file claims. 22 9. Take no further action to update or mail all returned 23 notices from second mailing, which will Pe destroyed. 24 V. WRIT OF MANDATE FOR PROCESSING 25 CLAIMS FOR RETROACTIVE BENEFITS 26 Let the writ of mandate issue pursuant to c.c.P. 1085 27 Pehalf of the named petitioners and the class co:mmanding 28 7 1 responder.ts tc pro=ulgate and implement regulations about the 2 following : 3 4 A . Clc iming Peri od 1 . Claims for retroactive benefits shall be accepted at 5 all county welfare department ( \”CWD\” ) offices for a period of eic;ht 6 ( 8 ) months beginning with the effective date of the beginning of 7 the claim period .contain in the regulations described in paragraph 8 v . 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 1 5 shall be 2 . The date of filing fer retroactive benefits claims determined as follows : a . If the claim is mailed to the CWD, the date cf filing shall be the date post\ufffdarked on the envelope .. date o f b . If the clai\ufffd is filed in person at the C:WD , the filing shall be the date stamped on the claim . c . If the date carino\ufffd be determined by subparagraph 1 6 V . A . 2 . a er b above \u00b7, the date o f f iling shall be the date the cl aim 17 was s igne\ufffd . 18 B . Elicib i l itv Cond i tion\ufffd For Retroactive Benefits – The 19 elig ibil ity conditions for receipt of retroactive benefits are : 20 1 . The IHSS recipient or applicant met ( a ) the general 21 IHSS eligibil ity conditions , and (b ) the specific conditions for 22 having a need for protective supervision and\/or .medical 23 transportation , in effect during each month for which re\ufffdroac\ufffdive 2 4 bene=its a=e claimed . \”Medical transportation\” means a\ufffdetlical 25 travel accompaniment \ufffd \” 26 2 . The provider was a spouse who left or was prevented from 27 obtaining ful1 time empl oyment because there vas no other suitable 28 8 1 provider available’ to care for the IHSS spouse an\ufffd whose care might 2 have prevented an inappropriate placement or inadequate care. 3 3 . The recipient or applicant received less than the 4 applicable statutory grant maximum during the month claimed, 5 including any share cf costs. 6 4 . Claimants whose claim forms establish that they do not 7 meet the eligibility conditions in subparagraphs V.B. l-3 shall be 8 denied retroactive benefits. 9 c . Retroactive Claims Processin\ufffd Procedures – The procedures 10 for processing c\ufffdaims for retroactive benefits will substantially 11 ccnfonn to the following steps : 12 13 1. Standard Claim Form a\ufffd All initial claims for retroactive benefits must be 14 filed on the claim form described in subparagraph IV. B. J abov\ufffd . A 15 class member wt o files a claim form. shall be referred to as a 16 claimant in this j udgment. 17 b. The claim form must be filled out , signed and dated 18 by the claimant and a witness under penalty of perj ury . 19 c. If the claim form has not been completely fill ed 20 out , or if the claimant or a witness has not signed and dated the 21 claim form, the claim shall be denied for insufficient information . 22 The claimant shall be sent a notice of action denying the claim 23 with an explanation of the information needed to complete the cla i\ufffd 24 fonn. The clailnant shall be allowed forty-five ( 4 5 ) days from the 25 date of the notice to submit the additional information . If the 26 information is not received within forty-five ( 4 5 ) days from the 27 date of the notice, the denial will stand. 28 9 1 2 . Place of filing claims – Claims for retroactive 2 benefits shall be fi\ufffded with the welfare department in the county 3 in which the claimant currently resides. If the covered services 4 were provided or received in a different county , the local CWD 5 shall forward the claim to the county where the service occurrec . 6 J . Retroactive payment period – Retroactive benefits shall 7 be paid to claimants who paid for or who provided the covered 8 services within the period specified in subparagraph II . B , but \u00b7were 9 not compensated under the IHSS program solely because the 10 respondents failed to ensure that the 1983 spouse provider 11 legislation was implemented retroactively to July \u00b7 l , 1983 . 12 4 . General proof requirements – Information and 13 verification supplied by or on behalf of the cl aimant shall be 14 limited to that reg:\\lired by the Standard Claim Form or the 1 5 Supplemental Claim Form . 1 6 5 . Recipient status and inco\ufffde eligibility – The existing 17 case files and information suppli-.d according to subparagraph V . C . 4 18 above, will be used to establish all eligibility conditions to the 19 maximWtl ex\ufffdent without further proof by the claimant. 20 6. Recipient ‘ s need for protective supervision and\/ or 21 medical t\ufffdansportation ( \”covered service\u00b7s\” ) 22 a. An applicant or a recipient is presumed to have 23 needed the covered services : 24 ( 1 ) , if a need was assessed at any time ( in which 25 case the need shall be from that time forward; or ; 25 (2 ) if an applicant’ s or recipient ‘ s need is 27 establ ished by a sworn statement from the claimant and verified by 28 a witness. 10 b . The CWD shall review the case f ile and may obtain 2 other information to .support or to rebut the el igib ility 3 determination made in subparagraphs v . c. but m\ufffdst advise the 4 claimant of any adverse contradictory informati on regarding the 5 recipient’ s need for the covered services , and give an opportunity 6 to submit further information supporting the cl aim . The claim 7 shall be denied if the claiDant is found to be in\ufffdligible. 8 9 7 . Covered services provided a . I f a claimant shows that the covered services \ufffdere 10 rendered , the ewe must preswne that the provider did not render 11 them voluntarily . 12 b. The provision of services may be established by the 13 claimant ‘ s sworn statement verified by a witness concerning the 14 approximate nwnber cf hours per day, and by any other readily 15 a\ufffdailable information in the ciaimant’ s possession , taking into 16 account the ab ilities of the claimant . 17 c . The cwp may obtain additional information to verify 18 the claimant ‘ s statement, but must advise the c1aimant of any 19 adverse cont=adictory info:=:nation and give forty-five ( 4 5 ) days 20 from the date of the notice to submit further information 21 supporting t.4e claim. 22 a . Computation of the amount of retroactive benefits – 23 The CWD shall determine the amount of retroactive benefi\ufffds- due for 24 each month based upon the following : 25 a. For claimants wbo were authorized IHSS , the amount 2 5 of retroactive benefits due for each mo nth claimed shall be the 27 l esser of either ( 1 ) the difference between the applicable IHSS 28 statutory maxilnum for each month for which benefits are claimed and ll 1 the amount of IHSS benefits the recipient was authorized to 2 receive , or ( 2 } the amount of covered services claimed . The amount 3 of bene\ufffdits due shall not exceed the statutory maximum for the 4 months claimed. 5 b. For claimants who were not auth:orized IHSS , the 6 amount of retroactive benefits due shall be the \u00b7number of hours o f 7 covered services- provided and clai\ufffded, multiplied by the county ‘ s 8 applicable individual provider hourly wage during each month for 9 which benefits are claimed. The statutory benefits shall not 10 exceed the statutory maximum for the periods claimed. 11 c . A..\ufffdy recipient share of cost shall –\u00ad,U.., \ufffd be cons idered 12 when computing the amount of retroactive benefits due to the 13 claimant in subparagraph v . c . s . b . 14. d . The amount o f prejudgment interest shall be 15 calculated thereon from the date originally due through the last 16 day of the month following the month in which payment is 17 authorized . 18 9. CMIPS Contractor reporting – The CWD shall submit all 19 necessary documents to the CMIPS Contractor so that payment of 20 retroactive benefits may be issued within thirty ( 30 ) days from the 21 date the Notice of Action is mailed. OSS shall \u00b7mail out the 22 paynients on er before the 10th of the month, and otherwise sb.al1. 23 hold the paYinents for issuance until on or before the 1otb of the 24 following month . 25 10 . Standard Eligibility Determination Worksheet – DSS 25 shall design a Standarc Eligil:)ility Determination Worksheet for use 27 by CWDs to facilitate the eligibility determinations required to 28 process a cla im for retroactive benefits. 12 i . li . Notice cf Action – CWDs shall issue and mail a Notice 2 of Action on each claim within sixty ( 60 ) days from the date of 3 receipt of the claim form containing the following information : 4 a . For every \ufffdonth for which retroactive benefits are 5 claimed : 6 ( l ) the computation for the amount due, with and 7 without prejudgment interest , or 8 ( 2 ) the reasons and facts explaining why no amount 9 is due , or why less than the amount claimed is due , including a 10 statement of what additional information is needed ( if the reason 11 is insufficient information) and that the claimant must provide i\ufffd 12 within forty-five ( 45 ) days from the date cf the notice \ufffd 13 b. The total amount of retroactive benefits determined 14 due each year and the amount of prej udgment interest thereon ; 15 c. The allocation \u00b7of. any amount due the provider 16 and\/or the recipient ; 17 d . A statement regarding withholding taxes : and 18 e. Advice about the right to a state hearing and the 19 procedures for ob\ufffdaining one. 20 12 . State hearing – Grant each claimant or authorized 21 representative a state hearing which conforms to the procedures set 22 forth in Welfare and Institutions Code 10950 and 23 MPP 2 2 -0 0 0 et \ufffd- to contest any adverse action regaraing the 24 retroactive benefit\ufffd 25 D . Regulations 25 l \ufffd DSS shall provide petitioners ‘ cc\\L\ufffdsel with the text cf 27 the proposed regulations thirty { J O ) days Defore fil ing them with 28 the Office of Administrative Law . 13 1 2 . Respondents – shall use their best efforts to issue 2 emergency reg,..ila\”t.ions. to implement this j udg,:nent . E . Unde?\”\”Oavment Claim Processina – DSS \ufffdill take the followin\ufffd \u00b74 steps to p\ufffdocess unde:-payment claims HE.Q : 5 6 7 8 l . Set the HB.Q underpayment period trom October , 198\ufffd rough September , 19 8 5 . 2 . Revise the claim fonns to specify underpayments for the in subparagraph V . E. l and to allow \u00a3or claiming b y month 9 for hours of each service . – 10 3 . Re’\\\” ise \u00b7county worksheet to include documentation fo\ufffd 11 unde=payment claims and calculations . 12 \ufffd – Issue Notice of Ac\ufffdions for underpayment claims 13 decis i ons . 14 1 5 5 . Include all underpayment forms used in case file . 6 . Develop a monthly reporting system for county and sta\ufffde 1 6 totals for underpayment applications , pending , approved , and 17 denied , and total underpayments . 18 19 -r … . w7.!T OF M.\ufffdNDATE FOR INDIVIDUAL PtTITIONERS 20 Issue a pe\ufffdemptory writ c f mandate pursuant to c . c. P . 1085 on 21 ehalf of Lorraine and Paul Jackson commanding respondent McMahor. 22 and her successors in office to : 23 A . Take the necessary steps to obtain and process a claim for 2 4 retroactive b ene!its \u00b7 according to the proc edures set forth in the 25 ‘ udgment . Th.e CWD shall take steps to secure the rel evant 26 information to process their claim , including contacting them . 27 E \ufffd Make a return to this writ within sixty ( 6 0 ) days from the 28 ate the CWD has rendered a f inal decision on the ir claim . 14 l VI I \u00b7. WRIT OF \ufffd-ANOATE FOR MON!TOR!NG COMPLIANCE WITH THE JUDGMtNT 2 Let the writ of mandate issue pursuant to c . c . P . 1 08 5 on 3 behalf of the named petitioners and the class commanding 4 respondents to : 5 A . County Statistical Reports – Beginning with the third month 6 following the beginning of the claim period as contained in the 7 retroactive regulations and continuing for one ( 1) year , DSS shall 8 produce monthly sta\ufffdistical reports . These reports shall contain 9 the following information: 10 l . Number of claims received ; 11 2 . Number of claims denied ; 12 J . Number cf claims approved ; 13 4 . Number of claims pending ; 14 5 . Amount of benefits approved . 1 5 B . CMIPS Contractor Reports- 1 6 Respondents shall obtain from CMIPS contractor a final repor\”: 17 by county that includes : 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 . Number o f claimants paid : 2 . Total amo\ufffdnt of retroactive benefits paid ; 3 . Number of underpayments paid : 4 . Total amount of underpayments paid . C . Case Reviews 1. Respondents shall provide petitioners’ counsel with a 24 copy of the monitori\ufffdg plan for case reviews at least 60 days 2 5 before it is implemented . ‘l’he plan shall include : 26 a . The 15 counties to be reviewed. Based en the 27 monthly reports described above , the 15 counties shall be those 28 15 j \u00b7 i l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 having the largest nwnber of claims over the six month claiming period : . and the and the b. The number of cases to be reviewed in each county method. used to select them ; c . The personnel who shall conduct the case reviews training they \u00b7 shall receive ; d . \ufffdhe format for the results . 2 . Respondents shall provide petitioners ‘\u00b7 counsel with 9 copies cf all monitoring documents and all findings and make 10 available all documents generated as a result cf any monitoring 11 activity . 12 13 VII I. RETENTION OF J\”URISDICTION 14. This court retains j urisdiction over this case for the 1 5 following : 16 17 A. Ensure Compliance l. Ensure compliance with the judgment and make such 18 fur-Jier orders as may be necessary therefor until oss demonstrates 19 that it has complied with the j udgment. 20 2. Require DSS to send class counsel a bimonthly status 21 report about all actions taken on the Judgment and include any 22 basic implementation records. ‘mle first report . is due thirty (‘3 o ) 23 days from the date of this Judgment. 2 4 J . Require DSS to include in contracts with other agencies 25 an accurate account of all transactions . 26 B \ufffd Attornev ‘ s Fees And Costs – Rule on any motion for 27 attorney ‘ s fees and any request for costs filed by petitioners or 28 their counsel for work after November 23 , 198 8 . This Judgment 16 l \ufffdodlfies \u00b7 any and all statutory or other time limits, including 2 c . c . P. \u00b7 1033 . 5 and California Rul es of Court, Rule 870 , for making 3 a claim fer costs and\/or attorney ‘ s fees. 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 2 5 26 27 28 Dated : jud2 JUL 1 9 199t JUDGE \u00b7 17 M\ufffd\ufffdriAEL ,. G\ufffd=ER OF THE SUPERIOR COURT WELF\ufffdRE R\ufffdGRTS ORGAN’\”IZ\ufffdTION V . Mc\ufffdHON CLAIM F\ufffdRM !NSTRUCTIONS : Please print . Fill in as much ipformation as you can . I f vou need he lp. cal l or ao i n to vour eountv vel fare deoartfflent . S ign you= name in Section and have someone who knows you provided the services s ign in Section =-\u00b7 R\ufffdMBER : YOU MUST G!:T TH:IS CLAIM FORM TO THE COUNTY WELFARE OE:PARTME\ufffd EY TO GET ANY MONEY . 1 . Your name :u..\”‘Tent Address : (Number , street) :ity Soc . Sec . No . County Telephone Apt\/Space Ne . State Z IP Code \ufffd – Answer these questions by checking the box . These q,.iestions cove\ufffd anytime from July l , l9 S J through Septe!rber 10 , 19 8 4 : ( a ) Was your spouse 65 or \ufffdlde: , blind or disabled \ufffdnd did he\/shelive in California? ( b ) Did you go with your sp0use to medical 1ppoint:nents ( \”medical transportation\” ) ? _ Or did you have 😮 watch out that your \ufffdentally ill or conf\ufffdsed spouse was \ufffdot inj ured or hanned doing the nor:nal daily ac\ufffdiv ities : – protec\ufffdive supervis ion\u00b0 ) ? ( c ) If you had not provided the services , might your ;pouse have received inadequate services or have been inap\u00ad ,ropriately placed somewhere other than his\/her own home? ( d} Did you have to give up a j ob or could not get me because there was no other suitable person to provide :…\ufffde services ? ( e ) Oid your spouse apply for or receive In Home ;upportive Serv-ices ( IRSS ) ? Yes No \u00b7unk.,ow\ufffd : ! you answered yes to questions ( a ) through ( d ) , and e ither \”yes n c= \u00b7 unknown\ufffd to ques\ufffdion ( e ) , complete the rest of this form . Address at time you provided protective supervision or medical \ufffdansportation i! different from your current address : \\:.mber , Street : :ity: , \u00b7 . – . . County : AT\ufffd.ACII?!ENT 1 Apt . or Space Nwnbe= State : Z IP Code : :a:ne Social S ecurity Numbe\ufffd Telephone .. pous e ‘ s address if different from your current address : umber , Street : ity : County : Apt . or Spa ce Nwnber State : Z IP Code : . On the back of this form, l ist the months and hours you provided edical transportation and\/or protective s\ufffdpervisi.on for whic:h you were no-: aid . I understand that the information provided above iS. subj ect to arification and that my signature on this form is an authorization for Jch investigation . I , the u.\ufffddersigned , declare under penalty of perj ury- that the above :atements are . true and correc\ufffd . ,u: signature : Date : I , the undersigned , declare under penalty of perj ury that the person ir. .\” above proyided medical tran\ufffdpcrtation and\/or protec\ufffdive supervis ion ( as \ufffdsc=ibed on this claim- form) to the person named in \” 4 \” above . . gnature : Date : .lationship to person named in \”l.\” : in \”4 \” : Apt . er Space Nwube: .. \u00b7 – . – :. . County : State :\” Z I:P Code.: \u00b7 !NSD3UCTIONS = Complete colwn.\ufffds f\ufffd= t\ufffde perioc July l9 8 J through S eptemk)e= l9 o \ufffd . F ill in the in:c=-::-\ufffda\ufffdion i\ufffd the columns as follows : Column l – W\ufffdite the n11\ufffdbe= c : hours , if any , that you went with your spouse to his\/he= me\ufffdical appoint::ients ( medical trar.sportation ) , and we=e not paid . Column 2 \ufffd W=ite the number o! hours , if any , that you watched you= spc\ufffdsc to prevent ha\ufffd er inj \ufffdcy (protective supervision) , and were not paic ? Remember for protec\ufffdive supe::-vis ion in – column 2 : The numl:>e\ufffd o f hours eac: month is the lengt!l c, f time you were ho1%1e and your spouse , who was mental : iil er contusec , a\ufffdt aaed , Pline or disabled , needing your care coul d ba \u00b7 doing somethi\ufffdg tha\ufffd :lght qet him\/her hurt if left alone . ( Cc :. . 1 ) Year\/Mont.\ufffd\ufffd of hours eac\ufffd month 19 8 3 July Augus’t Sept . Oct . Nev . :Jee . 1 9 8 4 \ufffdan . ?eb . Mar . Apr . May June .July Sept . l-10 you \ufffd \ufffdovicet a\ufffdc were not paic fc= me\ufffd icz l t\ufffda\ufffds\ufffdo!\”\”taticri ( Col . 2 ) Nu:nl:Jer o f hours each month you provided and \ufffdere nc\ufffd pa! \ufffdor protective sune!’\u00b7v i sic\ufffd STA\ufffdE OF CALIFORNIA OEP,..RTMENT OF s cc:AL SZRV! CES READ -ms N0T:ICE : WE MAY OWE YOU MONEY !’OR BACK nGES FROM JtrLY i , 19 8 3 TRROO Q. IM 7′ 1 U…,_, CA 16’12 oan \ufffd-,411 ‘— c.-\”\” \ufffds…..- ……. \ufffd ,no w- \ufffd a……_ CA HCXSI (ICICn al \” Wt\u25a0 …….. C.-l’f w…… c.- ……………. .VOC: IMl .._… lll5 W. $.-11 $&.. 2M ‘-\u00ad t.a \ufffdL CA I0020 ,21\ufffd a,.a2cs …… c.-,. c. ……… ….. \ufffd \u00b7—\u00b7 ,a s-. .. .,,. s,,… .._., Clo 9312!1 llCSt 174-5171 -.. -\ufffd ……. ….. .s.c…. na -c- s ….. S- \ufffd CA \”WJ’ 1 1 11 ……. , … __… C..- ,. . .,….._ .. \ufffd- L …. S\ufffd tOI \ufffd- St,we1. 1-a t 1:5 ,._, CA 1::1711 ,2a11 …,,.,a, t ….. aca. c.-…. \” ……. \ufffd ……….. ,. o . … 7,17 \\al\u25a0l’I, CA 1\ufffd12 11(>71 452- 1’71 M … N c.-tY ,., …….. .. c.—. u.-. s…,…. .. , w .. ,a.t St .. \u00ab \ufffd CA 95l60 11091 l’U MH —- C.-cy \ufffd s– ., ,.,__. c.w-,,_ ,:1a w … Suee ……… CA HOOi 11001 1U-1H7 .._ c:-.., \ufffd— \ufffd- s…… \”‘- I, S.. 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CA 1111, rll ll .W-1760 Sett a-te c.u,,,.., e,. .. .-. aw., \ufffd .. ……… ,.,11! 717;\u00b0 f,i .. …..,, ,., … ,. a. … , … c-,.,., CA \”020 I.all M’ . s- ._.. … e,-.,. wa.- C:— \ufffd s– ll2 N-. ..,____, …__ San a.,…,…_ C.A t1,a1 C7UI 12 2\u25a017 ,,, 111 — EJICW 0….,.._ CA 11 7&2 17’ t ll3-01:3’7 s- a-.- c.a-.-,, \ufffd\u00b7 ….. S,ecN\”‘ – s- 0…- 1 ta 5-\”‘ lvct.J \ufffd 5.,. 0-.o. CA 921_14 111 91 21: 5H7 ,_ ,..,…. c:..,,…, $aft ke11Ct\u25a0&e ,. .. \ufffd u,gM A.dt9&. fetlNU\ufffd \” ,._\” s.,… SMI ,..\ufffd. CA f’tC: …. , u,\ufffd00 s … JNeYA c..-\”‘ c.,.,..,.. iw, .. L.a9-‘ —\u00b7 2,z ……. S..-r. s- .. , , c.,. 1!5:ZC:Z (20ft ,. .QIOS s.- \ufffd ow … c.. … ., c:. …… -…, \ufffd, …… \”\”. 1 1m r- Sa,_, s- ,_.,.. g.,…._ CA U 01 C105l $-U-1’99’ s- M — C:0-IY Lllll-‘ .,,,, s-,… o1 s .. .– ea–, Zff l–, S .. eec \”- Cl4 . \ufffd l’Oll ,\ufffd 111 .:su.112: S- \u00b7— C,ewlt’P \ufffd CA\ufffds. uoa S.-cn T.!! S&aw s,_ ll’d ,1oiw …………. s…-. lafllal . CA Sl 1 Ot (ICSI H.l SH\\ s.,,. C… Couftty L,qal lwtl S.C. \” l10 S..- ,,… Sn s- .-… CA Hl t :S (.all 198 52CO S n11 Clu, Counlv S!luu e.- 1.,, .. , .. _es …. ,,. .. ,. , ….. …. 1 l70 Wftl 5., .. , …….. c,r. t6001 tl00t 1%2 9’87 s ….. c.-.. ….. , s …. u ., ……… \ufffd-.. t ill lilllfA S – ..__,,,._ C-‘ 15W ,1001 n2-,,o, s ….-. c..-.. 1,.-,., S..-n -‘ —.. .. c.w.- 1:,0 wni Sa,_, a….,.., CA H,001 (1001 122 1117 s. ….. c:…-.. SGiaN C:.-.. \\. … 1 A SI.U..Ce 9,0 .,_.,.,. Sttfft v.-… CA 1 1 90 1 701’ .. l aljA \ufffd c-,.,, c-….. . .,,.\ufffd 1,,-.., M_..__. \”‘ 0,e11 … fl C. le \ufffdH ,_ ….. c..=. ,s..\ufffd ,10,, u,., .. , S — C..- c. …. – –.. \ufffd\u00b7 …….. ,. . 1 1 00 ., .. ,…. 51 l C ………. c,. t!IJ\ufffd : 12091 S7’7 l81 1 Svt- c.-,,,,,\” \ufffd..,_ .. \u00b7–\u00b7\u00b7 \”\”‘\ufffd’ .., lie. Il l \u00b7-o- S – , 0 … 2600 a4a…,. ….. _ e,. 9 901 11 1 11 1 2 – u ,1 t …….. c..-,., ……. S -H OI Mortfteft’l \ufffdetfl .. i,n ,,…\”‘ ..,.,.,…,, , 0. 1o, 1n1 Otco, c,. t5tl7 191 61 l S tO l T,-\u25a0,, c-\”‘\u00b0 wN4 S-\” ‘ ,..,.,… .. c., ……… I :170 WHI SH\u00ad \ufffd- \ufffd 96001 1100l 122 -16& 7 r..- c:.-n- 1_,.,. …..,., e,o..,.,,..1 Lt.- 5..-ces KO w- O S11nt ,, …… c.. ‘229\\ 1:01, m\ufffd,c T_._ c_,., k..,._M.n:M C;ii\”‘\u00b0’t,n Ltt S….-c 906 -,,\u00b7 $11\”1. 5.,.,. I Z!i -,.,_, C,. ,:1n I am .. \u00b7 1 1 \”-\u00b7 c …. w \ufffd C-,….S …… s…-. I’ I $eulfl A – Sofft , 0 . … , :z:u o- \u00b7 c:,… s:,OJ2 caos1 ,, 1 ., … c._…, ‘-\” ‘ $_.. .. …,,,..,.. c.,w_ .. S:ll C.Wt Sc,.et w ….. -. c,. 9569! \”‘\”\”””\” Yvoa c.-.., \ufffd,.,.,… llu,et u,;11 Au a-\ufffd . — – I ….. ., – Adu l t T nde\ufffdend\ufffdnce 0\ufffdY\ufffd1 otm1P.nt Canter. c\ufffd Santa C1 an Cnunty , Inc . 1 190 Sent.en S tn!\ufffd Santa C1 ara . \u00b7 CA 95050 Sanu C1ara Countv ( 408 ) 985-12\ufffd: Cheryl Ca1 rns , E.xecJti ve 01 \ufffd-:or C .A.P .H . ILC 1517 wt Sa;Mna…, Way , Sui te 109\u00b7 Fresn0 9 CA 9370\ufffd FT\”‘l!sno Cauntv ( 209 ) %,’-2274 ( Vo ice ) ( 2n9 ) 222-2\ufffd9\u20ac (TDD } .:;\ufffdtf! Pm ;- , E.xe:u-:\ufffd ve 01 rect.or Ce\”t\ufffd\ufffd for Independence of the Di sabl ed\”., I nc: . 875 O ‘ Ne i 1 1 Avenue Be lmont \ufffd \ufffd 94002 San Ma te\ufffd Ccun\ufffd\u00b7f ( 415) :;S-07c:3 . Lucy Mu 1 r , E\ufffdec\ufffdti ve Di \ufffd\ Ce\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd f\ufffdr Indeoe\ufffdden\ufffd L i vi ng 2539 Te l e\ufffdra,n Ave\ufffdue Benei ev , \u00b7 c;.. 9470\ufffd A 1 ameda .. Ccun-:\u00b7, . ( 415) 84l-47i6 M1 c.\ufffdae 1 Wi \ufffdtP.\ufffd , E\ufffde\ufffd\ufffdti ve C i rec\ufffdr C\ufffdn\ufffder fnr I nde\ufffdende\ufffdt L 1 v i nc San Gabri e 1 \/Pc:nana Va i 1 ey 2211 Ea\ufffdt Gar,ey Ave!’ue Wes\ufffd c\ufffdvi na . CA 9 \ufffd7SG Los Anae1 es Countv ( SlS ) iJ9-1278 Oenny Meehan , E:ce\ufffd.J4ti V’! 01 r\ufffdc\ufffdr Cmrmuni ty Rehabi 1 i\ufffd on -Servi ces 4715 B\ufffdok l yn Ave . , B1 d q . B , Rm. iS La\ufffd Anqe l es C.:.. 90022 Les Anae1 es Coun\ufffd\ufffd ( .. , \ufffd ) 2- \ufffd -o 4 e\ufffd ‘\u00b7- ,_c \ufffd — E1 sa Oue:ada , Exec\ufffd\ufffdi ve 0 i rec\ufffdcr – Comnuni ty Res nurces fn\ufffd I [email protected]: 2 915 Pi ner Raa d . Sui t2 5 Santa Rnsa , CA 95401 Snncma C\ufffdunty ( 707 ) 52S-?.7 4 5 Randy IC1t::h . uecrt1ve D1 rte-=ar Cmmn.rnity Rescurees fnr I ndepende\ufffdt L i vin\ufffd . Inc:. 26633 Jane Avenue Ha vwa rd , \ufffd \ufffd454.4 A 1 imeda C4un-ty ( .tl5} 881-5743 Ms . Jchnn1 e Lai::, 1 u\ufffduti vP- O i\ufffdc-::r- Cmrmunity Servi ce. C\ufffdnter fa\ufffd \ufffd\ufffde Di sabl ed 1295 U\”1 ven 1 tv Avenue San Die90 , CA \u00b7 92103 San O i eq0 C\ufffdunty B i 1 1 Ta int2r , Exee\”Jti ve Ci r\ufffd\ufffd-:::\ufffd ( 619 ) 293-3500 0aTTe1 1 Mc!Jan1\ufffd 1 Inde\ufffdendent L i vi n g . Cente,- l4J5.t Haynes -van Huys , CA 91401 Les Ange l es C\ufffdunty ( SlS ) 988-9:25 Norma Vescovo , Executi ve 0 i re\ufffdt\ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Oa vl e Mc !ntosh Cante\ufffd fo\ufffd t\ufffde Di sab l ed 8100 Garde\ufffd Grove R1 vd . hd r-den Gr\”Ove 7 CA 9254t Q,-ance Countv { 714 ) 898-9571 . . ( i14 ) 532-1646 ( Oraflge 0ifi \ufffd\ufffd ) Br\ufffdnda Premo , Exe\ufffdJ\ufffdi ve Oi rec-:.or 0 1 sab1 erl Resou\ufffdc2s C\ufffdnter , ! n c . 1045 P i ne Avenue Long Beat:\ufffd , LJ. 90213 Los An9el es Coun\ufffdy ( 21:= ) 437 -3543 He l ene Fi z:1ni , Executi ve O i rec-:=r S\/\ufffd0\/85 APPENDIX A-2 . . 1 . , \u00b7 .. .. \ufffd- !NOE?EMC\ufffd LIVING \ufffd\ufffdRS . . D1 sabi 1 1t1es Unl imiud. Inc. 1245S \u00b7R1ves Avenue ,Rccm 202 Dawney , CA 90242 \u00b7 Las Ange1 ts Caupty (213 ) SSZ-6531 Barllara Mamone. Executive D1\ufffdtor Goad She\ufffdhenf Canter for tnde,endent Living 4323 Leimert Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90008 Las An\ufffdel es CDunty ( Z!J ) 295-8356 G f 1 bert Fernande%. Executive Dine-ta\ufffd Humbol dt Access Project 712 Fcurth S b-!9t Eureka . CA 95:01 Humbol dt County (70i } 445-8404 Conna Janke , tnurim Exec . 01 rec’b:r !nde\ufffdendent L f v 1ng Rescurc2 Cant2r 423 W . V1 etori a Santa Bartan 9 CA 93101 Santa Barban Coun.ty { 805 } 963-1359 Annetu Rubi no , E\ufffdecuti ve D1 M!ctor Mari n Cente\ufffd for t nde\ufffdendent L i vi ng 710 Fourth Stre\ufffdt San Rafae l , CA 94901 Ma r-\ufffd n Coun\ufffdy { 4. :.: ) -\ufffd =;\ufffdC!t ( 6245 ) X 320 Sa\ufffdar-a 6enscn , E.xe-:u\”tive D1 \ufffd’tar Nor-J,@rn f fnMT1a f nde,endent L i vi n\ufffd Center 5:! Pi o \u00b7 L fndo Ave Su . R 0,1c:n , CA 95925 Butu Cnunty (\ufffd16 ) SC.3-8527 Jcrganne Cnok , Int. E..xec . O iT:ector Res0ur:2S far Inde\ufffdendent Living 1230 H Stnet Sacramenta 9 CA 95S1.4 Sacninento CDurrty (916 1 446-3074 Fnncs 6r-aadi-f 1ct . Executive Dir-ector Ra1 1 ing Start1 Inc . 443 West F\ufffdurth St’rnt San Beruardina , CA 92401 San Bernard1nc CDu11ty (714 ) 884-21%9 Dan Y1 g1 1 . Exeai\ufffd1ve 0 1\”\ufffd-cr Independent L 1ving Res.aur-ce Cenur\u00b7- . \u00b7San Francisa 4429 Cabr11 1 o Stn\ufffdt San Franc1 sco , CA 94121 San Franc:i sec Ccui,-tv \u00b7 ( 415 ) 75l-ai63 Kathf!ri ne Uhl , Exef:1.Jt1 ve O i rectnr Wests i de Canta\ufffd fer Independent L 1v1 ng 12901 Veni ce Bl vd . Las Angel es , CA 9005c .Lns Angel es C ounty ( ZlJ ) 390-3611 Voi ce c 212 ) 398-9204 roe June Kai 1 es , E.xecuti ve 01 \ufffde\ufffdcr APPENDlX A- 3 8\/:30\/85 . – . … \u00b7\u00b7- WLTPUl=.?OSE S:NJCR \ufffd\ufffdVICES PROGr.>M Srt’E LCCATlONS Mutti;:\ufffdcse Senior Setvicas Program Cry ol Oaidand ass 14th SU’Nt CaJdand.. CA 94612 (41 5) \ufffd\ufffd762 MulfJ\ufffdasa S nicr Servic:as Pn,cy.un AUaMad 5t2 SCJUt Indiana SlnNt L.c:s Angeles. CA 90063 (21 :3) 2\ufffd 2.1 1 -4 MufU;:n,uo;icsa Senicr Setvic:aa Pra9r-m. S.c.A.H.. (Senicr Cant Aden NelWarxJ 52.1 E2St Founn SlJ\”NI Long Sea=,\ufffd CA 9081:2-2502 {2i\ufffd) \ufffd-C4’7 er (2i:l) \ufffd6-Q42_. . MuUip\ufffdc:s S nicr S.rvicas PTOgr:m \ufffdunty cf San Ciago Ara.a Aqanr::1 an Aging 41 6.5 \ufffdorcuc;n A\ ent.ia San Oiegc. CA S2i CS ( s, 91 2\ufffd 6-C-:l:! a Mui\ufffdurpcse S nicr s-viCN Prc;r:m Humcck1t Seniar C!i:ans \ufffd 1 91 a c:.aarcmi Sir..t \ufffd CA 9501 {701′} 44:3.g7 4 i Muttipur;:csa S nior S rvicas Prcgralff (Soncm;a County Area Agenc::-1 en Agingj 9’.Q \ufffdr L.ane Santa R=a. CA 9.5\”401 . {707) S.27 t 1 4 7 . – .. Multfp&Jt1’csa Senior Sarvic:as Prcgr:un \ufffd at San=. ClU% 17i7-A \ufffditcl:& Read S.anta Cn:. CA 9.!062 ( 408} 4’25-%5-40 Mwti;:Ufl’cs S nicr S rvicas Prcgr:m jawmn Family S rvia \u00b7330 Norm Faitf:a A’t nue Los Anp CA 90036 (21 :S) 937-59:30 Multip\ufffdc:se S nicr S rvicas Prcgr:.m Mount Zlcn Paviiicn Z!SS Suiter\u00b7 P\ufffdilian, 2nd Ficar San CA 9-41 , s ( 41 SJ 885-‘?SSO Muiti\ufffduri:= Senict Setvic:as Prcg\ufffdm CQmmuniry C-,,. M:nagement \ufffdrpc\ufffdticn 487 Henn S1:ua StrHl Uldan. c.\\ 95482 (707) \ufffdsa-a:u1 MwUpurJ)csa S.nicr S ,vias Ptcgram Alu Ageney an Aging 2nd and NcrmaJ .SNets C..Uifcmia State University C.\”ai=. CA 95929 (91 6) 895 5082 Mwti;,urpma S nicr Servicas Prcgr:m (Univer.sity ol C.:uifcmia.. Oavisl 1 700 A!hatncra Scutevara, Suite 20:l Sac:\”2mentc. CA 9S81 6 (91 6) ,5::3 .54\ufffd2 APPENDIX A-‘1 . -.. ‘ . \ufffdi Mu1t1pw-,.osa Sanicr Scvicac Pragr:m (\ufffdumy m SMI Maiac Oepanmettt o1 Hedn S tvicu) 1860 El Camino RaL, Suite %22 Suriingama. \ufffd Sktl1 a (-41 SJ 692-4500 MuJttpur;,csa Senicr S rvicas Pn:s\ufffd {C4umy ct Santa 8:ucara) sas Wat Mom:on S.nta Mati:&. CA \ufffd54 (8CS) 925\ufffd90 Muitipur.:,csa 5.nicr Sarvic:ac Pragr:un s.niar Hema w Health C.zn; Ccumy ct Sam.araina 626 \ufffd Mill Str .. t Sem:udinc. CA 9241 S (71 -4] 387 :24:lA MuUi;,ur;:,cse Sanicr S rvicas Prcgr:;un Watts Haaltn Found:uicn. Inc. 2520 lndusuy Way. Suite C Lynwood, . CA 90262 (21 3} \ufffd2-<:18!34 MutlipurpaM S4111icr S.r.,icas Fresno C=unty C\ufffdant ot H.aiu, 1221 Futtcn MaJ1 Ft11Sna, CA 9:377S (209} \ufffd5\ufffd9 . . Mwtipurpcse Sanicr Servicas Pror;r2.m \ufffd Oepanment cf Scc;ai 2125 \u00b7wyr CriY\ufffd Suite 1 Mcdesta, C.A st!lS3 Wti;upcsa s.,,iar Sarvicas F ro;ra.m s.nicr Catw N \ufffd Humu,gtcn MafflCIW H!)\ufffdi=J en Sown F.air Oaks Av nu Pu:adana. CA 91 1 as (818) 356-31 1 0 Ma.d\ufffdu,i:csa S.nicr Sarvicas Pri=gr:1\ufffd \u00b7 \ufffdIY ot Or:nge Community SetV'icq Agenc-,- 1=0 Scum Gr.and. \u00b7su'Jcing B Santa. Ana. CA s:70S {71.i&) 8:J4-a8_.S r \u00b7 - \u00b7---- \u00b7\ufffd---- \u00b7 -- Mwtt;:ur;,csa Saniar Sarvicas Pn:gn.m C:unc:1 en Agir,g. C!.2t:I c\ufffdunry. Inc:. 21\ufffd1 The Alameda Jes.. CA 95125 (ACS) 296-a290 MuJtipurpa:sa s-,icr Servicn Prac;ram \ \ufffd Caumy St 1 E2St Magncfia. \ufffdrd Rccr StcdUcn. CA 9S2C2 (209) 468-3780 Neta: S,te name$ anccsad in ;:,:uemt2am { l ant \ufffdct a p:ut of U,a site's m..ilin; acarass. ( - - - \ufffd - . ( J.UNE , 1987 \ufffdL.!FORNIA OE?ARTME.1ff OF AG!NG laOO 1' Stre\ufffdt\u00ad Sac:rame.'ttc , CA 9:S14 (915 ) 3Z3-00a1 D IRECTORY OF CALIFORNIA LAW PROJECTS FOR rnE E!.DO.LY FSA 1 - HUMBOLDT AND DEL NORTE COUNTIES ROY SCHOENBERG Senior Citizens Legal Services l.SlO Cal ifornia Street Eureka , CA 95:01 {707 ) 44\ufffd-9747 PSA 2 - SHASTA . TRINm . MODOC . LASSEN AND \ufffd.J.Sk!YOO cOUN I u\ufffd\ufffd THOMAS M. WELSH Senior Legal Center P . O . Ba: 506 301E South Mar\ufffdet Street Reddi ng , CA 96099 ( 916 ) 243-3209 PSA 3 - Bt!Ti! . PtUMAS .. TEHAMA . GLENN ANO COLUSA COUNTIES BARRIE ROBERTS Le\ufffdal Services of Nart.,ern c.a.l ifarnia P : 0 . Box !728 Chico , CA 9:327 ( 9 15 ) 345-9491 PSA 4 - Pt.ACS COUNTT RON ROGas Leoa1 Ser1i ces of No . Cal i fornia \ufffd Inc. Mcther1 ode Branc:.i 190 Reamer Auburn , CA 95603 ( 916 ) 823\ufffd7560 - ( 800 } 822-6107 PSA 4 - SACxAMENTO COUNTY JOHATHArf ELL!SQN ' Le\ufffda l Cen'te\ufffd fo\ufffd tile E1 de;1 y and Di sab l ed :30 Ber-cut Dri ve , Sui u G Sacnme\ufffdto , CA 95Sl4 { 916 ) 446-4851 PSA 4 - YOLO COUN'iY CAROL GROSSMAN Legal Center for the E1 der1y 933 Court Street Woca1 and , CA 95695 ( 916 ) 662-106: PSA 4 - YUBA ANO SUTT'ER COUNT'!ES . SUSAN TOWHSE{C Yuba-Sutter Lega l Center 7ZS t, Str\ufffdt Marysvi1 1 e , CA \u00b7 i:301 \u00b7 ( 915 ) 742-8289 PSA 5 - \u00b7MAR!N COUNTY Senior C1 ti %ens Lega l Pr-oje\ufffd\ufffd 710 t Stre't San Ra'fae l , CA 94901 . ( 41S ) 454-0S0S PSA S - SAN F'rUNCISCO COUNTY ORAH YOUNG Le9a l Ass i stance to \ufffd,e E1 ae\ufffd1y , Inc . 3\ufffd3 Val encia Stre\ufffdt San Franci sco , CA 94103 ( 41S ) 861-4444 WIU!AM TAMAYO Asian Law C\ufffdu\ufffd\ufffds 36 Waverl y Pl ace , Sui te 2 San Franci sco , CA 94108 { 415 ) 39 1- 1655 Mai 1 i na Add\ufffd\ufffds : W!U.IAM TAt\ufffdYC Asi an Law Caucus 1322 Weos\ufffder , Sui te 210 Oak l and\ufffd CA 94612 ( 41! } S::S-1474 ILENE GUSr!EU'l Mi ss i on Communi ty Lega l Defens e 2940 - 16th S tre!t , S1.ii t-e 30 11 San .-Fr-anci sec , -CA 94103 ( \ufffd15 } 552-7208 APPENDIX A- '- . ' C\ufffd!r.1RN!.A. L\ufffdW ?ROJE\ufffdS I -eJ.A 7 -. \u00b7 COl'fTitA COSi'A COUNTY MARCE..!NO VASQtln Et!JSLY United Ccunci 1 af S\ufffdani sh Speaki na Organi zati ons , Inc . : 516 Ma i n StMet Martine:. CA 9453 ( 413) 225-2210 rS.!. S - S.AN HA7'EO COONn STEVE Z!!rF Senior Advccatas 298 Fu1 1 er Stre!!t Redwood City , CA 94063 ( 415 } 365-8411 PSA 9 - ALAMEDA COUNTY DUNCAN FAU..S Le9al Assi s-:ance for Seni ors 1440 BMladway , Sui te Z06 Oak1 and\ufffd CA 94612 (415 } 832-3040 PS\ufffd IO - S\ufffdNTA C\"\ufffd\ufffdRA COUNTY G\ufffdRGIA .SACIL Seni or . Adul ts L\ufffd\ufffdl Assistance lSO E. Vi\"Jini a Stn\ufffdt\ufffd #250 San Jase t CA 9:112 ( 408 ) 225-:991 PSA l! SAN JOAOU!N COUNTY JOSE: RAMIREZ Pa:-a 1 e-=ra 1 Se!'\"\"'ti c2! c . ' c Ca\ufffdnci 1 fo?9 t:e S\ufffdani \ufffd h S peak\ufffd ng 1 42 Seu-:., Aurora S ::-e\ufffdt S tack\ufffdn , \ufffd 95202 ( Z09 ) 454-4Si 6 PSA 12 - AMADOR COUNTY JANETH HAGEN Senior Se!\"'V\u00b7i ces , I nc: . 229 Ne\ufffd York Ranch Road Jackson \ufffd \ufffd g55\ufffdz ( Z09 ) zz\ufffd-0442 PSA lZ - CAU VERAS COUMTY F:UMK ME7ER Ca l i fornia Human Oeve 1 o\ufffdment Co,ilorati on Box 1180 San AndM!as , CA 95,49 (209 ) 754-3987 PSA 13 - SArfi A CRUZ COUNTY TERY HAl'lCOCX Senior Ci tizens Lega1 Ser-vi ce! 343 Chu\ufffdh Stre\ufffdt Santa Cruz , CA . 9:060 (408 ) 425-8824 PSA 14 - Frt\u00a3-\ufffdO COUN'i'Y MICHAEL J . KANZ Legal Ai d for Sen i on 906 N Stre\ufffdt Fresno , CA 9J7Zl ( 209 ) 441-1511 PSA 15 - TULAR\ufffd ANO KINGS COUNT!ES RANDALL LYONS Tul ant-\ufffdinas C\ufffdunti es Le\ufffda1 SeMi ces \u00b7 . 900 W ,. Oak St\ufffde't Visa l ia , CA 93Zi7 ( 209 ) n\ufffd-ano PSA 16 - INYO ANO MONO courrnES LARRY Si'IDHAM \u00b7 Seniar C iti\u00b7uns Lega 1 Program \u00b7see Vee Lane . P . O . Bax 99J Bi shop , CA 9\ufffd:14 ( 519 ) 873-2581 PSA li - SAN LU!S OS IS?O COUNTY JOE!. OIRINGS JEANNIE BARR:. l I cal i forni a Rura l Leaa1 Ass i stance llSO Manh sen\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd Sui te 204 San Lui s Obi s\ufffda , CA 93401 ( SOS ) 544-7994 PSA 17 - SANTA BARBARA COUNTY DON KUHN Sen i cr C i ti zens Law Cent2\ufffd 1032 Sant.a Barbara S tree t Sano. Barbara , \ufffd 93101 ( 805 ) 966-4892 PSA 18 - VEMTURA rnt\"tNiV M I CHAa WILl!AMS Grey Law 40 M . Fi r S tre\ufffd t Ven'tUra , CA 93001 ( 805 ) 5:3--0594 . ... \/\\ O O C-1\\ l f f l Y \ufffd - 7 ' I \ufffd \ufffd "