LSC Program Invitation Letters

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 735 – Leyva

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3.6.19 SB 735 (Leyva) LSC Letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 987-Rivas

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AB 987 Legal Service Corp Invitation Letter.pdf

” STATE CAPITOL PO BOX 942849 SACFWv1LNTO. CA 04249 0030 (91G) 319-2030 FAX (fll G) am 2rno DISTRICT OFFICE !.l0WL:ST MAHKLT STFlLLI, SUIIL 110 SALINAS, CA 9390 I (831) 7S9-HG71> FAX (831) 75fl-291>1 February 26, 2019 . J\\:s:seurh l JJ QlaHf ornht \ufffd:egi:sl’!f ur:e , \u00b7 ‘RQBERT RIVAS ASSEMBLYMEMBFR, THIRTIETH DISTRICT Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, grichardson(a) Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, dalthcr( Jose Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., jpadilla(a) Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, pmilrod(Z1) Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, ccasas(a) Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, sargueta(Ei! Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, kmarr(q) Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., gek(c1) Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, gsmith(\ufffd1) Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, ndudovitz(h; COMMITTEES AGRIClJL TlJRE APPHOPHIATIONS GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION I OCAL GOVLllNMENI RULES Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for AB987 Dear Executive Directors of legal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for AB 987 that impacts low income Californians. The information provided can either be in writing or in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that AB 987 is referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that AB 987 is refe1Ted to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Thank you for providing important information on AB 987. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my representative, Rita Durgin, at (916) 319-2030. Sincerely, \ufffd Robert Rivas Assemblymember, 30th District RR:rd CC: Western Center on Law and Poverty, Jessica Bartholow ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 539- Lîmon

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Invitation to Legal Service Orgs re AB 539.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 494- Berman

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LSC Letter – AB 494 – signed.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 173- Dodd

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SB 173 legal aid ltr (1).pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 286- Wiener

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SB 286 LSC Letter Sen Wiener 2-14.pdf

” February 14, 2019 Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for SB 268 Dear Executive Directors of legal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for SB 268 that impact low income Californians. The information provided can either be in writing or in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that SB 268 is referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that SB 268 is referred to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Thank you for providing important information on the SB 268. Sincerely, Scott Wiener Senator CC: Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] mailto:[email protected] CC: Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, [email protected] Jose Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., [email protected] Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, [email protected] Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, [email protected] Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, [email protected] Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, [email protected] Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., [email protected] Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, [email protected] Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, [email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 426- Maienschein

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LSC Letters AB 426-.pdf

” STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0077 (916) 319-2077 FAX (916) 319-2177 DISTRICT OFFICE 12396 WORLD TRADE DRIVE, SUITE 118 SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 (858) 675-0077 FAX (858) 675-0688 E-MAIL Assemblymember. [email protected] February 14, 20 I 9 \ufffdzz:emhl11 @alif nrnia \ufffd:egizlafur:e BRIAN MAIENSCHEIN ASSEMBLYMEMBER, SEVENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT Ramon Arias, Executive Director, Bay Area Legal Aid Jose Padilla, Executive Director, California Rural Legal Assistance Hector Chinchilla, Executive Director, Central California Legal Services Estela Casas, Executive Director, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Irene Morales, Executive Director, Inland Counties Legal Services Silvia Argueta, Executive Director, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Robert Cohen, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of Orange County Greg Knoll, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of San Diego Gary Smith, Executive Director, Legal Services of Northern California, COMMITTEES VICE CHAIR: HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS AND CONVEYANCE HUMAN SERVICES JUDICIARY SELECT COMMITTEES BIOTECHNOLOGY COASTAL PROTECTION AND ACCESS TO NATURAL RESOURCES HOMELESSNESS LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SCIENCE, TECHNOL OGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH EDUCATION YOUTH AND CALIFORNIA’S FUTURE Neal Dudovitz, Executive Director, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County SUBJECT: Invitation to Legal Services Corporation funded programs to provide information and input to the California State Assembly and State Senate in written and\/or oral form during the 2019-2020 Legislative Session pursuant to CFR Title 45, Section 1612(a). Please consider this a request from California State Assemblymember Brian Maienschein that each of your LSC funded programs provide, in written and\/or oral form, information and input regarding Assembly Bill 426 to me and any member of State Assembly and Senate, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Human Services, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Appropriations, and any other committee that this bill may be referred to, and the Assembly and Senate Floor Analysis units regarding AB 426. In addition, I would appreciate if your programs can: I. Testify orally or in writing before any committee or subcommittee of the California State Assembly and Senate considering any action to AB 426. 2. Provide information that may include analysis of or comments upon any issue embodied in AB 426. Thank you for providing this important information for the 2019-2020 Legislative Session. Sincerely, \ufffdif_tWAu\ufffd Assemblymember Brian Maienschein cc: Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations Printed on Recycled Paper ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 341- Maienschein

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LSC Letters AB 341.pdf

” STATE CAPITOL P.O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0077 (916) 319-2077 FAX (916) 319-2177 DISTRICT OFFICE 12396 WORLD TRADE DRIVE, SUITE 118 SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 (858) 675-0077 FAX (858) 675-0688 E-MA IL [email protected] February 14, 2019 \ufffdss:emhl11 Ql,tl if oruht 1!J:egishdur:e BRIAN MAIENSCHEIN ASSEMBLYMEMBER, SEVENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT Ramon Arias, Executive Director, Bay Area Legal Aid Jose Padilla, Executive Director, California Rural Legal Assistance Hector Chinchilla, Executive Director, Central California Legal Services Estela Casas, Executive Director, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance lrene Morales, Executive Director, Inland Counties Legal Services Silvia Argueta, Executive Director, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Robert Cohen, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of Orange County Greg Knoll, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of San Diego Gary Smith, Executive Director, Legal Services of Northern California, COMMITTEES VICE CHAIR: HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS AND CONVEYANCE HUMAN SERVICES JUDICIARY SELECT COMMITTEES BIOTECHNOLOGY COASTAL PROTECTION AND ACCESS TO NATURAL RESOURCES HOMELESSNESS LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH EDUCATION YOUTH AND CALIFORNIA’S FUTURE Neal Dudovitz, Executive Director, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County SUBJECT: Invitation to Legal Services Corporation funded programs to provide information and input to the California State Assembly and State Senate in written and\/or oral form during the 2019-2020 Legislative Session pursuant to CFR Title 45, Section 1612(a). Please consider this a request from California State Assemblymember Brian Maienschein that each of your LSC funded programs provide, in written and\/or oral form, information and input regarding Assembly Bill 341 to me and any member of State Assembly and Senate, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Human Services, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Appropriations, and any other committee that this bill may be referred to, and the Assembly and Senate Floor Analysis units regarding AB 341. In addition, I wou Id appreciate if your programs can: 1. Testify orally or in writing before any committee or subcommittee of the California State Assembly and Senate considering any action to AB 341. 2. Provide information that may include analysis of or comments upon any issue embodied in AB 341. Thank you for providing this important information for the 2019-2020 Legislative Session. Sincerely, \ufffd \/Al\ufffdbl,uck_,(\ufffd C. Assemblymember Brian Maienschein cc: Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations Printed on Recycled Paper ”

pdf LSC Senate Budget Invitation Letter for 2019-2020 Budget Hearings

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LSC Senate Budget Invitation Letter 2019.pdf

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pdf 2018 CDSS Invitation Letter for LSC Funded Programs for Administrative Advocacy

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CDSS Legal Services Invite Letter – 2018.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 3224 – Thurmond

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AB 3224 LSC Invitation Letter.pdf

{“error”:”PDF Processor error: Empty attachment file. Is the file publicly available? Server error: fopen(https:\/\/\/~documents\/route%3A\/download\/1863): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found “}

pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 2500 – Kalra

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AB 2500 Legal Services Corporation Letter 03.23.18.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 2326 – Rubio

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AB 2326 LSC Funded Programs.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 982 – Mitchell

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SB 982 LSC request letter (1).pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 2030 – Limón

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AB 2030 LSC Invitation Letter.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 3033 – Maienschein

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AB 3033 CalFRESH Legal Services Corporation Participation Letter.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1883 – Weber

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AB 1883 LSC letter.pdf

” Assembly California Legislature SHIRLEY N. WEBER ASSEMBLYMEMBER, SEVENTY-NINTH DISTRICT To: Ram\u00f3n Arias, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, [email protected] Jos\u00e9 Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., [email protected] Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, [email protected] Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, [email protected] Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, [email protected] Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, [email protected] Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., [email protected] Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, [email protected] Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, [email protected] From: Assembly Member Weber: Date: March 7, 2018 Subject: Invitation to Legal Services Corporation funded programs to provide information in any form they deem appropriate and testimony to any committee of the California state Assembly and State Senate during the 2017-2018 Legislative Session pursuant to CFR Title 45, Section 1612(a). Dear LSC funded program: Please consider this a request to your LSC program from the California State Assembly Member Weber that each of your LSC funded programs provide information in any form you deem appropriate and testimony regarding AB 1883 to me and any member of State Assembly and Senate, the Assembly and Senate Committee on Human Services, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Appropriations, and any other committee that this bill may be referred to, and the Assembly and Senate Floor regarding AB 1883. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles California Indian Legal Services Legal Aid Society of Orange County California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. STATE CAPITOL STATE CAPITOL, ROOM 3123 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 OFFICE (916) 319-2079 FAX (916) 319-2179 DISTRICT OFFICE 1350 FRONT STREET, SUITE 6046 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 OFFICE (619) 531-7913 FAX (619) 531-7924 COMMITTEES BANKING AND FINANCE BUDGET EDUCATION ELECTIONS AND REDISTRICTING HIGHER EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEES CHAIR: BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 5 ON PUBLIC SAFETY BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 6 ON BUDGET PROCESS, OVERSIGHT, AND PROGRAM EVALUATION SELECT COMMITTEES CHAIR: CAMPUS CLIMATE Central California Legal Services Legal Services of Northern California Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Inland County Legal Services Thank you for providing this important information for the 2017-2018 Legislative Session. LSC funded programs’ view is very helpful to the integrity of the California Legislative process and very much appreciated. Sincerely W Assembly Member Weber cc: Salena Copeland, Legal Aid Association of California, [email protected] Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Coalition of Caliifornia Welfare Rights Organization, [email protected] Jessica Bartholow, Legislative Advocate, Western Center on Law & Poverty, [email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]

pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1921 Maienschein(R)

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AB 1921 – LSC Inivitation.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 2313 Stone (D)

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2018 LSC invitation AB 2313.pdf

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pdf 2018 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1922 – Kansen Chu

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AB 1922 Letter to LSC Funded Programs.pdf

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