LSC Program Invitation Letters

pdf 2019 California Governor Newsom's Invitation to Comment from LSC funded Programs

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2019 California Governor's Office Invitation to Comment_LSC Programs.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 187 – Wieckowski

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LCS Request SB 187.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 144 – Mitchell

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” HOLLY J. MITCHELL SENATOR, THIRTIETH DISTRICT SENATOR, TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT COMMITTEES Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review (Chair) Committee on Public Safety Committee on Health Committee on Insurance Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations Joint Legislative Committee Rules Select Committee on Women and Inequality (Founder) California State Senate STATE CAPITOL ROOM 5050 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 (916) 651-4030 DISTRICT OFFICE Wallis Annenberg Building 700 STATE DR. SUITE 113 LOS ANGELES, CA 90037 (213) 745-6656 WEBSITE: http:\/\/\/ Date: April 25, 2019 Ramon Arias, Executive Director, Bay Area Legal Aid Jose Padilla, Executive Director, California Rural Legal Assistance Hector Chinchilla, Executive Director, Central California Legal Services Estela Casas, Executive Director, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Irene Morales, Executive Director, Inland Counties Legal Services Silvia Argueta, Executive Director, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Robert Cohen, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of Orange County Greg Knoll, Executive Director, Legal Aid Society of San Diego Gary Smith, Executive Director, Legal Services of Northern California, Neal Dudovitz, Executive Director, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County From: Senator Holly Mitchell: SUBJECT: Invitation of Legal Services Corporation funded programs to provide information in any form they deem appropriate and testimony to any committee of the California state Senate and Assembly during the 2019-20 Legislative Session pursuant to CFR Title 45, Section 1612.6. Dear LSC funded program: Please consider this a request to your LSC funded program, from the California State Senator Holly Mitchell, asking that each of your LSC programs provide information in any form you deem appropriate and testimony regarding SB 144 to any member of State Assembly and Senate, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Human Services, the Assembly and Senate Committees on Appropriations, and any other committee that this bill may be referred to, and the Assembly and Senate Floor Analysis units regarding SB 982. Thank you for providing this information relative to SB 144 during the 2017-2018 Legislative Session. LSC funded programs’ view is very helpful to the integrity of the California Legislative process and very much appreciated. Sincerely, Senator Holly Mitchell cc: Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization Jessica Bartholow, Legislative Advocate Western Center on Law & Poverty http:\/\/\/ ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1436- Stone

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AB 1436 Stone LSC letter.pdf

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Document 2019 – LSC Invitation Letter from California Department of Social Services (CDSS)

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“[image: ] April 5, 2019 VIA E-mail Only TO: Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, [email protected] Jose Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., [email protected] Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, [email protected] Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, [email protected] Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, [email protected] Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, [email protected] Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., [email protected] Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, [email protected] Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, [email protected] And to Others Whom It May Concern Dear Executive Directors and Others: The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has a long history of collaboration with its program advocates, stakeholders, and the people we serve. Millions of Californians every year are touched by the programs we oversee or operate, which include, but are not limited to, the programs listed on the attachment to this letter. Out of the imperative to make fully informed decisions, the CDSS has created an inclusive culture of regularly soliciting input from numerous perspectives, both formally and informally. For this purpose, the CDSS hosts various meetings as needed, convenes periodic stakeholder meetings, engages in informal reviews of all-county letters and similar instructions or communications, and formally promulgates regulations under California’s Administrative Procedures Act or other applicable state law. Since at least 1998, California’s Legal Services Corporation (LSC)-funded programs always have been, and continue to be, invited to participate in these CDSS-organized engagements. The LSC-funded programs are a valued partner in the appropriate and responsible delivery of services to beneficiaries of the programs and services overseen or operated by the CDSS. The Department appreciates and continues to invite their participation in these various efforts as they occur, and similarly continues to invite their input outside of these efforts as well, when LSC-funded programs deem it appropriate. Questions regarding this letter can be directed to me, at (916) 657-2598. Sincerely, PETE CERVINKA Chief Deputy Director [bookmark: _GoBack] Attachment Non-Exclusive List of COSS Programs and Services California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs, California’s federal Temporary Aid for Needy Families program) CalFresh (California’s federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program) Refugee programs Subsidized child care Statewide Automated Welfare Systems (SAWS) and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) systems Children and Family Services (including prevention, intervention, in- and out-of home placement, reunification and other permanency options, and transitional planning and housing, all for children and youth ages 0-21) Supplemental Security Income \/ State Supplementary Payment (SSI\/SSP) In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS, the nation’s largest Home and Community Based Services Medicaid program) Adult Protective Services Deaf Access program Guide Dog Food for the Blind program Community Care Licensing (non-medical day and residential programs for children, adults, and seniors) Drought and Emergency Food Assistance programs State Hearings (providing client due process for 22 different public programs) Civil Rights Ay STATE OF CALIFORNIA\u2014HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY A DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES CDSS 744 P Street * Sacramento, CA 95814 * PAT LEARY GAVIN NEWSOM ACTING DIRECTOR GOVERNOR ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 470- Skinner

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SB 470 LSC Letter.pdf

” CAPITOL OFFICE STATE CAPITOL ROOM 5094 SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 TEL (916) 651-4009 FAX (916) 651 -4909 DISTRICT OFFICE 1 515 CLAY STREET SUITE 2202 OAKLAND. CA 94612 TEL(510)286-1333 FAX (510) 286-3885 [email protected] Qialifornia \ufffd\u00b1ate \ufffdrnate SENATOR NANCY SKINNER MAJORITY WHIP NINTH SENATE DISTRICT CHAIR PUBLIC SAFE TY BUDGET & FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE 5: PUBLIC SAFETY & LABOR COMMITTEES ENERGY, UTILITIES & COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TRANSPORTATION & HOUSING Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for SB 470 Dear Executive Directors oflegal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for the above stated legislation. The information provided can either be in writing o,r in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that these bills are referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that these bills are referred to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Sincerely, Senator Nancy Skinner ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 337- Skinner

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SB 337 LSC Letter.pdf

” CAPITOL OFFICE STATE CAPITOL ROOM 5094 SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 TEL (916) 651-4009 FAX (916) 651 -4909 DISTRICT OFFICE 1 515 CLAY STREET SUITE 2202 OAKLAND. CA 94612 TEL(510)286-1333 FAX (510) 286-3885 [email protected] Qialifornia \ufffd\u00b1ate \ufffdrnate SENATOR NANCY SKINNER MAJORITY WHIP NINTH SENATE DISTRICT CHAIR PUBLIC SAFE TY BUDGET & FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE 5: PUBLIC SAFETY & LABOR COMMITTEES ENERGY, UTILITIES & COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TRANSPORTATION & HOUSING Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for SB 337 Dear Executive Directors oflegal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for the above stated legislation. The information provided can either be in writing o,r in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that these bills are referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that these bills are referred to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Sincerely, Senator Nancy Skinner ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 374- Glazer

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SB 374 (Glazer) Legal Aid Letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 286- Wiener

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SB 286 LSC Letter Sen Wiener 2-14 (1).pdf

” February 14, 2019 Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for SB 268 Dear Executive Directors of legal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for SB 268 that impact low income Californians. The information provided can either be in writing or in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that SB 268 is referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that SB 268 is referred to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Thank you for providing important information on the SB 268. Sincerely, Scott Wiener Senator CC: Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] mailto:[email protected] CC: Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, [email protected] Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, [email protected] Jose Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., [email protected] Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, [email protected] Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, [email protected] Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, [email protected] Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, [email protected] Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., [email protected] Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, [email protected] Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, [email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 735- Leyva

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SB 735 (Leyva) LSC Letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1403- Carrillo

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AB 1403 LSC letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 987- Rivas

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AB 987 Legal Service Corp Invitation Letter (1).pdf

” STATE CAPITOL PO BOX 942849 SACFWv1LNTO. CA 04249 0030 (91G) 319-2030 FAX (fll G) am 2rno DISTRICT OFFICE !.l0WL:ST MAHKLT STFlLLI, SUIIL 110 SALINAS, CA 9390 I (831) 7S9-HG71> FAX (831) 75fl-291>1 February 26, 2019 . J\\:s:seurh l JJ QlaHf ornht \ufffd:egi:sl’!f ur:e , \u00b7 ‘RQBERT RIVAS ASSEMBLYMEMBFR, THIRTIETH DISTRICT Genevieve Richardson, Bay Area Legal Aid, grichardson(a) Dorothy Alther, California Indian Legal Services, dalthcr( Jose Padilla, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., jpadilla(a) Patience Milrod, Central California Legal Services, pmilrod(Z1) Estela Casas, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, ccasas(a) Darrell Moore, Inland Counties Legal Services, [email protected] Silvia Argueta, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, sargueta(Ei! Kate Marr, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, kmarr(q) Greg Knoll, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc., gek(c1) Gary Smith, Legal Services of Northern California, gsmith(\ufffd1) Neal Dudovitz, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, ndudovitz(h; COMMITTEES AGRIClJL TlJRE APPHOPHIATIONS GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION I OCAL GOVLllNMENI RULES Re: Invitation to Legal Service Organizations to Participate in the Legislative Process for AB987 Dear Executive Directors of legal aid programs: I am writing to invite information and feed-back from representatives of California’s Legal Services Corporations (LSC) funded programs for AB 987 that impacts low income Californians. The information provided can either be in writing or in oral form, and it should be shared with my immediate office and any Senate or Assembly Committees that AB 987 is referred to. My office and the Senate or Assembly committees that AB 987 is refe1Ted to may share this information with other legislators, their staff, committees, agencies, and the executive branch as we deem appropriate. We understand that the LSC-funded programs in California are: Bay Area Legal Aid California Indian Legal Services California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. Central California Legal Services Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Inland County Legal Services Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Legal Aid Society of Orange County Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Legal Services of Northern California Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Thank you for providing important information on AB 987. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my representative, Rita Durgin, at (916) 319-2030. Sincerely, \ufffd Robert Rivas Assemblymember, 30th District RR:rd CC: Western Center on Law and Poverty, Jessica Bartholow ”

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 942- Weber

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AB 942 nLSC Invitation.pdf

{“error”:”PDF Processor error: Empty attachment file. Is the file publicly available? Server error: fopen(https:\/\/\/~documents\/route%3A\/download\/2130): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found “}

pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 534- Mayes

By In LSC Program Invitation Letters 1968 downloads

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LSC AB534 Letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 612- Weber

By In LSC Program Invitation Letters 2019 downloads

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AB 612 – LSC Letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1092 – Jones-Sawyer

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 1091 – Jones-Sawyer

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for SB 321- Mitchell

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SB 321 LSC letter.pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 539- Lîmon

By In LSC Program Invitation Letters 2017 downloads

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Invitation to Legal Service Orgs re AB 539 (1).pdf

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pdf California 2019-2020 Legislative Session LSC Invitation Letter for AB 24- Burke

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AB 24 – Request for LSC Participation.pdf

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